The Saddle Creek Series 5-Book Bundle. Shelley Peterson

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Название The Saddle Creek Series 5-Book Bundle
Автор произведения Shelley Peterson
Жанр Природа и животные
Серия The Saddle Creek Series
Издательство Природа и животные
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781459741409

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been here in his moving machine for a long time. Now he got out of the machine and opened the trunk at the rear.

      Cody’s ruff bristled. Nothing bad would happen to his Abby.

      The little coyote detected movement behind him. He froze as he realized that he had made the hunter’s worst mistake. He hadn’t noticed that he himself was being hunted.

      Whipping around, Cody caught shadowy movements for a fleeting second. Now, all was still. He was not fooled. There were probably five or six wild coyotes here, waiting for their chance to finish him off. He had trespassed in cubbing season.

      Cody must make no more mistakes.

      Joy Featherstone walked onto the stage between acts. The actors were waiting for notes on the first act. They’d had a break and were now sitting in the audience seats in excited, talkative groups.

      “Attention, actors! For the first dress rehearsal, you all did remarkably well with your costumes. We’ll work again with costumes before the opening, but tonight we see what works, what doesn’t, and how we can improve, since costumes are a big part of this show. Robert and I are delighted with your competence and professionalism.” There was a rustle throughout the house as people sat up taller.

      “We’ve rarely had to stop the action, you’re paying attention to your cues, and, for the most part, your lines are solid. Remember, we have less than two weeks before opening night. That’s more than enough time, but most of you are new to this, and I promise you, the time will fly by.”

      “The great iron sculptor, Petr Baloun, has finished the giant dogfish ahead of schedule, and we are going to work with it in Act 2 this evening.” There were gasps. Applause broke out.

      “Nobody shall touch it except the people handling it and the actors in that scene, who are Pinocchio, Geppetto, and the Blue-Winged Fairy. Does everybody understand? We want nothing to go wrong.” There were nods and sounds of agreement from the actors.

      “All right! Places, please, for Act 2!” Joy smiled broadly and exited the stage. The actors jumped up to prepare for the next scene.

      Sam’s part was in the first act only, so he had changed back into his shirt and jeans, and was helping Abby with the details of the Blue-Winged Fairy’s role. He guided her to the wing on stage left, pulled the rolled-up script out of his back pocket, and showed her the timing of her next entrance.

      “At the end of Act 1, Pinocchio and Wickley have been rowed across the Truant Sea. At the top of Act 2, they’re about to enter Runaway Island, where there’s the big carnival scene. Some of the kids have already turned to donkeys. Get ready to enter when you see that Pinocchio has a tail and ears. The tail goes on first, then the ears. When he looks into the pond and sees his ears, move onto stage right there,” Sam pointed. “Stand in front of that bush, on this side of Pinocchio. Got your lines?”

      Abby nodded tensely. She didn’t want to screw up. “Thanks, Sam. I’m remembering the story as we go along.”

      Sam gave her a quick hug. “Do you want me to stay?”

      “No, I’m fine for now, thanks. Go watch from the seats, but come back after I exit. Oh! Which way do I exit?”

      “Stage right. The other side. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Sam grinned and disappeared behind the folds of the curtains.

      “Fine?” said a whisper in her ear. “You’re great. You’ll be on stage one day, mark my words.”

      “Ambrose?” asked Abby.

      “Yes, it’s me.”

      “Thanks for the encouragement.”

      “My pleasure. Your coyote is outside guarding us, Abby. He’s a good animal.”

      “Yes, he is. He always protects me.”

      “He’s protecting us all. I’ll report back.”

      Ambrose was gone. Abby briefly wondered what he’d meant, then she turned all her attention to the stage. The scene had begun.

      Cody crouched outside the theatre, quivering with fear, but biding his time. The Bad Man had finished digging holes and placing upright sticks all around the back of the theatre. A lot of them had been placed at the doors. Now, he was uncoiling a skinny, long white rope. He ran it from stick to stick, then fed it through his fingers until it reached his car.

      Behind him, Cody could sense movement. He didn’t look. He didn’t need to. The moment was coming when the coyotes would converge on him. He was ready.

      The Bad Man started the motor. He leaned out of his machine and made fire with a little stick. He put the fire to the end of the rope and watched it burn.

      The wild coyotes came slowly, stealthily, quietly. Cody waited for just the right moment.

      When they were almost upon him, Cody jumped up into the air and raced to the Bad Man’s machine. Five howling coyotes followed, snapping and growling.

      Owens was shocked. His eyes bulged. He pulled his legs into his car, preparing for a speedy getaway. Cody was too quick. He leapt into the car, over Owens’ legs and out the passenger side window. Owens howled and raised his arms in alarm. The wild coyotes streamed into Owens’ car. He hollered as they ripped and tore and panicked.

      Cody watched as the leader and one other leapt out the window and headed back home in full flight.

      Owens gunned the engine, pulled his door shut, then started to drive off as two more coyotes scrambled out the driver’s side window. Realizing there was still one more inside the car, Owens slammed on his brakes. He jumped out, tattered and bloody, followed by the last coyote, who shot out of the car like a cannonball.

      Owens had left his car in drive. It began to roll slowly down the theatre lane toward the road. Owens desperately stumbled after it as fast as he could. He reached the car door with outstretched fingers and awkwardly managed to pull himself in. He drove haltingly away, cursing bitterly.

      Cody observed the flame as it ate the rope, inching closer and closer to the door where his Abby had entered the building.

      He sniffed the air. He felt fear. He puzzled about how to make his fear go away.

      The rope was now only six feet from the theatre door. The flame was moving faster, picking up momentum. Cody didn’t like it.

      He loped over to the flame. It was too hot to pick up. He grabbed the end of the white rope closest to the door and tugged it loose. With the rope in his mouth, still burning quickly, Cody ran toward the rusted water trough in the little paddock beside the barn. He dropped it in. There was a little sizzle as the flame was extinguished by dirty rainwater at the bottom.

      His fear had gone. Darkness had fallen and all was well. He would lie down and wait for his Abby.

      Act 2, scene 1, the carnival, went off as well as possible with twenty first-time actors adapting to their costumes. Act 2, scene 2, began with Geppetto searching the Truant Sea for Pinocchio. This was the giant dogfish scene. The huge iron beast opened his jaws to swallow Geppetto. Its razor-sharp teeth flashed, and it roared like an angry sea. Abby could barely repress a terrified squeal. She was expected to walk in there? Talk about suspension of disbelief!

      “Abby,” came a now-familiar whisper in her ear.

      “Later, Ambrose! I’m about to go on!”

      “You’ve got oodles of time. Pinocchio hasn’t even swum out there yet.”

      “You’re right. I’m just jumpy.”

      “Very understandable. Anyway, I’m reporting back. Cody led a pack of coyotes through Samuel Owens’ car and then stopped the fuse from reaching the fireworks. Everything’s fine.”

      Abby was stunned. “What did you say?”

      “Later. Gotta go.”

      “Ambrose, I didn’t understand a word you just said!”
