Robert W. Service. Robert W. Service

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Название Robert W. Service
Автор произведения Robert W. Service
Жанр Контркультура
Серия Voyageur Classics
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781459700048

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      Rhymes of a Rolling Stone (1912)

      Rhymes of a Red Cross Man (1916)

      Ballads of a Bohemian (1921)

      The Complete Poems of Robert Service (1933)

      Bar-Room Ballads: A Book of Verse (1940)

      Rhymes of a Roughneck: A Book of Verse (1950)

      More Collected Verse (1955)

      Later Collected Verse (1960)


      The Trail of ’98: A Northland Romance (1910)

      The Pretender: A Story of the Latin Quarter (1914)

      The Poisoned Paradise: A Romance of Monte Carlo (1922)

      The Roughneck: A Tale of Tahiti (1923)

      The Master of the Microbe: A Fantastic Romance (1926)

      The House of Fear: A Novel (1927)

      Why Not Grow Young? or Living for Longevity (1928)

      Ploughman of the Moon: An Adventure into Memory (1945)

      Harper of Heaven: A Record of Radiant Living (1948)

      About Robert Service

      There is considerable fugitive journalism about Service, but Carl F. Klinck’s Robert Service: A Biography (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1976) remains the best study to date of a remarkable life.

      Frontispiece photograph of a mature, healthy Service that appeared in Ploughman of the Moon: An Adventure into Memory (1945).

      From The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses

      Robert Service’s log cabin in Dawson City, Yukon.

      The Law of the Yukon

      This is the law of the Yukon, and ever she makes it plain:

      “Send not your foolish and feeble; send me your strong and your sane —

      Strong for the red rage of battle; sane, for I harry them sore;

      Send me men girt for the combat, men who are grit to the core;

      Swift as the panther in triumph, fierce as the bear in defeat,

      Sired of a bulldog parent, steeled in the furnace heat.

      Send me the best of your breeding, lend me your chosen ones;

      Them will I take to my bosom, them will I call my sons;

      Them will I gild with my treasure, them will I glut with my meat;

      But the others — the misfits, the failures — I trample under my feet.

      Dissolute, damned and despairful, crippled and palsied and slain,

      Ye would send me the spawn of your gutters — Go! take back your spawn again.

      “Wild and wide are my borders, stern as death is my sway;

      From my ruthless throne I have ruled alone for a million years and a day;

      Hugging my mighty treasure, waiting for man to come,

      Till he swept like a turbid torrent, and after him swept — the scum.

      The pallid pimp of the deadline, the enervate of the pen,

      One by one I weeded them out, for all that I sought was — Men.

      One by one I dismayed them, frighting them sore with my glooms;

      One by one I betrayed them unto my manifold dooms.

      Drowned them like rats in my rivers, starved them like curs on my plains,

      Rotted the flesh that was left them, poisoned the blood in their veins;

      Burst with my winter upon them, searing forever their sight,

      Lashed them with fungus-white faces, whimpering wild in the night;

      “Staggering blind through the storm-whirl, stumbling mad through the snow,

      Frozen stiff in the ice pack, brittle and bent like a bow;

      Featureless, formless, forsaken, scented by wolves in their flight,

      Left for the wind to make music through ribs that are glittering white;

      Gnawing the back crust of failure, searching the pit of despair,

      Crooking the toe in the trigger, trying to patter a prayer;

      Going outside with an escort, raving with lips all afoam,

      Writing a cheque for a million, driveling feebly of home;

      Lost like a louse in the burning … or else in the tented town

      Seeking a drunkard’s solace, sinking and sinking down;

      Steeped in the slime at the bottom, dead to a decent world.

      Lost ’mid the human flotsam, far on the frontier hurled;

      In the camp at the bend of the river, with its dozen saloons aglare,

      Its gambling dens ariot, its gramophones all ablare;

      Crimped with the crimes of a city, sin-ridden and bridled with lies,

      In the hush of my mountained vastness, in the flush of my midnight skies.

      Plague-spots, yet tools of my purpose, so natheless I suffer them thrive,

      Crushing my Weak in their clutches, that only my Strong may survive.

      “But the others, the men of my mettle, the men who would ’stablish my fame

      Unto its ultimate issue, winning me honour, not shame;

      Searching my uttermost valleys, fighting each step as they go,

      Shooting the wrath of my rapids, scaling my ramparts of snow;

      Ripping the guts of my mountains, looting the beds of my creeks,

      Them will I take to my bosom, and speak as a mother speaks.

      I am the land that listens, I am the land that broods;

      Steeped in eternal beauty, crystalline waters and woods,

      Long have I waited lonely, shunned as a thing accurst,

      Monstrous, moody, pathetic, the last of the lands and the first;

      Visioning campfires at twilight, sad with a longing forlorn,

      Feeling my womb o’er-pregnant with the seed of cities unborn.

      Wild and wide are my borders, stern as death is my sway,

      And I wait for the men who will win me — and I will not be won in a day;

      And I will not be won by weaklings, subtle, suave and mild,

      But by men with the hearts of vikings, and the simple faith of a child;

      Desperate, strong and resistless, unthrottled by fear or defeat,

      Them will I gild with my treasure, them will I glut with my meat.

      “Lofty I stand from each sister land, patient and wearily wise,

      With the weight of a world of sadness in my quiet, passionless eyes;

      Dreaming alone of a people, dreaming alone of a day,

      When men shall not rape my riches, and curse me and go away;

      Making a bawd of my bounty, fouling the hand that gave —

      Till I rise in my wrath