The Abby Green Modern Collection. ABBY GREEN

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Название The Abby Green Modern Collection
Автор произведения ABBY GREEN
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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enormity of what had just happened hit her. They were about to walk outside, away from any last piece of protection. She would be alone with Alexandros and he would expect—

      She stopped dead in her tracks, forcing him to come to a halt, too. He looked back, a dark look on his face. ‘What is it?’

      ‘What is it? What is it?’ Kallie’s voice was rising as her fear rose, too, like an unstoppable volcano that had just blown its top. She yanked her hand out of Alexandros’s with an effort and stood there shaking.

      ‘What is wrong with you? This isn’t real…this is a farce. And everyone in there thinks that we’re in love, that this is a proper marriage.’ She started to back away, back towards the room, babbling, ‘I can’t do it. I can’t do this. I’m going to tell them. I’ll work for Alexei, I’ll do anything to help him get another loan…But don’t make me…I just can’t do this, I can’t—’

      With lightning speed Alexandros reached her as she turned and hauled her into his arms, his mouth crashing down on hers, silencing her words. She struggled and fought but he kept kissing her, and kissing her. Finally he felt her body grow pliant, and her mouth had softened. He’d forgotten the reason he’d started to kiss her in the first place.

      Kallie forgot, too, in a shamingly short amount of time. The anger drained away under the intense building of desire that started low down and rose throughout her entire body. Her hands were trapped against Alexandros’s chest and she revelled in the close contact with the hard muscle under his shirt. When she felt the strength of his arousal through the flimsy silk of her dress she couldn’t pull away. Her hips rocked, aching to be closer, and he pulled her up and into the cradle of his lap.

      When he lifted his head after long minutes. Kallie’s mouth clung…until the cool air swept over her skin as someone came out of the door behind them. She tensed immediately and her eyes flew open, clashing with dark brown ones. This time there was a look of triumph on his face.

      She was still too stunned by the strength of her reaction to do anything, feel anything other than the blood that coursed through her with the force of a crashing wave.

      He smiled down at her, and trailed a finger along her jaw. He, unlike her, seemed to be capable of speaking, of being rational.

      ‘It’s too late, Kallie. We’re married. As you seem to have conveniently forgotten, you’ve already signed the agreement that seals my promise of the loan, and this…’ He moved his hips slightly, his erection sliding tantalisingly against the silk-covered apex of her thighs. The burning desire still held her in its grip. ‘This is very much the next part of the plan.’

      She was held and mesmerised by his eyes. She had to wonder for the first moment since seeing him again what he would do when he discovered she was woefully inexperienced. That suddenly made her brain freeze. He wouldn’t want to sleep with a novice. She wasn’t a virgin but may as well be compared to him! She should tell him now before they went any further. This was the thing that would make him dump her faster than a hot piece of coal. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Two sides of her went to war, the side that wanted very badly to get away right now, forget she’d ever seen Alexandros again, and the other side that wanted nothing more than for him to lay her down, right where they were, and take her to paradise and back.

      They were still locked together, as close as they could be. She had to say something, she couldn’t be this weak. A flashing pop made Kallie flinch in his arms as suddenly, within what seemed like seconds, they were surrounded by paparazzi. The hotel doormen, along with bodyguards that had materialised out of thin air, were trying to beat them back, and in the mayhem that followed Kallie was bundled out and into a car with Alexandros so fast that they were speeding away before she could even get her breath, never mind launch into a declaration of her sexual inexperience.


      WHEN she was finally able to articulate a word she bit out, ‘Are you going to tell me where we’re going?’

      The thought of a honeymoon, just her and Alexandros together, was causing waves of panic through Kallie’s tense body.

      Alexandros looked at her. Her arms were folded across her chest. Everything about her screamed, Get out! And made him more determined than ever to slake his lust, experience the passion that ignited with just a touch of their mouths.

      He forced himself to relax, to try and dampen the spark that was ready to be fanned into a burning flame at the slightest provocation…or encouragement, which he figured was unlikely in the near future.

      ‘Our bags are following so we’re going straight to the airport.’

      Was he being deliberately obtuse? Kallie emitted a frustrated sigh.

      ‘And is this a magic mystery tour or are you going to tell me where we’re going?’

      She was all too aware of the strained edge in her voice. Alexandros regarded her coolly from his seat. Looking casual and relaxed and at ease, when she felt as tightly wound as a spring.

      ‘We’re going to my villa just outside Athens.’

      Kallie frowned and automatically slipped into the familiar Greek name for her grandmother. ‘The villa beside ya ya’s?’

      He nodded. ‘My mother has moved into town. It’s easier for her, and closer to the doctors if she needs them. I’ve had it completely refurbished in the interim.’

      She’d bet he had. And she could only imagine the opulence. It had always been very grand, effortlessly overshadowing her grandparents’ more humble villa, with its deceptively simple design.

      She saw that they were driving into a small airfield, approaching a private jet. She tried to quell her panic and looked at Alexandros as if to block out the evidence that very shortly they would be on a plane, flying to Athens, to be alone. She knew she was talking quickly, inanely.

      ‘I haven’t been back there since ya ya died. Her house is sitting empty now. Some of the family go there sometimes, I think, but…’

      A sudden upsurge of sadness gripped Kallie, taking her by surprise. That house held such special memories for her and the thought of seeing it again without her beloved grandmother hit home.

      She didn’t see how Alexandros’s gaze narrowed on her face. ‘Is this your first visit back to Athens since then?’

      And was that moisture in her eyes?

      She swallowed the lump in her throat and looked at him, shaking her head, desperately willing the emotion down. ‘Not to Athens, just to her house…’

      She’d had no idea the thought of going back there would affect her so strongly.

      The car came to a smooth halt and thankfully she clambered out into the cool air. Anything to avoid that intense, laser-like gaze. Within minutes they were ensconced in plush cream leather seats in the plane, sitting opposite one another. Kallie felt a little more under control again. She couldn’t be her normal self around Alexandros. But it was so hard, watching everything she said, having to control every impulse. She was used to living honestly, openly. But, of course, they were the last things he believed her to be. Open and honest. As they took off and she avoided meeting the dark gaze she could feel resting on her, Kallie had to admit to herself that being open and honest hadn’t exactly worked for her in the past. She’d found out that people didn’t appreciate it. Would step all over it…

      A host of conflicting uncomfortable emotions were ripping through Alexandros. He took in Kallie’s averted profile, the way she swallowed convulsively. He’d seen the sheen of tears in her eyes in the car and it had thrown him completely. He’d even found himself about to ask if she’d prefer to stay at his apartment in Athens, rather than go to the villa. His jaw clenched. Thank goodness he’d come to his senses. Kallie Demarchis at the age of seventeen had shown a mercenary streak that had stunned him. Seven years on, it would