Aromatherapy for Women: How to use essential oils for health, beauty and your emotions. Maggie Tisserand

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Название Aromatherapy for Women: How to use essential oils for health, beauty and your emotions
Автор произведения Maggie Tisserand
Жанр Здоровье
Издательство Здоровье
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008286477

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prior to the monthly ‘curse’. Occasionally, women suffering with premenstrual tension have even committed murder, and because the concept of PMT is now medically accepted, some of these women were given lighter sentences due to ‘diminished responsibility’. I experience a sort of insanity which can make me behave in completely irrational ways, and I can feel extremely vulnerable and cry at the slightest provocation. The oils of clary sage, ylang-ylang and lavender will be beneficial, whether used in the bath, or infused into the atmosphere of your room by placing a few drops on a source of heat. Lemongrass oil is strong and tangy, and I find that a lemongrass bath strengthens my emotions on those days when I am feeling emotionally wobbly. If bathing is not practical, I would put a few drops onto a tissue and carry it with me, keeping it within sniffing distance. Rose oil is calming and emotionally healing and this could be worn as a perfume for a few days, or it may be massaged into the solar plexus. Rose is excellent for soothing fraught emotions, and when used for controlling premenstrual tension, its uplifting aroma and powers of healing can bring immediate relief, making Rose a true ‘woman’s’ remedy.


      Our body’s ability to eliminate waste liquids is largely determined by the healthy functioning of our kidneys and lymphatic system. On those days of the month when water retention becomes apparent – when you can’t get your jeans done up, or your skirt button has to be unfastened – a diuretic can be employed to help you feel comfortable again. Many foods (vegetables in particular) have diuretic properties and it is wise to eat healthily at this time. The essence which seems to work best as a diuretic is juniper oil, which may be used in the bath or a drop taken in honey water. Taken in small doses on the odd occasion (once a month) will not cause harm, but essential oils should not be ingested on a regular basis. Someone with chronic water retention has a systematic problem and should seek treatment from a qualified aromatherapist. A serious problem of fluid retention could indicate congestion of the lymphatic system.


      This annoying and distressing problem is caused by an infection of the bladder or kidneys. Urinating is an unpleasant, often painful experience and the burning sensation when passing water is often accompanied by pain further up inside the abdomen. Juniper oil may be taken in honey water, or sandalwood oil rubbed into the kidney region of the lower back. If the discomfort is very bad, I recommend a sitz bath with lavender oil – after each visit to the toilet if this is practical. If you still have to go to work, then you could make up a bottle of lavender water to take with you (see here). A cotton wool pad soaked with lavender water applied after going to the toilet will give temporary relief and help you to maintain your sanity. All strong food and drinks should be avoided (tea, coffee, alcohol, spices), as should sugar and any foods containing sugar.

      A friend of mine rang me in tears one Boxing Day, in agony with her cystitis. She had been treating it for some while, and had thought it was under control. However, Christmas temptations had lured her into drinking alcohol, and she was really suffering once again. Sex was out of the question, which was causing problems with her husband, and she was at her wit’s end. I gave her a bottle of juniper oil with instructions to take one or two drops on a tiny amount of sugar, or in honey water, twice a day. After only two days she rang to say that it had worked miraculously, and everything was back to normal in her household.


      Candida albicans is the most common cause of vaginal irritation, and although candida is mentioned in more detail in another chapter, there are many people who prefer to douche rather than take essential oils orally.

      Thrush is extremely irritating to the mucous membranes of the vagina, and can seem almost to drive you insane. In my early twenties I suffered recurrent bouts of thrush, and each time I visited my doctor I was given medicated pessaries which brought temporary relief only. I was never cured, and thought that perhaps I was destined to have thrush for the rest of my life. It was not until much later, after incorporating aromatherapy into my life, that I treated and cured myself of thrush. My choice of essences was rose, lavender and bergamot (see recipe chapter). I bought an enema pot from a chemist (or you may be able to buy a douche) and to 1 litre of warm water I added the essences, and douched twice a day. To ensure that the essences disperse, place them into a 100ml bottle of water and shake well. Transfer to the douche and top up with warm-hot water – a comfortable temperature for you. The relief from itching was apparent even from the first treatment, and I was pleased to know that the problem was diminishing. After a week of twice-daily douching, I reduced treatment to once a week for a further month. Douching should not be routinely employed as it will destroy the natural acid balance inside the vagina, but when used for periodic treatment of a particular complaint it is very beneficial.


      Herpes, being a virus, cannot be treated with antibiotics, and by and large it is thought to be permanent once it has caused infection through sexual intercourse. The virus is the same as that which produces cold sores. Lavender, tea tree, lemon, sandalwood and other essential oils which stimulate the immune system will aid your body to fight the virus. Eucalyptus sitz baths helped a friend of mine when the irritation became too great to bear. She was also given a rose blend to rub into the glands at the tops of her legs, and reported a marked improvement in her energy levels, together with a lessening of the pain. Tea tree oil could be applied directly to any blisters, as tea tree is very powerful in its action but will not irritate or harm the delicate skin of the vulva. As herpes tends to rear its ugly head when the body is under par – whether physically or emotionally – steps should be taken to enhance the immune system, thereby helping your body to keep the virus under control.


      A light vaginal discharge is quite normal, but prolonged, excessive discharge indicates that something is wrong. A tampon impregnated with tea tree oil may be inserted each night for a few days, or the discharge could be treated with a douche containing lavender, bergamot and tea tree. The vaginal discharge may be an indication of a food allergy, and suspect foods should be eliminated from the diet, at the rate of one per week. I have problems if I inadvertently eat dairy products while away from home, and as a preventive measure I regularly take two echinacea tablets each day. Echinacea is a herbal blood purifier.


      Pruritis means itching, and can pertain to the anus or the vagina. The saying ‘there’s no smoke without fire’ could be translated as ‘where there’s an itch there’s a problem’. An external irritant could be causing the irritation, and it is never advisable to spray perfumes or toilet waters near the vagina. Nor should you enter a bath to which essential oils have been added without first ensuring that they are thoroughly dispersed by agitating the water.

      If the itching is very troublesome, a lavender sitz bath will bring relief. As with cystitis, washing the vulva after each visit to the toilet will soothe the skin and make you feel more comfortable. Sometimes the heat accompanying vaginal pruritis may cause the mucous membranes to be dry, thereby making sexual intercourse a little uncomfortable or painful. Jojoba oil makes a wonderful lubricant if sexual intercourse is uncomfortable due to the mucous membranes being dry.


      With increasing promotion towards safer sex the use of condoms is increasing. Many women find that the spermicidal covering causes irritation to the vagina. Although most condoms contain spermicide, there are some manufactured without, and if you experience this form of vaginal irritation it is advisable to use spermicide-free condoms. (Ask your pharmacist for advice.) Douching with bergamot, lavender or tea tree will help to remove traces of spermicide and help the vagina to return to normal. If preferred, a tea tree tampon may be inserted each night for two or three nights, until the vagina has healed, Tea tree is a powerful antiseptic,