Taming Her Navy Doc. Amy Ruttan

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Название Taming Her Navy Doc
Автор произведения Amy Ruttan
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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repair was crude, but stable.”

      “He was our medic,” someone mumbled from the back, but was silenced when the commanding officer shot him a look which would make any young officer go running for the hills.

      “If it hadn’t been for the bacteria getting in there … Depending on whatever your situation was, it could’ve been caused by many factors,” Erica said, trying to take the heat off the SEAL who’d stepped out of line.

      “Like?” the commanding officer asked, impatience in his voice.

      “Dirty water?” Erica ventured a guess, but when she got no response from the SEALs she shook her head. “I’m sorry, unless I know the details of your mission I can’t help you determine the exact cause of how your man picked up the bacteria.”

      The commanding officer nodded. “Understood. How soon can we move him?”

      “He’s in ICU. He has a high temperature and will require a long course of antibiotics as well as monitoring of his surgical wound.”

      “Unacceptable,” the commanding officer snapped. “He needs to be moved. He can’t stay here.”

      Erica crossed her arms. “You move him and he develops a post-op fever, he could die.”

      “I’m sorry, Commander. We have a mission to fulfill.”

      “Not with my patient, you don’t.”

      “I’m sorry, Commander. We’re under strict orders. I can give him eight hours before our transport comes.” The commanding officer nodded and moved back to his group of men as they filed out of the surgical bay.

      Erica shook her head.

      She understood the protocols. It was a covert operation, but she didn’t agree with all the regulations.

      Their medic was useless. He needed medical care for quite some time and as a physician she wanted to see it through.

      When that young SEAL had blurted out that the man she’d operated on was their medic, her admiration for her patient grew. He’d operated on himself, most likely without anesthetic, and probably after he’d removed the bullets from the other man they’d brought on board after him. That man didn’t have the same extent of infection but, from what she’d gleaned from a scrub nurse, the gunshot wound had been a through-and-through. It hadn’t even nicked an artery.

      The man was being watched for a post-op fever and signs of the bacterial infection but would make a full recovery.

      Her patient on the other hand had months of rehabilitation and, yes, pain.

      I wish I knew his name.

      It was a strange thought which crept into her head, but it was there all the same, and she wished she knew who he really was, where he was from. Was he married? And, if he was, wouldn’t his wife want to know what she was in for as well?

      Her patient was a mystery to her and she didn’t really like mysteries.

      She headed into the ICU. He was extubated, but still sedated and now cleaned up. There were several cuts and scratches on his face, but they hadn’t been infiltrated by the bacteria.

      Erica sighed; she hated ending the career of a fellow serviceman. She grabbed a chair and sat down by his bedside.

      She had eight hours to monitor him, unless she appealed to someone higher up about keeping him here for his own good. At least until he was more stable to withstand a medical transport to the nearest base.

      USNV Hope was a floating hospital. It was not as big as USNV Mercy, but just as capable of taking care of his needs while he recovered. And it wasn’t only the physical wounds Erica was worried about, but also the emotional ones he’d have when he recovered.

      She knew about that. There were scars she still carried.

      Her patient had begged for his leg because he wanted to serve. It was admirable. Hopefully, he’d get the help he needed. The help her father hadn’t had.

      She reached out and squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

      He squeezed back and moaned. “Liam?”

      Erica didn’t know who Liam was but she stood so he could see her. “You’re okay.”

      His eyes opened—those brilliant blue eyes. “What happened?”

      “You had a bacterial infection. Your leg couldn’t be saved.”

      He frowned, visibly upset, and tried to get up, but Erica held him down.

      “Let me go!” He cursed a few choice words. “I told you not to take it. You lied to me. You lied to me, Liam! Why the heck did you do that? I’m not worth it. Damn it, let me out of here.”

      Erica reached over and hit a buzzer as she threw as much of her weight on him as possible, trying to keep him calm as a nurse ran over with a sedative.

      It was then he began to cry softly and her heart wrenched.

      “I’m so sorry.”

      “It was your life, Liam. My life … I have nothing else. You left me. We promised to stay together. I need my leg to do that.”

      Erica didn’t know who Liam was, but she got off of him as he stopped fighting back. “I’m sorry.” She took his hand once more. “I’m so very sorry.”

      He nodded as the drugs began to take effect. “You’re so beautiful.”

      The words caught her off guard. “I’m sorry?”

      “Beautiful. Like an angel.” And then he said no more as he drifted off to sleep.

      Erica sighed again and left his bedside. She had to keep this man here. He couldn’t go off with his unit.

      He needed to recuperate, to get used to the idea that his leg was gone and understand why. He was a medic; he’d understand when he was lucid and she could explain medically why she’d taken his leg.

      Pain made people think irrationally. She was sure that was why her father had gone AWOL during a covert mission, endangering everyone. That was why he had come home broken and that was why he’d eventually taken his own life.

       “Watch out, she’s going to go AWOL like her father!”

      The taunts and jeers made her stomach twist.

      Block them out. Block them out.

      “You need to get some sleep, Commander Griffin. You’ve been up for over thirty hours,” Nurse Regina said as she wrote the dosage in the patient’s chart. “Seriously, you look terrible.”

      Erica rolled her eyes at her friend and bunk mate before yawning. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Do you know where Captain Dayton is?”

      “He’s in surgery now the ship isn’t on silent running,” Regina remarked. “Is it urgent?”

      “Yeah, when he’s out could you send him to my berth? I need to discuss this patient’s file with him.”

      “Of course, Commander Griffin.”

      Erica nodded and headed off to find her bunk.

      She was going to fight that man’s unit to keep him on the hospital ship so he could get the help he needed.

      There was no way any covert operation was going to get around her orders. Not this time. Not when this man’s life was on the line.

      He deserved all the help she could give him.

      The man had lost a leg in service to his country. It would take both physical and mental healing.

      He’d paid his price and Erica was damn well going to make sure he was taken care of.