Название | Love, or the Witches of Windward Circle |
Автор произведения | Carlos Allende |
Жанр | Ужасы и Мистика |
Серия | |
Издательство | Ужасы и Мистика |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781942600503 |
“Don’t let me die alone,” the mother begged again.
“We won’t,” Victoria responded.
“Our little sister will stay behind to take care of you,” said Rosa.
They said their goodbyes and Rosa and Victoria went back to their bedroom, dragging along the young girl to do their grooming.
“I wish she’d stop,” lamented Victoria, closing the window so they wouldn’t hear their mother’s wailing.
“We know she’s dying, all right,” said Rosa, standing on a low stool while her little sister mended the hemline of her dress. “We don’t need to be reminded every second.”
“We’re not insensitive beasts.”
“If she makes me cry again,” Rosa bent down, so she could see herself at the vanity table, “I’ll have puffy eyes and I will look horrible at the derby. And I don’t want to give O’Leary that pleasure—you were supposed to be taking care of her,” she rapped the young girl’s head with a knuckle. “It is your fault she’ll die.”
The young girl hunched her head down and continued sewing. She felt a lump form inside her throat, but did her best not to cry. When she cried, the beating was harder.
Rosa and Victoria left the house shortly afterwards, transformed into two red-lipped baboons, not by the miracle of magic, but by the tragedy of makeup too liberally applied. The young girl returned to her mother’s side and remained there for the rest of the day, wordless, but not less loving, combing the moribund woman’s hair with her hand and wetting the woman’s pillow with her tears.
The two mean sisters returned from the ball a little before midnight. What an adventure! The best day of their lives! They had drunk and danced and teased and left so many unfortunate young men brokenhearted. O’Leary had seen the holes in the soles of their boots and made some unpleasant comments. Her lackey, that imbecilic Triggs, had called them greasers. They were jealous. In their hearts the two sisters knew they had been a success. They were the two most beautiful girls in Venice. Any time soon, each would catch a good husband. And what a pair of wonderful husbands they’d be!
“A prince from a foreign land and his cousin!”
They were all titters and giggles as they climbed the stairs one step at a time, holding themselves from the railing, commenting on the promises of eternal love they had pulled from a married man, when their younger sister summoned them again into their mother’s bedroom.
“Please,” the mother begged with a raspy voice, “go call a priest. I want to die in contrition.”
A priest? For a witch? More tears, laments, and runny noses! And the promise that, even if it would be the last thing they did in their lives, they would get a priest to their mother.
But the two of them had drunk copiously. They fell twice, once trying to get out of the house and then when they stepped into the rowboat—through the canals, Victoria had insisted, it would be much faster.
Rosa ended up falling into the water.
“My dress!”
No time to lose! Her mother wanted to die in contrition. The young girl helped her sisters back into the house, then jumped onto the boat and rowed herself towards the Grand Canal, guided by the lights and the music coming from the Race Thru the Clouds roller coaster; under several bridges, by the Bath House and through the big lagoon, all the way to the Venus Canal in the limit with Ocean Park—it would have been faster to run, she realized, puffing, but she didn’t stop rowing. She reached Second Avenue, then ran to the house of the only Catholic clergyman she knew, on Fourth Street. The fireworks coming from the pier illuminated her way. She rapped on the door insistently, until the priest’s maid answered. Between sobs, the young girl explained to the woman her desperate situation. She waited a good fifteen minutes for the maid to come back, accompanied by the priest, still getting dressed and reprimanding the woman for letting the child wait in the cold. The man checked the contents of his valise, put a couple of consecrated hosts inside, and followed the girl back to the boat.
In which the mother begins her confession
The mother’s semblance changed from a gray tonality to a less-tragic yellow as she saw the priest enter her bedroom.
“Father,” she cried, “I must give confession.”
The man replied with an affirmative gesture. The young girl had done all the rowing, but it had been a great exertion to get in and out of the boat. He was panting and his face had turned red. He asked the young girl for a glass of water. “Or a cup of tea,” he stopped the young girl before she left the room. “And perhaps some cookies, if you have any.”
He sat down and rummaged inside his traveling bag for a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead.
“I am a witch,” the woman said.
The priest let out a sigh, shaking his head. “Not the time to be so harsh on yourself.” He took out his rosary and his Bible and browsed through the pages to the book of James.
The young girl reentered the room with the requested tea and a plate of ladyfingers. The priest welcomed the food and, after giving a short blessing to the mother, he asked her to begin.
“I am a witch, Father,” the woman repeated. “I danced with the fairies at the Sabbath, and I’ve ridden the night with Diana’s cavalry. I’ve made horses go mad under their riders, and loyal mutts turn against their owners…”
Was she the victim of a hallucination, the priest wondered, dipping one of the cookies in his tea. The woman did look like a witch. Most of her teeth were missing. The one or two still inside her mouth seemed rotten. The room smelled like the lair of a gorgon.
“Can I bother you for some milk?” he whispered to the young girl.
The mother continued: “Once, I made three men die when I sunk their fishing boat by strangling a black cat and throwing it into the water. Another time I killed a baby inside his mother’s womb with a mere touch and an invocation to the Prince of Darkness, because I felt jealous…”
The good man kept listening, eating his ladyfingers and drinking his tea in small sips. As the story progressed, it became difficult to swallow. The woman revealed details far too grim to be imagined. At last, the man understood that he had in front of him a true follower of Satan.
“I baptized my three daughters under the sign of Evil,” the woman said, avoiding eye contact with the priest. “And I killed the one male born to me, after offering his soul to Satan, because I knew it would hurt my husband, whom I detest with all my heart.”
These last words made the priest jump a little. He noticed Rosa and Victoria standing by the door, biting their nails with guilty faces. “Your own child?” He asked. A few crumbs fell from his mouth.
“Yes,” the witch responded. “Three days after his burial, I unearthed his body and cooked him in a black cauldron to make a soup for my relatives. Next I crushed his bones into an unguent, which I used to anoint a piece of wood so I could fly into the air, which is one way the Little Master has to transport witches.”
“The Little Master?”
The witch pulled the sheets to her nose. “That is how we witches prefer to call the Devil.”
The priest remained transfixed on his seat. He knew of members of the clergy that had committed some unmentionable things with