Pupil of magicians of a rainbow. Vadim Poperekov

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Название Pupil of magicians of a rainbow
Автор произведения Vadim Poperekov
Жанр Русское фэнтези
Издательство Русское фэнтези
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449883629

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that you do not constitute for us danger. – having said it he suddenly fixedly began to look to me in the face and made hand pass, from top to down.

      My eyes were closed and consciousness failed in darkness. the come dream was some strange: I dreamed what happened to me since that moment as I regained consciousness on the witch Garvena’s altar till the moment as threw out me on this glade Ancient. There was a feeling as if whom – that stands nearby behind a shoulder during my dream and watches me.

      It was difficult to call awakening pleasant precisely. Having opened eyes, I found out that I lie on a laying from withered straw in one of huts of goblins. After a while couple of goblins came into a tent, threw to me some rags, which are bearing a faint resemblance to trousers and a shirt.

      Having put on and having reeled up couple of rags on legs, I with high spirits proceeded for goblins to the leader’s tent.

      The leader in the tent sat on the decorated chair with such important look as though he sits on a gold throne.

      – The stranger, you arrived from other world to our world with the name «Centroniya». Your memory of other world until your capture by the witch is closed for me. Therefore, we cannot release you just like that. Especially as you know nothing about this world at all and do not know local language.

      – Dress this amulet, it will help communication until you learn to tell and understand our language.

      The goblin approached me and gave an amulet on a rope. Having put on it a neck, I addressed the leader:

      – What will be with me? Why you left me in live?

      – Ancestral spirits told me that in you there is a magic spark. And it means that you can leave the good magician at due desire and training. I can train you in what I am able to do itself, but you will have to swear an oath on blood in devotion to my tribe, or can go wherever one wishes. But know if you leave now, then most likely you will die. Around there are a lot of dangers which to you without knowledge and the help not to experience. You have time to think till tomorrow’s morning for now go have a rest. Also remember, Noted that we the only tribe of goblins, which does not eat people…

      I was taken away by the same goblins «escorts» back in that pathetic tent in which I regained consciousness. Lying on straw, I tried to collect the thoughts. What turns out, I actually in other world and it is not similar to a hallucination. Here really there is a magic and I am a potential magician??

      Probably the leader did not leave me the choice, to go now to uncertainty means to die. But also there is no wish to swear an oath somehow. In the world of magic, judging by books, oaths have much bigger value, than in the native world. It was lucky that these goblins do not eat people, and that to be to me their lunch. And a name that what at the leader – Gliston, suitable (I burst out laughing internally).

      With these thoughts to me the dream came, but long did not allow to have a sleep to me.

      – Hey Noted get up – two goblins stood nearby. One with a spear, and here the second probably was female, judging by half-open green rotundities. She held in hand a bowl with something not bad smelling.

      – Is you will be?

      – Yes, I will be. Thanks for food.

      Took from it a bowl with some soup by the form consisting of an unclear grass and broth. Here reached me that I perfectly understand them. But when I speak, I pronounce it seems native words and in too time as if I break language over pronunciation of words unfamiliar to me. Food was frankly nasty, but a little nutritious. Having eaten, I began to reflect over the unenviable destiny and did not even notice how I fell asleep. Having woken up, I saw that light of the morning sun makes the way through holes in a tent, in the head cleared up, there was a wish that – to undertake that. Having looked out of a tent found two hour goblins guarding at my tent.

      – I am ready to a meeting with the leader, take away me to him. – I told them.

      We reached quickly, because the village was small and had almost a hundred small tents capable of accommodating no more than five hundred goblins.

      In a tent Gliston already sat on «throne» and having stared at me, asked:

      – Did you make the decision the Stranger by the name of Vladimir?

      – I agree to your conditions the leader Gliston – I blurted out, having understood that I and had no choice per se. The instinct of self-preservation cried out that it is necessary to agree or I in this world will not last out also day unaided.

      – Approach and extend a hand forward, I need your blood for fulfillment of a ritual of an oath.

      Having internally shrunk from fear, I gave it a hand.

      – About ancestral spirits of the tribe a green grass, accept blood of this person who wants to join the ranks of our tribe. Shaman, holding in his right hand his sugar with a skull, taking in the left ritual dagger, slightly cut my palm. Then having palmed off the staff under blood drops, waited so far several drops will fall to a staff. Empty eye-sockets of a staff blazed bad green light.

      The shaman began to smile and only wanted to tell something how eye-sockets of a staff blazed in red color. The staff consisting of a set of small skulls suddenly brightly flashed and was scattered by gray dust. The shaman in mute dullness looked at the ashes which remained from a staff, and then, having focused the eyes poured by blood on Vladimir, cried:

      – Get out of our land, you have the seal of goddamn blood, you do not belong here, man!

      – But how so? I hoped that you would help me.

      – On you there is a mark of blood of the admirer spiteful demon Lyutoglaz, and he so just will not release you any more, he needs your soul.

      And here as if flash the inspiration came: on me blood of the wicked witch Garvena got and there were even traces on a body as if from burns.

      – And where to me to move? – Sadly I from myself squeezed out.

      – Go to lands of people, and do not come back, here are not glad to you.

      – Fast-legs, you will see this person to border of people as far as you will be able – the leader addressed one of the goblins standing nearby.

      – Gliston, but is not simpler to kill this person and problems will be less? – Bystronog at the leader took an interest, gloomy glancing at me.

      – It is impossible to kill him, it will be looked for and then will contact us, and excess problems are not necessary to us.

      And quickly, he cannot stay with us for long – as if something very scared, said the shaman. Then the shaman called that goblin and began to whisper something in their language, but judging by the expression of his face, whether it was something good.

      The bad presentiment wakened in me and in spite of the fact that I was promised to be seen to people, I was by no means not quiet. Collecting did not take a lot of time. In total through half of hour we with my gloomy conductor walked through the woods towards the of Bystronog was equipped with short hunting onions with a quiver of arrows and a spear of nasty quality. On the way I tried get to talking the goblin, left me a medallion. Probably were afraid of it to take away because of the words of the shaman about a mark of the demon, but the soldier was silent.

      So we by the evening reached the foothills and began rise to pass them. On a lodging for the night located in an imperceptible depression in the ground on a slope of the mountain and, having a little had a bite, settled to sleep.

      At night, I woke up from a rough poke of the stupid party of a spear. When wanted to be indignant already from so ill-treatment,