Wilderness Courtship. Valerie Hansen

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Название Wilderness Courtship
Автор произведения Valerie Hansen
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0

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him but my papa needs me and I promised I’d never leave him. I assure you, I take that vow quite seriously.”

      Emory cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention. “I suspect this is a good time to make an announcement that I’ve been savin’ for just the right moment.” He reached for Annabelle Montgomery’s hand and clasped it for all to see. “Mrs. Montgomery has consented to become my wife.”

      “Papa!” Charity was thunderstruck.

      “Don’t look so shocked, girl.”

      “But, what about Mama?”

      He sobered and shook his head. “Your mama’s gone to Glory but I’m still down here. And I’m not dead yet.”

      “I know, but…”

      Emory was adamant as he beamed at his intended bride. “This is a fine, upstanding, Christian widow woman and I’m proud she fancies me. She’ll make you a wonderful stepmother.” He kissed his future wife’s hand before he continued, “I release you from whatever promise you think you made, Charity, even though I don’t recall any such nonsense. Your sister would already be upstairs packin’ her duds if somebody had offered her an adventure like that. What’re you waitin’ for?”

      Thorne could see that Charity was deeply hurt. He reached for her hand once again, hoping she wouldn’t pull away. “Please? At least promise me you’ll consider my offer?”

      When she nodded, then turned and fled up the stairs to hide her tears, his heartfelt sympathy went with her. He knew exactly how it hurt to be treated as an outsider in one’s own family. He’d dealt with that kind of unfair pain all his life. And he wasn’t done doing so.


      The two so-called gentlemen who had shared the communal meal in the Montgomery hotel stood in the shadows outside and spoke in whispers while they lit up after-dinner cigars. “Do you think it’s true? Could the others all be dead?” the taller, thinner one asked.

      His balding, stocky companion shrugged. “I don’t know. Blackwell looked pretty upset when he heard the bad news but the wife didn’t make a peep. It might be a ruse to throw us off the trail.”

      “And it might not. Now that there’s maybe only two of us left, what do you think we should do?”

      “Split up,” the second man said, hooking a thumb in his vest pocket and leaning his head back to blow a succession of smoke rings. “You go back East by sea, explain this new development and tell the old man what we know so far.”

      “I don’t much cotton to that idea. He’s gonna be fightin’ mad if it’s true.”

      “Still, he’s paid us plenty. He has to be informed, even if the news is bad.”

      “Oh, sure. And what’re you gonna be doin’ while he takes it out on me for bein’ the messenger?”

      “Getting even for our lost friends. Ashton’s wife trusts me now. I’ll stay close to her and her kin, wherever they go, and finish what we came for, one way or another.”

      “You sure you don’t need my help?”

      He shook his head, his thick jowls jiggling. “No. I can handle it. Even if I don’t get another chance till they’re on the trail, it’ll be fine. All I’ll have to do then is hang back and pick them off one at a time, starting with the brat.”

      The taller man winced. “I never did like that part of the job. Doesn’t seem fair to kill him when we could just snatch him and maybe sell him, instead.”

      “That kind of thinking is clear stupid. Which is why I’m sending you home and handling things here by myself. When you talk to our boss, make sure you tell him straight out that I’m the one with the stomach for this job or you’ll have to answer to me when I get back.”

      “If you get back.”

      His laugh was derisive. “Oh, I’ll be back. And I’ll expect to find a big bonus waiting for me when I show up in New York with the proof that I was successful.”

      “Proof? How’re you gonna do that?”

      The laugh deepened and took on a more sinister tone. “Same way the Indians do. I’ll bring Ashton their scalps.”

      Chapter Four

      Charity didn’t know what to do. On the one hand she wanted to stay safely at home in San Francisco with her beloved papa. On the other hand, he had as much as told her she was no longer needed or wanted.

      And what about poor little Jacob? He did need her and she did care about him. Why, oh why, did life have to be so complicated?

      Standing in the middle of her sparsely furnished room she pivoted slowly as she took in the accommodations. There was a bed with a feather mattress atop tightly stretched ropes, a dressing table and mirror, a washstand with a pitcher and ewer, a small trunk containing most of her clothing, and pegs on the wall next to it where she could hang her few dresses and petticoats. The place wasn’t lavish by any stretch of the imagination, yet it suited her. She didn’t need much, nor did she deserve luxuries, although she had once thought otherwise.

      Looking back, it was painful to envision how spoiled and selfish she had once been, not to mention the difficulties she’d caused her long-suffering sister, Faith, while they were crossing the prairie together.

      Charity shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. Would she never be able to banish those horrible memories?

      In the past, she had clung to them as if their presence was necessary to keep her humble. Now that she was being offered a chance to do something extraordinary for the benefit of an innocent child, perhaps that would be enough to cleanse her soul and give her the peace she had lost.

      Verbal prayer was impossible with her mind whirling and her heart so torn and broken, but her unspoken thoughts reached out to God just the same. Was this what He wanted her to do? Was He giving her the second chance she’d so often prayed for? Or was she about to listen to her own confused feelings and become a victim of emotion and foolishness once again?

      She pressed her fingertips to her lips and sank onto the edge of her bed. The tears she had begun to shed when her father had announced his forthcoming marriage were gone, leaving only a sense of emptiness. Of loss. Everyone she loved had left her; first Mama when the tornado had taken her life, then Faith when she’d married Connell and now Papa. It wasn’t fair. She had given them as much devotion as she could muster, yet they were all gone now. Even Papa.

      Bereft, she tilted her head back, closed her eyes and spoke to her Heavenly Father from the depths of her soul. “Please, tell me what to do? Please?”

      She felt a soft tug on her skirt and opened her eyes. There at her feet stood the little boy whose well-being was at the heart of her concerns. She blinked. Smiled. Opened her arms, leaned forward and embraced him.

      As she lifted Jacob onto her lap she sensed another presence and glanced toward the open door. Thorne was watching, silent and grave, clearly expecting her to speak.

      Charity cleared her throat and smiled slightly before she said, “You really know how to influence me, don’t you?”

      “I hope so. Will you come with us?”

      Sighing, she nodded and did the only thing that seemed right. She capitulated. “Yes.”


      Thorne was astonished that the slightly built young woman had agreed so easily. Now that she had, he was having second thoughts. Was he doing the right thing by including her in their traveling party? He knew having a female companion was best for Naomi and the boy but he wondered how much more trouble it was going to be looking after an extra woman, especially if the journey was as arduous as he feared it might be.

      Then again, anyone who had crossed the great plains in a wagon and was now tolerating the constant earth tremors in San Francisco had to be made