Real Hauntings 4-Book Bundle. Mark Leslie

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Название Real Hauntings 4-Book Bundle
Автор произведения Mark Leslie
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781459736610

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political leadership in the growth of the community. Mr. Bradley, who had Bellevue built to accommodate him in his retirement, was a lieutenant, a major in the militia, and was appointed to the Board of Police. He is also often known as the man responsible for bringing the Roman Catholic Church to Hamilton. He retired a wealthy man and lived a good life until he died in the home in 1864.[6]

      In the years since then, many other people lived in the residence, often home to distinguished citizens such as the Innes family, who took it over in the 1930s. Conversely, just as it was known to be the home of upstanding citizens, it was also rumoured to be the setting for some lurid and horrific occurrences.

      It is said that a loving family — happy, comfortable, and content — once lived in the house, until one night, under the light of a full moon, the father stalked quietly up and down the hallways, wordlessly sinking an axe into the flesh of his two children and his wife. Upon completion of this gruesome task, legend has it that he climbed upstairs to the widow’s walk, where he hung himself from the main wooden beam of the belvedere.

      The next morning, the police found the family butchered in their beds and the father’s body swaying in the attic. As evidenced by the tale of another family that lived there, the deceased may have been victims of some evil spirit that possessed the father.

      This second story involves a son who, like the previous tenant, found an axe — perhaps the very same axe used in the first murders — and, again under a full moon, killed his family before taking his own life with that worn out beam on the widow’s walk.

      Of course, frightening rumours like this spread like wildfire in the midst of a dry summer, passed not only from child to child but adult to adult. In the presence of such shameless decay, it’s no wonder that people cling to bizarre tales without any evidence. It’s as if believing something supernatural is taking place provides justification for the building going unlived-in for so long.


      The lot at 14 Belvdere Avenue now stands empty. The house, as captured in this 1999 photo, is but a memory that will haunt Hamilton forever.

       Courtesy of Stephanie Lechniak.

      Daniel and Stephanie shared a story told to them by a friend of Haunted Hamilton. It happened to a woman close to him one Halloween. Changing her name to Mary, here is how they tell the tale:

      Mary, her boyfriend, and another couple went to the Bellevue Mansion at night to explore the spooky old house, but also prove for themselves if the violent ghosts of the murderous man and young boy really did exist.

      With them they brought a Ouija board. This was the best way to communicate, as none in the group claimed to have any psychic ability.

      They arrived at about 11:00 p.m. that night and spent perhaps an hour walking through the house and looking at all the old rooms.

      Mary was disgusted by how decayed the house was, seeing that many of the rooms were damp, mouldy, and some areas were already well beyond repair, including a back room with a caved-in ceiling.

      Finally, they set up the Ouija board in the old parlour. Each of the four kids put two fingers on the planchette. Mary’s boyfriend called out, summoning the ghosts of the husband and the boy. Time passed and nothing happened.

      Just as they were about to give up, Mary heard a knocking from the second floor. The knocking got louder and harder, so much that the house itself started to shake. All four got to their feet and ran for the door, but Mary tripped.

      She thought it was just a rock, or something left on the floor, but realized she was wrong when an invisible hand started dragging her back into the house.

      Mary’s boyfriend saw her being pulled away, but his fear was stronger than his sense of chivalry, and he kept running ... all the way home.

      The clairvoyant also reported seeing the ghostly figure of a man with light brown hair walking toward them on the grounds of the property.

      Other common legends and reported paranormal activity occurring at 14 Belvidere include visions of a young girl playing in the front yard and phantom voices whispering out people’s names.

      Bellevue Mansion, which was popular talk among the local teenagers for rumours of murders, suicides, and ghosts or demons haunting the abandoned lot and building, was Haunted Hamilton’s first official investigation, the one that Daniel and Stephanie used as their debut.

      They visited the historic house, which they referred to at the time as “Belvidere Mansion,” on a beautiful sunny day, taking dozens of pictures with their 35mm Canon camera.

      They captured amazing views of extremely high ceilings and walls painted in bright colours, beautiful decorative white plaster mouldings, and large windows that went right up to the ceiling. They witnessed extraordinary views of the city of Hamilton.

      But they also caught images of severely water-damaged rooms and a sadly neglected home in a crumbling state of decay. They saw what was once a majestic building of comfort and luxury instead as a barren and deserted shell, echoing with the rumours of murder and evil spirits.

      On an overcast day in early August 2011, I diverted from the path I usually jogged in order to pay yet another visit to this lot that so intrigued my wife and I. Having read so much and written about the history of the building, I simply wanted to visit it one more time and perhaps see if I might sense any of the alleged spectres or even an eerie feeling from being there.

      Taking a short pause from my run, I took off my headphones and explored the lot. Then, I hit the record button of the voice memo application on my phone and recorded the following:

      I’m standing