The Saddle Creek Series 5-Book Bundle. Shelley Peterson

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Название The Saddle Creek Series 5-Book Bundle
Автор произведения Shelley Peterson
Жанр Природа и животные
Серия The Saddle Creek Series
Издательство Природа и животные
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781459741409

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skirt draped becomingly from her waist, flaring at the back to create a train. A silky camisole dipped to reveal a lace bodice beneath, and was completed with an open bolero jacket of the same fabric as the skirt. Joy had chosen not to wear a veil at all, but a small diamond tiara similar to Hilary’s glinted in the lights through her freshly coiffed silver curls.

      In the plush purple seats below sat the invited guests, whose attentive faces showed their appreciation of this magical service.

      The two couples had agreed that the service be performed by the same clergyman who had married Rory and Christine five years earlier. They logically concluded that since that marriage had worked so well, why not duplicate, and triplicate, the success?

      The local pastor slowly and with a great sense of occasion walked up the four stairs to the stage. He wore a white clerical collar, and a simple black suit covered his ample stomach. He carried a large, flat, black leather book.

      As the couples walked to the lip of the stage, Ambrose Brown whispered in Abby’s ear. “I’m going now, Abby. My vigil is complete. Robert will live the rest of his life happily, and I will finally get some rest. It was nice meeting you.”

      “I loved meeting you, Ambrose,” said Abby as quietly as possible. “Will I ever see you again?” She moved her lips only slightly.

      “You’ll see me again, just not when you expect it. Will you miss me?”

      “Of course I’ll miss you! I’ve grown to adore you. And you’ve taught me so much.”

      “I’m glad you recognize that, Abby. Most youth are callow. You’ll have a great career, if you work hard at it. Now, goodbye, and God bless.”

      Ambrose was gone. It wasn’t like other times. Abby knew he was really gone, up to heaven or wherever spirits go to rest. She was happy that Ambrose was at peace at last, but she felt a great tug of loneliness in the pit of her stomach, and she wiped a tear from her eye.

      “Are you all right?” asked Sandy’s friend Luke, with a worried expression on his face. “And do you always talk to yourself?”

      “Only when I feel like it,” she answered sweetly, batting her eyelashes. She heard Ambrose laugh his approval.

      The wedding march ended with the wedding party fanning out to create a semicircle behind the brides and grooms. The pastor, with his back to the congregation, stood erect and breathed deeply, taking a long dramatic pause before beginning his task. He importantly opened his mouth to speak.

      There was a thunderous knocking at the side door fire exit, stage right. Everyone was startled. The pastor turned to look. The great disturbance continued, shattering the mood and alarming everyone in the theatre. It sounded like a battering ram.

      Hilary James suddenly gasped with recognition. She ran in her elegant wedding gown, veil flying out behind her, down the stage stairs to the double doors. She unlatched them and threw them open.

      Dancer stood outside, eyes blazing, front right leg ready to knock again.

      “Dancer!” Hilary cried aloud.

      The mighty chestnut stallion snorted indignantly. He tossed his majestic head and whinnied imperiously. Rearing up on his powerful haunches, the sleek horse pawed the air and whinnied again. When he felt that he’d sufficiently expressed his displeasure at his exclusion, he dropped down and proudly walked through the doors. He gently nudged Hilary with his nose to ask her to walk along with him, an invitation she gracefully accepted.

      Together they arrived at the stage. Hilary ascended the stairs and took her place. Dancer stood regally in the aisle, cooly assessing the wedding party and guests.

      Hilary smiled broadly. She squeezed the hand of the astonished Sandy and winked at Joy and Robert, whose eyes had widened in amazement. It was clear to everyone that there was no point in trying to remove him from the theatre.

      It was as if he had come to give Hilary away. Hilary’s eyes blurred with sudden tears as she thought of her father and how much it would’ve meant to have him with her on this special day.

      Dancer was the most serious creature there. He stood with pride and dignity as everyone around him convulsed with surprised laughter. It came and went in waves. The laughter would subdue, then rise up again, one person’s chuckle reinfecting the others.

      When the uproar finally subsided, the pastor began the service. People accepted the sight of the large animal in the audience, but when the pastor asked the question, “Does anyone know of any reason why these men and these women should not be joined in holy matrimony? Speak now or forever hold your peace,” Dancer snorted. The entire crowd lost control once more.

      The pastor threw up his hands in dismay. He slammed his leather book shut and stomped down the stairs.

      Rory stopped laughing immediately. His son Sandy would be devastated if this marriage didn’t happen. He ran to the pastor, who brushed him off and hastened toward the exit. The friends and family of the two couples suddenly realized that it wasn’t funny, and every eye in the house was on the pastor.

      Pete Pierson covered a lot of ground for a man with an arthritic hip, and reached the pastor just as he was opening the door. The portly pastor rudely pushed him aside and stepped out of the side entrance door.

      There Cody stood, legs braced with astonishment, wondering where this man had come from and whether or not he should run for the hills.

      The pastor screamed hoarsely. “A wolf! Help me! Help me!”

      “Quick!” yelled Pete, suppressing a grin, “Come back inside before he rips out your throat!”

      Rory caught on quickly. He barked, “Close the door or we’ll all be mauled!”

      The pastor had turned completely white. With Pete on one side of him and Rory on the other, he was walked back up onto the stage.

      Pete whispered in his ear, “Get on with the vows, and make it fast.”

      The pastor nodded obediently, rigid with fear.

      “D-d-d-do you, Joy Drake Featherstone, take this man, Robert Wick, as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through richer and poorer, until death do you part?”

      “I do.” Joy looked lovingly into Robert’s shining eyes.

      “Do you, Robert Wick, take this woman, Joy Drake Featherstone, as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through richer and poorer, until death do you part?”

      “I do.” Robert’s voice cracked with emotion, and his eyes threatened to overflow.

      “Do you, Hilary Marie James, take this man, Sandford Casey, as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through richer and poorer, until death do you part?”

      “I do.” Hilary’s lips trembled as she looked at the man she loved. She felt like she would melt away with happiness.

      “Do you, Sandford Casey, take this woman, Hilary Marie James, as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through richer and poorer, until death do you part?”

      “I do.” Sandy passionately reached for Hilary. He took her in his arms and was about to kiss her on the lips.

      “Wait for it!” scolded the pastor harshly. Sandy paused, smiling mischievously at his almost-wife.

      “I now pronounce you husbands and wives. You may kiss your brides.”

      Loud peals of joyful wedding music filled the theatre as Sandy and Hilary kissed, sealing their marriage to each other. The rest of the world was far away. They were alone in their own secret bubble, unaware of the clamorous well-wishers surrounding them.

      Dancer stood quietly in the aisle.

      Joy and Robert were locked in a romantic embrace, making wishes. To live a long and healthy life together. To never lose the magic