Woman Most Wild. Danielle Dulsky

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Название Woman Most Wild
Автор произведения Danielle Dulsky
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781608684670

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down the parts of your world now that no longer serve you. Prepare to clear the fields, my love. Harvest all that will feed you, and then plan to dig up what does not belong. Here, under the summer sun, your body is fully alive and poised for action. Drink in this spice with all that you are. Give yourself permission to be a wise Maiden, sexually empowered and spiritually attuned to all that is.

      The woman during the summer months yearns to paint her world with the cool greens of the forest and the hot bright reds of a flower garden. She will no longer stand for the mundane and the dull, and she seeks to simplify her home and her life. There is a purifying quality to summer’s heat that she recognizes immediately as a tool for the great purge, a tool that is hers to use as she will. The woman in summer is a creature born of the elements, and she seeks brilliance and fruition in all parts of her world; anything that does not meet these high standards she immediately recognizes as refuse, and she sets upon the path of clarity and release.

       Faery Gazing: Night Vision in the Moon Garden

      The Fae are nature spirits, and they are not to be discounted simply as tiny-winged, wish-granting beings of pure light. Just as humans do, the Fae embody both light and shadow, and they do not wish to be used as a magickal tool. If your Witch’s psyche does not accept these Fae as real, energetic manifestations, consider these creatures a metaphor for humanity’s culturally suppressed kinship with nature. The Fae, and you know this in your Witch’s heart, are to be heralded as ancient entities who are very much of this Earth. They are as diverse as human beings, if not more so. They are beholden to no woman or man; and yet the Witch has a symbiotic relationship with these Old Ones. Do not fear them, but do respect them, my Sister-Witch, as you go into your garden, your in-home sanctuary, or an untouched, natural space.

      The Fae are more heavily concentrated in spaces that human hands have left unbuilt and unmarked. Parks, wetlands, and protected mountainous terrains are the realms of the Fae, but any natural green space is likely to host a few of Gaia’s direct descendants. The Fae are no strangers to urban locales, however; if you live in a highly populated location, seek out even small green spaces, searching for their energy. You will feel it, Sister, when you have found the right spot. Yes. Yes, this is the place will echo at your womb-center. Surrounded by the Fae, you are; look around with night vision. Do you see them? Let your gaze go soft and blurry, and begin to see the swirling subtle energies that elude you during the day. Turn your soulful eyes toward flowers and trees. Do you see the circles of soft light there? Does a spark of brilliance catch your attention and then vanish?

      They are showing themselves to you, summer Witch! Let them know you see them with whatever affirmation comes to mind. Keep looking, and they will keep coming. Stay in this place for as long as you have. Your connection to the Fae has been forged! Now they will show themselves to you more often, even by the light of day. Drink in the sweet swelter of the summer night, and honor the beauty of the unseen.

      A wild woman embodies an intuitive understanding of the ethereal world. She does not discount the possibility of the unseen, and she gives regular nods to the mystical. Even if you are not certain that you believe in the Fae, entertain the maybe in all things. Always keep some psychic room for the unknown, and remember that the structures of human society, particularly our religious institutions, which depended on a singular faith in a male deity or the infallibility of a sacred text in order to survive, have had much to gain from the closed-minded discounting of the subtle ethereal. You see what you believe in, my love. By extension, you see far more when you claim little certainty.

       For Your Consideration: As the Cauldron Bubbles

      The wild woman in summer cuts through futility like a hot knife through butter. You are beginning to know yourself now as my wild Sister and, as the heat of our great sun shines His fierce light on all aspects of your life, you are discovering parts of that life that no longer fit. Look to your life now and compare the things you invest your energy in with the things you truly love and desire. My barefoot Priestess, there should be no comparison, for they should be one and the same! Command your throne now at the campfire’s edge, and consider these questions as your cauldron bubbles. Let the sweat form rivulets of change on your forehead, pulling out of your psychic shadows the hidden obstacles to your freedom. The sun sees all, my love, and now you do, too.

       1. If your life were an epic myth titled The Woman Most Wild, what would the chapter titles be? Include chapters from your birth all the way up until your death ritual.

       2. Within each of those lived chapters, list moments of bhava, moments when you were engaged in the feeling mind, when your body, mind, and spirit were fully present, fully connected, and fully engaged. These are the moments when you were most you. How many of these moments occurred in the natural world? How many occurred while you were in the midst of creating something? Are any natural elements (earth, water, fire, air, or ether) prominent?

       3. What chapters in your life, if any, contain few or none of these moments? How many of these moments are in the current chapter of your life?

       4. Now, my love, write the next chapter of your life in full. Forget grammar and spelling, and just freewrite this next phase of your life the way you want it to be. Your soul already holds a purpose, but you, Creatrix-Witch, are in charge of how that purpose will be delivered. Begin this next chapter with these words: She was a Woman Most Wild and, as summer came to an end, she knew in her bones that autumn promised change. Write with all the fury of a spell well conjured, for the healing of the global community depends on you.

      We women must shape our her-stories. Personal mythwork is an invaluable tool not only for uncovering your purpose but also for tracking cycles and providing contexts for moments of immense bliss and deep woundings. Writing your own story is immensely healing and the stuff of true soul work, for you begin to frame yourself as the heroine in the greatest love story ever told. Your story is my story, and it is a story of a woman coming home to herself again and again, weathering countless storms, having her ego softened by intense blows, and then healing from them in order to be reborn a more authentic version of herself.

       The Woman in Late Summer

      The last weeks of summer embody a perplexing quality, and there is a reason for this; as the wheel begins to turn toward autumn, the curtain between the heavy world of humans and the subtler, higher frequency world of spirits begins to lift. Women are particularly attuned to this veil-thinning, and there is a mournful essence to it. The intensity of summer begins to give way now to an immense psychic space, as if a lightning-born wildfire has come through and cleared a forest for new growth. The grief of late summer stems from a desire to fill any open space coupled with the current inability to do so. There is nothing to fill this void with right now. You must be truly and authentically in it with your whole soul.

      A sexy sort of sadness comes with the falling leaves, autumn Witch. Not everyone can openly feel the relentlessness of the changing wind, but you can. Lift your hood but do not turn your back to the first fall chill, for this season of nature’s sleep holds it all for you. As the great veil thins and the days grow shorter and shorter, your spirit guides will sing in unison with your long-gone ancestors, hoping you will hear them. You, Witch of the harvest moon, must now dig through the ashes of summer’s fire. Give yourself over to this season, and let the autumn winds do with you as they will. The high-fire energy potent with the fertility of spring and summer is now waning, leaving much space for soul listening. You will feel bursts of intuition in these months; do not dismiss them, for your Witch consciousness is guiding you toward the next step in your soulful evolution.

       Meeting the Soul-Mother: Pathworking as the Veil Thins

      There is magick in your matrilineal bloodline. Breathe now as if the spaces between the inhales and exhales lasted an eternity, as if you could live an entire life in that time at the top of the in-breath and at the bottom of the out-breath. It is within those between spaces of breathfulness and breathlessness where you will find Her. As you sink into your breath’s ancient rhythm, let the beat of your