The Hotel «Other Life». Pazii Anna

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Название The Hotel «Other Life»
Автор произведения Pazii Anna
Жанр Классические детективы
Издательство Классические детективы
Год выпуска 2020

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such as the "corridor".

      The road to the "Heart" will take three hours or if you need to visit the washroom, or look into the number of "dormitory corridor", please do so now. Departure in exactly half an hour, please do not be late.

      We loaded our suitcases in the issued transport, and scattered throughout the territory. Most went to the hostel to look at their bonus room, I decided to look around in the corridor. The walls of three to five meters, barbed wire, observation posts. Strange place and in the description of the hotel nothing about fencing is not told when booking.

      After half an hour, we got into our cars. This time the gate parted almost noiselessly. Eyes the dense forest, a single gravel road, enclosed with a metal mesh installed along the road lights that worked on the combination of wind and solar energy.

      My pretty little yellow car was last. Three hours of driving on gravel, in the dust of those that ones ahead, suffering at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour – it's hard. At the place we arrived tired and dreaming of a shower and bed. We again gathered in a circle.

      Guide:      – Well, you have arrived at your destination. Now we will go to the reception where you will be given the keys to the houses and a map of the hotel complex. I think your strength is enough for today only then to unpack and dinner, so immersed in life and rules the "heart" will begin tomorrow. I am waiting for you in the lobby at 8am.

      Martha: – And if we plan to sleep till noon? – refined woman from Mercedes

      Guide: – Then will ask friends. And today I say goodbye to you. Till tomorrow.

      We are somewhat shocked by what is happening, submit passport and get a printed card on which the administrator marked location number and key in the form of plastic with a magnetic strip.

      Dmitriy:      – We were promised a more transmitter- said the guy from Porshe

      – Tomorrow – briefly said the girl behind the reception desk

      Anna: – Do you have a schedule of tours? – I asked of mother fidgets.

      – You will also be given their tomorrow.

      Martha: – And it is possible to order room service or is it too tomorrow? – asked irritably woman from Mercedes

      – You in the room is wired communication apparatus, as well as a list of available phone numbers and your extension number. Near the unit you'll find the menu. – politely and with a smile she said.

      Chapter 3

      Dmitriy: – What is the number of your house? – appealed to me a man of Porshe – my name is Dmitry by the way, and you?

      Anna:      – Sixth. My name is Aneta. Nice to meet you – I held out his hand.

      Dmitriy: – An? – he corrected me, shaking my hand

      Anna: – Listen, we've come here to this hotel, for the sake of the promised "another life" – I spread her arms out, embracing this new world – so why do these trivial names Anya, Tanya, Ksyunya … Call me Aneta.

      Dmitriy: – Well, then I Dark – he smiled and playfully bowed.

      Margarita: – Wait for me – quickly caught up with us a girl from priusa, wheels her suitcase fun banging the rocks and jumped up on bumps. – I just in sixth too. My name is Margarita – she coyly glanced at Dmitry from under the wide brim hat

      Dmitriy: – My name is Dark, and is Aneta – introduced us Dmitri and his back even straighter. But Marguerite paused and narrowed her eyes

      Margarita:      – You just come up with them, right? – she asked indignantly

      Dmitriy: – Yes, in the "other life" other names – he raised his finger to the sky

      Margarita: – Well, then I Meggi- again rattled kolesiki- but if I suddenly forget and do not respond call Margot.

      My mood went up sharply. So lucky with neighbors, then now is not so terrible.

      Margarita: – By the way you at what time you planning for dinner? – Margaret asked – let's go together?

      Anna: – I do not mind – I picked up – let's at seven?

      Dmitriy: – I'll come with you. But now my way a little further. My building ninth

      House in front of which we stopped was a small timbered building with two floors. The wooden steps to climb stairs was on the outside of the house. Our rooms were located on the second Margot, so we hardly dragged suitcases along the narrow steep stairs and put magnetic keys, to get in.

      Chapter 4

      The first thing that impressed – it is the smell of wood and tall glass doors leading onto a quite spacious balcony. I put my suitcase on the floor and went to explore the richness of what I got. Floor under your feet – lacquered boards, two walls of the room – painted beams, which kept the room divine scent of the forest, the other two walls are the interior walls were covered with blue silk wallpaper with floral patterns. I I ran my hand along the walls, breathed in the smell and went to his balcony. It was spacious, decorated with traditional slope of the roof ornaments. There was a forged table and two plastic chairs. I sat down in one of them and closed her eyes, enjoying the birdsong, the smell of the woods and silence.

      Chapter 5

      Dmitri, as promised, came after us at seven in the evening and we went to dinner together. The restaurant occupies a separate wooden house, on the ground floor which had a minimum of two spacious halls. During one of the long wooden tables already dined family with children, we are joined them.

      Dmitriy: – We sit down to you? – said Dmitry, trying to get on the bench.

      Roman:      – Yes, but we had already eaten.

      Dmitriy:      – There are not crowded, is not it?

      Roman:      – We have also asked the first thing about where all the campers, but we were assured that tomorrow will be much more tourists – said the head of the family. My name is Roman

      Dmitriy: – Dark, Meg and Ann – introduced us Dmitri and buried in the menu, leaving the pleasure to admire the surprised faces us with Margot

      Lyudmila: – You foreigners or you kidding? – refined lady, studying our smiles – My name is Lyudmila.

      Margarita: – Not foreigners, but we decided to change the names. Maybe we robbed the bank and hiding from the police – Margot winked at us – yes, Dark?

      Dmitry paled slightly, and his smile now seemed feigned

      Dmitriy: – By this logic, your names should be Romeo and Lucien – he added, trying to cope with their emotions.

      Lyudmila: – No, we will probably use our names in the original. Always hated short form Lyuska- said, Lyudmila- and even if it is possible to choose a nickname you can pick up something a little more exciting, such as Aphrodite

      At this, her husband burst into laughter, even spilling some juice.

      Roman: – Dear Aphrodite, and it is time to retire to your Olympus Zeus and a pair of siblings. Our children: Yanochka and Daniel. We were glad to meet you, enjoy your meal. See you in the morning assembly?

      Margarita:      – Oh sure. Till tomorrow.

      Dark chose meat and potatoes, Margo- Meg grilled vegetables with some light salad.

      Dmitriy:      – You do not eat meat? – I surprised Dmitry

      Margarita:      –