Turning Things Around. Valerie Tripp

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Название Turning Things Around
Автор произведения Valerie Tripp
Жанр Учебная литература
Серия American Girl
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781609584917

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sight now, and I don’t suppose she’ll ever be a beauty, but she’s a fine old hound. Not a thing wrong with her that food and loving care won’t cure. She’ll be a good guard dog for us and will more than earn her keep.” Aunt Millie stood up and said briskly, “Put her in the garage. Keep her there until your mother’s party is over. I’ll rustle up some scraps and bring them out to you as soon as I can. Later, we’ll bathe her.”

      As Kit and Stirling pulled the wagon to the garage, several things happened at once. The rain stopped, the clouds parted, and the sun shone at last. Mother and the garden club ladies came outside. They stood on the terrace to admire the azaleas, which looked heavenly with the raindrops sparkling on their delicate, colorful petals. The chickens were drawn outside by the sunshine, too. They emerged from their coop, strutting and clucking with enthusiasm, to peck in the mud for worms brought up by the rain.

      At the sound of the chickens, the dog suddenly lifted its nose and sniffed the air. To Kit and Stirling’s astonishment, the dog threw back its head and let loose a bloodcurdling howl. The ladies screeched, the chickens squawked, and the dog bolted out of the wagon and took off toward the chickens like a shot, barking wildly. Its lope was ungainly and awkward, but it was amazingly fast. Before anyone knew what was happening, the dog had chased some of the chickens across the lawn and onto the terrace, right into the middle of the ladies! The ladies protested as loudly as the chickens as the dog herded them all into the dining room, closely followed by Kit and Stirling.

      Feathers flew. Kit chased the chickens and the dog around the tea table, trying to call to the dog above the ladies’ shrieks. Dad, Charlie, and some of the boarders thundered down the stairs shouting, “What’s going on?” Aunt Millie heard the racket and barreled out of the kitchen, flapping her apron at the chickens and shouting instructions to Kit.

      Finally, Kit took a flying leap and tackled the dog. In so doing, she jostled the table. The china rattled like chattering teeth. The centerpiece of flowers rocked wildly. The candleholder tottered, fell over, then crashed to the floor. Somehow, Aunt Millie and Stirling shooed the chickens, who were still clucking indignantly, outside. Kit dragged the dog into the kitchen. She didn’t dare take it outside until the chickens were safely shut up in their coop.

      The calamity was over, but the party was ruined. The ladies scooped up their gloves and purses, said hurried thank-yous and good-byes to Mother, and scurried home. The house was suddenly quiet.

      “I’m so sorry,” said Kit when Mother came into the kitchen.

      “You should apologize to Miss Mildred,” said Mother wearily. “She’s the one who worked so hard to make the party beautiful.” Mother shook her head. “For myself, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’ve never seen such a disaster in all my life. Where on earth did that filthy dog come from?”

      “Aunt Millie says—” Kit began, but Mother held up her hand.

      “Stop,” she said. “Don’t bother telling me. I can guess. The dog is one of Miss Mildred’s rescue projects.” She sighed. “I am grateful for all her hard work these past weeks. But I’m at my wit’s end! My home has not been my own since…” Mother didn’t finish her sentence, but she didn’t need to. Kit knew that she was going to say “since Miss Mildred came.”

      Mother put her hands on her hips and leaned forward. “You,” she said to the dog, “smell. But Miss Mildred can never resist a hopeless cause, so I guess we’re stuck with you. Well, I hope you’re happy, dog. It’s thanks to you that my garden club party was the party to end all parties.”

      The party to end all parties, thought Kit. Oh dear.


      After Kit and Aunt Millie cleaned up the party mess, they bathed and fed the dog. Then they went upstairs to the attic together. Kit brought the dog along. She was afraid to let the dog out of her sight for fear of what the animal might do! Of course, the dog looked sweetly peaceful and serene now. It rested its head on Kit’s knee and looked up at Kit with trusting, loving eyes.

      “Aunt Millie,” said Kit, “I’m sorry the dog ruined the party.”

      “Nothing was broken,” said Aunt Millie. “And the ladies had already eaten all the refreshments, so nothing was wasted. The dog just provided a rather spectacular ending to the party.”

      “Mother said it was the party to end all parties,” said Kit. She sighed deeply.

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