Luminous Life. Jacob Israel Liberman

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Название Luminous Life
Автор произведения Jacob Israel Liberman
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781608685189

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href="#uc0f471e2-7f84-516d-9f87-b1c1a758d6ab">Chapter Four: The Intelligence of Life

       Chapter Five: The Light in Our Dreams

       Chapter Six: Escaping the Mind Field

       Chapter Seven: Discovering the Genius within Us

       Chapter Eight: Awareness Is Curative

       Chapter Nine: What Takes Your Breath Away

       The One-Minute Breath Meditation

       The One-Minute Arrow Meditation

       Chapter Ten: The True Law of Attraction

       Chapter Eleven: Full-Spectrum Life

       The Color Dome Visualization

       The Body Map Visualization

       The Light Tank Visualization

       Chapter Twelve: Living in a World of Technology

       Chapter Thirteen: Looking Less, Seeing More

       The One-Minute Magic (Brock) String Exercise

       Chapter Fourteen: What’s Catching Your Eye?






       About the Authors



      It is amazing how a simple idea can change your life. Think back on the turning points in your own personal evolution and the wonderful teachers and concepts that facilitated your awakenings to an easier, healthier, happier, and more successful life.

      Many years ago, I was living with a scientist who introduced me to a very simple way of life that has made all the difference. I noticed that she did not organize her life. Instead of thinking and planning and stressing about what to do, when she got up in the morning she simply took care of the first thing that presented itself, and then the second, and so on, throughout the day. In this way she navigated effortlessly through life’s adventures regardless of how challenging or complex they might be. There was no thinking, choosing, planning, or worrying about what might happen. While this sounds quite simple, in this book Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman explores this way of being in a much larger context.

      In Luminous Life, Liberman elaborates on this relaxed and productive way of life by considering the role light plays in it: anything that catches your eye is actually looking for you. Light brings your awareness to your responsibilities, guides you from moment to moment, and creates a life filled with purpose and meaning. “We need not prioritize anything, because the intelligence of life has already done that for us.” Living in this space is what he refers to as presence. “Not knowing. . .allows true wisdom to reveal itself.” The landmark book you have in your hands documents these concepts and much more.

      Liberman explains how this approach to daily life enables us to allow light — and its faithful companion, breath — to guide us and to “see the inner workings of our lives with greater clarity and acceptance.” He cites ancient wisdom summarized by Mahatma Gandhi: “There is a force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results” (chapter 4).

      My current research involves documenting the science behind this “force in the universe.” Liberman’s writings have greatly facilitated my process of discovery. He points out that this force animates “the navigational system within us” that is “inseparable from that which animates everything in the universe.” Surrendering to “pure awareness” of this force can lead to miracles and profound healing. “Many of our physical and emotional ailments are the result of our bodies being misdirected by ideas that are in conflict with our well-being” (chapter 8).

      Luminous Life will give you a totally new perspective on the many roles of light and breath in your personal evolution — on what it truly means to see. It will help you uncover your purpose or destiny and how living it brings forth your essence, changing your world and the world around you. I like to say that when you are “on purpose” or following your destiny, the wind will fill your sails and the tools you need will appear.

      Much of Liberman’s storytelling begins with an account of an experience that led to a simple and penetrating but rarely asked question, followed by an answer that can be as startling as it is revealing. For example, he asks about the source of the light we experience in our dreams. Dreams reveal how the rainbows of our inner light interact with our subconscious mind to expose deep truths about our waking experiences, as well as our “limitless nature” (chapter 5). Tapping into these clues about how our stories and beliefs shape our waking actions leads us to greater clarity and more enlightened behavior.

      Liberman cites the Talmud: “We do not see things as they are; we see them as we are.” Suspending our beliefs about who we are and what is possible creates a luminous space that allows us to open to pure awareness; to infinite potentials and possibilities; to discovering the true genius within us. Unconscious inspirations, in cooperation with conscious activities, can lead to excitation, followed by implementation, leading to creative manifestation (chapter 7). This is the true source of inspired action. As Einstein stated, to be creative “imagination is more important than knowledge.”

      Liberman discusses “the zone” — a state of consciousness experienced by elite athletes, musicians, dancers, and so on when they are having a flawless performance (chapter 8). In 1992 I had an experience that brought my career into congruence with Liberman’s work with top athletes to get them into “the zone” more readily. I was watching the Olympic skating championships when figure skater Midori Ito took my breath away and brought me to tears with a moving and legendary performance. Despite some difficult practice sessions preceding the competition, she began her routine radiating complete calmness and control. Her program included a triple-triple jump combination and a triple axel, the first time a female figure skater accomplished these feats in an Olympic competition. This thrilling experience was the beginning of my inquiry that led to the publication of my 2003 book, Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance, and to the recognition of a state of consciousness and physiology that I call “systemic cooperation.” In “the zone” all tissues and