Lloyd. Светлана Полтавская

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Название Lloyd
Автор произведения Светлана Полтавская
Жанр Современная русская литература
Издательство Современная русская литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005007735

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my father.

      "Let's go upstairs, I'll show you everything, she killed him."

      –Who killed whom? Amanda what are you talking about?

      – Dad, Adam is no more!

      –Well, he must have gone somewhere!

      "No, no, I saw!" Amanda and her father walked into Adam's room and said,"Look under the bed." Mary was already standing in the room. Ryan looked under the bed.

      "Oh, my God, what is that?" And the smell, Amanda, is this? "Rain pointed to something that was not clear under the bed.

      –Mary, why did you kill Adam?

      –Rain, what are you? I did not kill him, what are you talking about? I honestly do not.

      "I'm calling the police, I've had enough, let them understand, Amanda will go!" Raine shouted and they left. Mary was left alone.

      "How could this happen? What kind of animal is this?" And where is Lloyd? "Mary went to the kitchen. Lloyd ate at that time, his meat, which she gave him.

      "Lloyd, you're a clever dog?" "Yes, what are you doing?" Lloyd turned to her and his eyes burned with an ominous fire, and drool droplets dribbled from his splashes.

      "Lloyd, you will not eat Mom?" But Lloyd did not think so. He attacked Mary and tore her hand away, she was already screaming:

      "You're not my dog, the doctor changed it and I'll kill you." Mary was in a panic, her hand bleeding with a fountain. Lloyd gnawed Mary on the horrors, she had a huge hole on her stomach. She was no longer breathing, Lloyd was no longer interested in her, he ran to the street. To Auntie Mary came the police:

      "Hey, is there anyone here, like Mary Rinson?" But no one answered. The policeman ordered another:

      "Peter, break the door to hell, something is not clean!" Peter broke the door and they both went in. And when they saw this sight, they were stunned.

      "You see this?" Asked Peter. Mason was the other policeman's name.

      –Yes I see! well, the smell! fu stink then what! something I do not like it at all, the murderer tore Miss Mary apart, but who can do it?

      "Obviously, not a man, but a beast, looks more like a lion, so call experts here, let them decide now."

      –Okay, I understood the boss! Amanda sat on the couch and held her father's hand firmly.

      – Dad, please do not leave again, I'm scared, I'm afraid! Call at the door:

      "There are policemen, I'll go open!" Rhine went to the door and opened it.

      –Are you Marie Rinson's brother?

      And what, in fact, did she not kill the boy?

      –Yes, it's not who she killed, but who killed her?

      "Is she dead?" Asked Rhine.

      You're gonna have to come with me.

      "You want to say that I am capable of killing her, that is, my own sister?" "I did not offend the fly in my life!" And that Ryan was agitated at me now.

      –What are you carrying? No one is going to arrest you. They approached Mary's house. The experts were already spinning over Mary's body, or what was left of him.

      "What have we got there?" Mason asked the expert.

      Judging by the bites, it was a huge dog.

      – Mason, hurry upstairs! Look! He looked under the bed.

      Mr. experts, the corpse of a boy has also been found here. They all went upstairs. Ryan asked:

      –May I go now?

      "One minute sir, I have one question for you, was there any dog ??in the house?"

      –Yes, but I do not know where she is now.

      "But why did he run away? Maybe it's his paw case? Urgently him on the wanted list, what kind of dog are you talking about?"

      –I do not remember, but in my opinion it's a Staffordshire terrier!

      "A very dangerous dog," Mason said."Well, I think I'll go okay," Rhine said and backed away, and then ran home.

      "Amanda, are you at home?" He asked, sounding the key on the shelf.

      "Dad, I'm here, I'm afraid," said Amanda, sitting on the couch, clasping her knees to her chest.

      "Glory to God, you are whole, healthy, Amanda from this day on, will you go to school and only understand with me from school?"

      Dad, and at school I will be guarded by our class teacher, Dad, by the way, she asked you to go to school tomorrow, will you come tomorrow?

      As soon as I get free I'll come to school and get acquainted with your teacher, and now go to bed, daughter! Tomorrow is a hard day. Good night, dear!

      –Good night, Papa! The next morning: Mason sat drinking a morning coffee, suddenly a phone call.

      –Ser Mason? Asked in the phone.

      "Yes, I'm listening." Mason answered, taking another sip of burning coffee.

      "Come quickly, on the ninth avenue and see with your own eyes."

      "What should I see?" He asked.

      "But sir, this is not a telephone conversation, I'm waiting for you there!" Mason put down the phone, threw on his jacket, and rushed off there. Already in place:

      Mason came into the apartment and saw something terrible. On the floor in the pool of blood lay two half-eaten corpses.

      – Sir Mason, go up to the second floor, there's something in the bath! Mason rose to the bathroom.

      "Oh, my God, it's just a baby, about six, seven. Mason saw the bath full of blood, the girl's whole chest is gnawed and everywhere the dog tracks are bloody.

      You have to find a dog, until she made a half of the corpses.

      –Sir Mason !, received a phone call, there was not a terrible murder here!

      You went there! And you work! And call the car, okay?

      Sir, we will do so! They arrived at the place:

      –My neighbor called and said that I saw a very strange dog, so furious, as if he was looking for someone.

      "Well, what is it?" Mason asked.

      "Here in my opinion, it looks like a half-rub, and I could not find my feet, in my opinion, our dog had a tasty breakfast. In a small, children's room, the corpse of a child of six years old lay.

      –I understood that our dog tries to look for him and he is already very close. Amanda was familiar with Adam after all?

      Yes, it's the woman, her father's sister?

      "Then it's all up, this dog is looking for a girl, Amanda is the eighth, right?" He's looking for her age, it's all the same, what kind of devil is he in the guise of a dog? "Ryan drove to school to pick up Amanda and meet the teacher.

      "Are you going to be the father of Amanda, I'm her class teacher, my name is Sara Richter, and you are Rhine Rinson?"

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