The Big Book of Canadian Hauntings. John Robert Colombo

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Название The Big Book of Canadian Hauntings
Автор произведения John Robert Colombo
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781770706200

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jacket cover in these words:

      Within your own centre you will create one of the most mystical and powerful symbols for life, your own personal Medicine Wheel, the Sacred Circle of the Native Americans. Here you will connect to elemental spirits, and the Spirit Keepers of the Four Directions.

      Through these connections, you will find the power and the means to enhance and change your life. New directions, growth, abundance and prosperity, your own truth and wisdom, all are open to you as are many more possibilities.

      Well ... let me clarify this as one of the biggest understatements that I have encountered in my lifetime! If Alan ever needed a testimony for his ability to guide one through a meditation that delivered every single thing that he said it would, then mine is a given!

      Neither Alan nor I believe in such a thing as coincidence. Our paths were designed to connect, and they certainly were successful in completing this mission.

      Prior to receiving this CD, I had never listened to or read a single article on meditation. Quite honestly, I didn’t understand the topic, and I certainly didn’t put great stock in it. For the record, so to speak, I have no desire to ever listen to another one. Why would I? Alan’s had succeeded in changing my life forever. Forever!

      Picture, if you will, me, tearing the shrink-wrap off of the CD. I immediately was drawn to the beautiful photo shot on the front of the jacket cover. This feature alone brought me to a place of solid, solitary grounding. Next, I popped the CD into the player and hit the power button on the machine. Didn’t have a clue how one goes about meditating, but I was willing to give it a shot. Then I quickly whipped over to the couch and lay down as if I was getting ready to be transported in a space shuttle! Oh, if Alan could have only seen me then. I’m afraid he wouldn’t have believed I would ever gotten through it!

      Immediately I hit pause on the CD, and jumped up to light some tea lights. Then I just as quickly lay back down on the couch again and strapped myself into the get ready for lift off position! You know, absolutely board stiff! Cripes, I couldn’t have been more tense if I had of planned it out for weeks in advance!

      Next, with straining ears, I heard the beginnings of soft music grow slightly stronger and stronger. It was soothing, original, and I liked it! My mind-set had already began to change. I was starting to think that maybe I could be on to something here.

      Then, my ears filled with the “warm lavender” voice of Alan Greywolf, a voice with the quality to fill out a microphone without crowding out the listener! For any of you men out there, reading this, his voice isn’t just soothing to a woman. His voice is simply soothing, period!

      Anyway, just as I was thinking that I had no clue how to go about meditating, Alan began to speak in a voice that beckons you until you follow! He began to tell me step by step “exactly” how to proceed.

      Well, how about that? A man who knew “exactly” what to say and when to say it! Sorry guys, just venting here a little! Okay I thought this might be a bit of all right!

      What Alan does on this CD is verbally massage your body, mind, and soul into a state of relaxation. How does he do that? Beats the heck out of me; but, ladies and gentlemen, it works! He seems to know every single place to pinpoint to successfully complete this process.

      After the first few fits of giddy silliness at my awkwardness with meditation, I found myself getting more serious about the potential it might hold. I began to trust Alan’s voice. I knew I was in the comfort and safety of my own home and that he hadn’t said to do anything strange or bizarre to cause me to be concerned. It was from this mind set that I surrendered my conscious mind to his direction.

      What I really appreciate the most is how he guides! He instructs one on what to do, but at the same time with the freedom of independence to do it in your own individual way. This impressed me, a lot. Perhaps this is the underlying secret to the success of his ability. Then came the real icing on the whole cake. The soft solitude music that is feathered into the background of his voice-over guidance! This entire process I found just as interesting and relaxing as the unwinding and unraveling of my tense and stressed body and mind.

      Yes, I had been working a lot of crazy hours and shifts prior to this meditation, and that seemed to strangely add to the potent magic of just how powerful Greywolf’s gift really is! Before you know it, you seem to operate on automatic pilot.

      Once the relaxation stage is complete, Alan walks you into your Sacred Circle. The name alone drives one to draw nearer and listen closer as he speaks. Now I was getting good and hungry for what he was about to feed me next. I didn’t know what to expect or what was coming, but I strongly felt it was going to be something like I had never experienced before, and I was right!

      Alan leads you once around the entire Circle. Then into the sacred heart of the Circle via the east arm! There I stood upon a sacred and ancient stone. From this point of the CD, nothing and no one else mattered or entered my thoughts. I was on the inside of myself, and it was quite a trip!

      Here Alan warmly introduces you to the Eagle. The Spirit Keeper of the East! To Native Indian peoples, the Eagle represents a heavenly messenger. You see animal medicine is very sacred, very powerful, and very respected medicine. It is not to be taken lightly! Not to take it seriously is unthinkable and a sign of great dishonour! Animal medicine is also part of one’s animal totem, but that’s a whole other story.

      I felt humbled and honoured to be introduced to the Great Eagle. I truly felt as if we had communicated with one another. I would have stayed here longer in visit, but Alan’s voice gently nudged me to continue on around the Circle to the next keeper, the Wolf. The Spirit Keeper of the South!

      What an incredible visit, this one is. Particularly, because I share wolf medicine! You go one-on-one with the Wolf in this direction. The experience is so real you can all but touch the softness of the Wolf’s thick neck fur and coat as he is within only inches away! Incredible is the best word that comes to mind to describe this visit.

      The greatest reason I think is because there is no fear in this realm, only the purest fascination here for one another. Animal and human, communicating without spoken words between you. It is a truly awesome feeling!

      As for anxiety, what anxiety? The furthest thing from your mind at this time is what the heck you were doing, thinking, or stressed about prior to turning this CD on! Ah, but back to the Sacred Circle!

      Well, you have only gone half the Circle’s distance when in the southern direction. You subconsciously or consciously wonder how this could get any better, but then it does.

      Once again, Alan’s voice coaches you to follow him further around the Circle. Here you share space with the Bear. The Spirit Keeper of the West! Bear is a true contradiction between strength and gentleness! The power of bear medicine is so hard to define in simple words!

      It was at this point on the CD when I realized that I was weeping a steady stream of tears. They came to the surface of my eyes and spilled over with no prompting on my part. I didn’t even realize they were spilling out of me until I felt the salty wetness of them running down out from the corners of my closed eyelids.

      It’s hard to explain, but these tears seem to come from me as a cleansing of all the toxic and negative thoughts that had dammed up my purest positive beliefs in myself — from a well years hidden and buried deep inside of myself! At no time did I make any attempt to stop them, wipe them, or prevent them from escaping my body!

      The Spirit Keeper of the West, he never left my side during this process! This Great Bear just sat watching all the while, mysteriously mothering the resurrection of true belief in my own worth, my own strength in self! He never moved to leave even once, until I had finished washing all the sounds of hurt from my heart away!

      It was at this point that I fell into a state of sleep like no other. I could still feel the toxic thing flush itself down the sides of my face. A lifetime full of anger was literally washing itself clean, as I lay motionless on the couch.

      From here, I drifted into a deeper state of sleep, for I could no longer hear or identify Alan’s voice. It was as if Alan had relinquished himself as