The Loneliest Cowboy. Pamela Macaluso

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Название The Loneliest Cowboy
Автор произведения Pamela Macaluso
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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      He nodded. “Are you all right?”

      Before she could answer, he continued, “That’s not really a fair question, what with your dad in the hospital, and all. How’s he doing?”

      At least he attributed her rattled state to her father’s condition. Only she knew that his presence was the cause of the emotional war raging inside her.

      “He’s still in a coma, but Doc Beechem says his vital signs are improving. Hopefully, they’ll be able to move him to San Antonio later this week.”

      “Glad to hear it. How’s everything else going around here?”

      Skye served him his coffee and moved to the end of the counter to get the pie. “All right. Reverend Bartlett asked anyone available to help out and we’ve had a rush of people come in to apply for part-time jobs.”

      Had he really come in to make sure all was well with them? A phone call would have gotten him the same information.

      She set the pie in front of Clint. He smiled his thanks. Still torn between drawing closer to him and keeping as far as possible, she gave him only a token smile in return. She picked up the pot of freshly brewed coffee and went to offer refills to the other customers, making her escape from Clint’s disturbing presence.


      Clint took a sip of coffee and reached for his fork. Coming back to the coffee shop may have been a mistake. Instead of proving his theory that last night’s reaction to Skye had been a fluke, tonight’s visit had proved the opposite.

      The minute he’d walked in and spotted her, he’d had that odd feeling again. It was a sexual feeling, only more primal. The urge to pursue Skye with some macho, me-Tarzan-you-Jane method of seduction.

      He watched her. He didn’t need to hear the words to know the male customers were flirting with her. And she was flirting right back, with a sassiness that was worlds away from the standoffishness she used with him.

      Maybe she was one of those women who got tonguetied around a man if she was interested in him. He’d met that kind before. They took extra patience, but were usually worth the effort.

      You should be so lucky this time, pal...

      Most likely there was another reason. He mulled over a number of possibilities, but the one that seemed to make the most sense was that she wanted something from him. From past experience, the two things women seemed to want from him most often were sex and money.

      Skye might be trying to work up the courage to ask for a loan of a large amount of cash, something to help the Williamson family stay afloat through Lou’s illness and the medical bills that would follow.

      Yeah, that had to be it, the reason she’d gotten that strange faraway look of yearning in her eyes. She’d probably been seeing a large, flashing dollar sign on his forehead.

      Once she worked up the courage, he’d be getting the full force of her persuasive charms aimed in his direction. He’d play along with her, maybe even loan her the money. But everything would be on his terms, not hers.

      He turned his attention to the pie, stabbing it with more force than necessary.


      Skye had put off the inevitable for as long as possible, but finally she stepped behind the counter and headed toward Clint.

      “Refill on coffee, Mr. Slade?”

      Slowly, he raised his gaze to hers, moving it straight up her body starting from her waist. She froze like a deer caught in the glare of headlights. She’d seen that heated look in his eyes before. Not in bright fluorescent lighting, but in the pale glow from a rising moon and dim streaks from a parking-lot light.

      Other memories teased her nerve endings. The taste and feel of his mouth, the sensation of his hands touching her and the exotic male textures and contours she’d discovered when she’d given in to his urging that she touch him in return. And as things had progressed, the uncontrollable way the force of his desire had sparked hers.

      The fire in his eyes burned brighter. Then he blinked and that fast the flames went out. “No, thanks. I need to be getting home.”

      Had he only come in for coffee and pie, after all?

      He stood and reached into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. Skye tried not to let her gaze drift downward, but lost the battle. Did he still wear white briefs beneath the well-worn denim?

      She felt the heat of a blush rush to her cheeks. Shifting her focus to the money in his hand, she asked, “How was your pie?”

      “Great, as usual.”

      She stepped to the cash register, rang up his order, made change and wished him a good evening without looking him in the eye again.


      Clint had the dream again in the early hours of the next morning. This time, he got up and headed for the stables.

      “How ya doin’, Zeus?” He rubbed the black stallion’s nose. “Ready for a nice, long ride?”

      Clint was. After two nights with a rude awakening from his dream, he needed the healing calm he got from being on his land. He saddled up, mounted and set off into the crisp morning.

      From the first time he’d ventured out alone on the Diamond S, he’d felt a deep, almost spiritual, bond with the diverse territory that made up the ranch—the acres and acres of land scarred by arroyos, the rolling hills, deep ravines and rugged rockiness of buttes and mountains. Although they looked barren from a distance, hidden away in the westernmost mountain range were lush meadows abundant with wildlife.

      This land filled a need deep within him. A need he sensed other people filled for each other. He got along well enough with people. Men respected him. Women were hot for him. But there wasn’t anyone he considered a friend—someone he could really let down his guard with. Someone he could tell things to, like that bit about feeling single he’d babbled out to Skye the other night.

      He must have been more tired than he’d thought, to have admitted something so personal to a complete stranger. The way his libido had reared up like a teenager’s should have tipped him off that he wasn’t in a state of absolute control.

      Of course, he hadn’t been as tired last night and she’d still pushed his hormones into overdrive. At least he hadn’t dropped any more personal information.

      Zeus came to a stop when they reached a fork in the trail, waiting for a signal telling him which way to go. Clint decided to take the route along Harmony Creek to reach the herd. It wasn’t a necessity that he check on them. The herd and the water were regularly monitored by plane or helicopter. In fact, much of the daily work on the ranch was done with the latest modern trappings, but when it came time for the spring and fall roundups the brunt of the workload fell on the cowboys and their horses.

      There was something comforting in the knowledge they were following age-old traditions his great-grandfather had started.

      He wondered about future generations of Slades. How would ranching be for them? More important, if he continued as he was, would there be future generations of Slades?


      Skye woke to sunshine and the aroma of coffee. The first thing she saw was Dawn setting a ceramic mug on the nightstand. Skye scooted into a sitting position and caught her daughter as she bounced onto the side of the bed.

      “Thanks, sweetie. Is Auntie Anna up?”

      “Auntie Anna and Uncle Richard left for work already. Uncle Chuck made the coffee and carried it up the stairs for me. But I got to give it to you mineself!”

      After another hug and thank-you for Dawn, Skye flew off the bed and across the room into the arms of the tall, handsome blond man standing patiently in the doorway. He had a deeper tan than she’d ever seen him with, but otherwise looked much the same...older, but the same.
