Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works - The Original Classic Edition. Poe Edgar

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Название Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Poe Edgar
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486414130

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      Edgar Allan Poe's

       Complete Poetical Works

       edited by

       John H. Ingram

       Table of Contents



       Poems of Later Life


       Preface The Raven The Bells Ulalume

       To Helen Annabel Lee A Valentine An Enigma

       To My Mother

       For Annie

       To F----

       To Frances S. Osgood



       A Dream Within a Dream To Marie Louise (Shew) To The Same

       The City in the Sea

       The Sleeper Bridal Ballad Notes

       Poems of Manhood


       To One in Paradise

       The Coliseum

       The Haunted Palace

       The Conqueror Worm


       Silence Dreamland To Zante Hymn Notes

       Scenes from Politian


       Poems of Youth Introduction (1831) To Science

       Al Aaraaf Tamerlane To Helen

       The Valley of Unrest


       To ---- ("I heed not that my earthly lot")

       To ---- ("The Bowers whereat, in dreams, I see") To the River


       Spirits of the Dead

       A Dream Romance Fairyland The Lake Evening Star Imitation

       "The Happiest Day"

       Hymn (Translation from the Greek) Dreams

       "In Youth I have known one" A Paean


       Doubtful Poems


       To Isadore

       The Village Street The Forest Reverie Notes

       Prose Poems

       The Island of the Fay

       The Power of Words

       The Colloquy of Monos and Una

       The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion

       Shadow--a Parable Silence--a Fable Essays

       The Poetic Principle

       The Philosophy of Composition

       Old English Poetry


       In placing before the public this collection of Edgar Poe's poetical works, it is requisite to point out in what respects it differs from, and is superior to, the numerous collections which have preceded it. Until recently, all editions, whether American or English, of


       Poe's poems have been verbatim reprints of the first posthumous collection, published at New York in 1850.

       In 1874 I began drawing attention to the fact that unknown and unreprinted poetry by Edgar Poe was in existence. Most, if not all, of the specimens issued in my articles have since been reprinted by different editors and publishers, but the present is the first occasion on which all the pieces referred to have been garnered into one sheaf. Besides the poems thus alluded to, this volume will be found to contain many additional pieces and extra stanzas, nowhere else published or included in Poe's works. Such verses have been gathered from printed or manuscript sources during a research extending over many years.

       In addition to the new poetical matter included in this volume, attention should, also, be solicited on behalf of the notes, which will be found to contain much matter, interesting both from biographical and bibliographical points of view.

       John H. Ingram. Contents

       Memoir of Edgar Allan Poe

       During the last few years every incident in the life of Edgar Poe has been subjected to microscopic investigation. The result has not been altogether satisfactory. On the one hand, envy and prejudice have magnified every blemish of his character into crime, whilst on the other, blind admiration would depict him as far "too good for human nature's daily food." Let us endeavor to judge him impartially, granting that he was as a mortal subject to the ordinary weaknesses of mortality, but that he was tempted sorely, treated badly, and suffered deeply.

       The poet's ancestry and parentage are chiefly interesting as explaining some of the complexities of his character. His father, David Poe, was of Anglo-Irish extraction. Educated for the Bar, he elected to abandon it for the stage. In one of his tours through the chief towns of the United States he met and married a young actress, Elizabeth Arnold, member of an English family distinguished for its musical talents. As an actress, Elizabeth Poe acquired some reputation, but became even better known for her domestic

       virtues. In those days the United States afforded little scope for dramatic energy, so it is not surprising to find that when her husband died, after a few years of married life, the young widow had a vain struggle to maintain herself and three little ones, William Henry, Edgar, and Rosalie. Before her premature death, in December, 1811, the poet's mother had been reduced to the dire necessity of living on the charity of her neighbors.

       Edgar, the second child of David and Elizabeth Poe, was born at Boston, in the United States, on the 19th of January, 1809. Upon his mother's death at Richmond, Virginia, Edgar was adopted by a wealthy Scotch merchant, John Allan. Mr. Allan, who had married an American lady and settled in Virginia, was childless. He therefore took naturally to the brilliant and beautiful little boy, treated him as his son, and made him take his own surname. Edgar Allan, as he was now styled, after some elementary tuition in Richmond, was taken to England by his adopted parents, and, in 1816, placed at the Manor House School, Stoke-Newington.

       Under the Rev. Dr. Bransby, the future poet spent a lustrum of his life neither unprofitably nor, apparently, ungenially. Dr. Bransby, who is himself so quaintly portrayed in Poe's tale of William Wilson, described "Edgar Allan," by which name only he knew the lad, as "a quick and clever boy," who "would have been a very good boy had he not been spoilt by his parents," meaning, of course, the Allans. They "allowed him an extravagant amount of pocket-money, which enabled him to get into all manner of mischief. Still I liked the boy," added the tutor, "but, poor fellow, his parents spoiled him."

       Poe has described some aspects of his school days in his oft cited story of William Wilson. Probably there is the usual amount of poetic exaggeration in these reminiscences, but they are almost the only record we have of that portion of his career and, therefore, apart from their literary merits, are on that account deeply interesting. The description of the sleepy old London suburb, as it was in those days, is remarkably accurate, but the revisions which the story of William Wilson went through before it reached its present perfect state caused many of the author's details to deviate widely from their original correctness. His schoolhouse in the earliest draft was truthfully described as an "old, irregular, and cottage-built" dwelling, and so it remained until its destruction a few years ago.

       The soi-disant William Wilson, referring to those bygone happy days spent in the English academy, says,

       "The teeming brain of childhood requires no external world of incident to occupy or amuse it. The morning's awakening, the nightly summons to bed; the connings, the recitations, the periodical half-holidays and perambulations, the playground, with its broils, its


       pastimes, its intrigues--these, by a mental sorcery long forgotten, were made to involve a wilderness of sensation, a world of rich incident, a universe of varied emotion, of excitement the most passionate and spirit-stirring, 'Oh, le bon temps, que ce siecle de fer!'" From this world of boyish imagination Poe was called to his adopted