Pupil of magicians of a rainbow. Vadim Poperekov

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Название Pupil of magicians of a rainbow
Автор произведения Vadim Poperekov
Жанр Русское фэнтези
Издательство Русское фэнтези
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449883629

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upil of magicians of a rainbow

      Vadim Poperekov

      © Vadim Poperekov, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4498-8362-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Vladimir Naumov stood in front of the mirror and saw the person of an average constitution of years of twenty-five with extremely frightening off appearance there. His face disfigured by fire as if a lifeless mask looked at it blue eyes. It should not have a shave and cut the absent hair though in something, it was lucky – he thought.

      The tragedy happened when he was only ten years old. Vladimir with parents lived in a country wooden house. At night, their two- floor house caught fire, and his parents did not even have time to wake up, suffocating with smoke. The nursery was on the first floor therefore firefighters managed to save the child who managed to get serious burns of all body. As firefighters told then – old electric, conducting is guilty.

      Therefore, Vladimir did not have none of relatives, and he got to orphanage. In orphanage, Volodya did not make friends for the natural reasons and let all the not dissipated energy to reading books.

      It bore fruits in the form of the diploma of the university. But because of appearance the way on a career ladder to it was ordered and therefore it worked as the ordinary engineer at the plant for modest salary. There lived Vova in the rental one-room apartment, which was in the bedroom community and even managed to save the saved money for own housing. As entertainments to it served books and computer games in which he forgot what freak it looks. Once on the Internet Vladimir was acquainted with group Tolkien’s fans and decided to vanish with them in the fresh air especially as there all changed clothes in different fantasy characters.

      At choice, there were Elves, Orks, People and Goblins.

      I will be an ork – Vladimir thought, it would be so possible to hide the ugliness behind a mask of and a dress.

      The leader of Tolkien’s fans under an assumed name Agloron appointed departure to the country for their group to this summer Saturday with spending the night in the fresh air in tents. The custom bus took their group to an edge of the deep forest. The stunning view opened on the small mountain towering nearby. Somewhere on it the small rivulet flowing near their place of disembarkation originated.

      Agloron broke group into two contradictory parties – on the one-hand elves with people led by the magician Agloron, with another orks and goblins led by the shaman of orks Gromogryzl.

      Having played a fantasy scene with attack from an ambush of orks with goblins on patrol of elves and people in which the victory remained for people with elves (them was just more), all dispersed to fry shish kebabs on groups/races, to take strong drinks and just to have a good time.

      Vladimir having communicated to other orks after shish kebabs and decently drunk amount of vodka thought that orks on that and orks that drink much.

      Very soon began to darken. Reeling, Vova rose from a glade and went to celebrate need. It was necessary to go long as not one him it was impatient and under each next imperceptible bush it was already busy. At last having departed on decent distance Vladimir made the necessary business and was already going to come back as suddenly its attention, the dim spark involved mountains from outside not far. The curiosity, together with crooked the elbow, won and he decided to find out it.

      Having approached closer on a spark, he saw in a shallow cave at the foot of the mountain the old woman something cooking in a kettle on fire and decided to leave already as suddenly the blow by something stupid and heavy behind fell upon it, light grew dim before eyes. Vladimir regained consciousness feeling that he bound hand and foot lies on something cold completely naked and understood what cannot be shown that he returned to consciousness.

      At last that you caught the virgin, freeloaders! I the great hereditary witch Garvena on a step will bring closer today day of coming of Lyutoglaz to our world! – the happy voice of the old woman was distributed.

      From where she knows that I am a virgin? It that real Witch? – rushed in the head of Vladimir.

      Now everything is ready to a ritual, and today the Great Demon Lyutoglaz will accept the next victim and will become one-step closer to awakening in our world – the old woman continued.

      Pour to the virgin in a throat in this soup, he has to be without fetters when Lyutoglaz accepts it in the victim – the old hag ordered.

      To Bays Vladimira brought the vessel filled what – that with smelly liquid and poured to it in a mouth.

      Volodya pretended that he took a sip, feverishly thinking how to get out of this situation.

      Untie it and depart! – The witch ordered. Then began to pronounce by a loud sepulchral voice unclear words from which hair bristled if they were.

      In process of reading a spell, and there was it exactly a spell for transfer of vital force through space to the demon, the voice of the witch became louder and closer to Vladimir.

      Through the slightly open eyelashes, Vladimir saw an approaching old woman with a dagger. Having collected all his will in the first Vova at the last moment intercepted her dagger with his hands, at the same time spilling the contents of his mouth in her face. The witch was confused by the surprise, which Vladimir took advantage of and intercepted the dagger from her hands, stuck in her stomach. The witch leaned back, screaming in pain. Splashes of blood of the witch from a dagger got on Vladimir’s body and in several moments on an altar. The space around Volodya began to spin, started turning. Cotton after which he fainted was distributed.

      Chapter 1. Goblins

      I regained consciousness, feeling that I somewhere connected am carried. Legs and hands became numb from pain. Having opened eyes, I lost a speech power for an instant – around in a dense grass there were low little men less than a meter high with green skin and the wrinkled faces. Four porters carried in free hands a spear of rough quality, reminding a spear of primitive people. They went apparently to the tents standing not far.

      – Hey boys, it is good to play the fool! – Loudly I said to these green guys in hope that it is some silly joke. I have likely hallucinations and at all not green people, and quite to themselves such simple children in white dressing gowns carry me on a stretcher now.

      In reply, one of these little green men uttered rapidly something, but I did not understand any word from told. These little men resembled very much computer characters – goblins.

      Soon they reached a glade around which the semicircle located tents.

      The biggest tent left the goblin who unlike other goblins on a neck had a necklace from small crocks of small rodents. In his hands, he was holding a staff of a bigger skull.

      – Grrbvkhukh to the tkh? – This goblin rumbled, pointing a finger at me.

      – Arrgkh vren tkha – continued he, showing to a staff on me.

      – Who are you such? Why I was connected? – loudly I was indignant.

      – Kungkh drin vtykh – loudly said the goblin and touched the staff my forehead, empty eye-sockets of a staff sparkled a green flame and right there went out.

      For an instant, I fainted…

      – Now you understand me? – I hear a voice at myself in the head from nowhere.

      – Yes well to hell what occurs? – I thought.

      – I am Gliston, the leader of the tribe of goblins «A green grass» and the shaman of the 7th level! I communicate with you through a spell of thought

      Speeches. Answer who you are such stranger? – The leader looked at me with feeling of own superiority.

      – My name is Vladimir