Home To You. Cheryl Wolverton

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Название Home To You
Автор произведения Cheryl Wolverton
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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didn’t know what to do. He prayed a quiet prayer for guidance and allowed himself to slip into his pastoral mode, as he thought of it, caring but detached from the situation.

      He observed as his mom held the woman and smoothed her ratty hair, praying quietly for God to comfort the woman and for guidance when she was finally able to talk.

      Slowly the woman’s tears subsided.

      His mom pushed a tissue into her hand and she wiped her eyes, smearing the leftovers of makeup even worse.

      Cody didn’t mind.

      All that was left in his heart now was concern and compassion. It didn’t matter how she smelled, how she looked, who she was.

      The woman was full of pain and needed someone to talk with.

      He saw her dart a glance at him before wiping at her nose and took that as a signal to intervene.

      “You are welcome here, Meghan,” he said gently and waited.

      Meghan shuddered and took a fresh tissue. She wiped at her eyes again and then, after taking a deep breath, she whispered, “I didn’t mean to show up here. I—oh dear.”

      She glanced up at his mom and saw only compassion as Carolyne nodded to her. She straightened her shoulders and pushed away, becoming an isolated tower as she tried to pull dignity about her. “I don’t usually drink,” she confessed. “Until lately. I was so…inebriated that I guess I didn’t realize what I was doing. I thought it was a dream, really. I mean, I came back…”

      She trailed off.

      Cody steepled his fingers and leaned back, crossing his legs once again. “Why did you come back, Meghan?” he prompted gently when she didn’t continue.

      She stiffened.

      “It’s okay, Meghan…” Cody’s mother patted her leg, leaving her hand resting there in silent support.

      Meghan’s eyes, the beautiful green that he could see today, focused on his mom and tension drained. Finally, she confessed, “I didn’t know where else to go.”

      His mom’s eyes turned to and rested in his gaze.

      Cody knew that look.

      And he knew the signs from the woman in front of him. She was exhausted.

      “I am so sorry—” Meghan began.

      “Mom, is the electricity on in the garage apartment?” Cody cut in, ignoring the woman’s protest.

      His mom smiled, approval in her eyes.

      “I just have to flip the circuit breaker.”

      “What?” Meghan looked from one to the other.

      “You don’t have to say anything more, Meghan,” Cody told her. “We have a place you can stay.”

      “Here?” She was genuinely surprised, though he saw sudden hope in her eyes.

      Dakota nodded.

      “We don’t have a shelter in town.” His mom smiled. “And besides, we have that apartment back there not being used.”

      “Oh, I couldn’t possibly—” Meghan began.

      “Of course you can.” His mom patted Meghan’s arm. “I’m sure you want to bathe and need time to regroup.”

      “But I haven’t even explained why I’m here,” Meghan protested.

      Cody could see in her eyes that she wanted to stay, that she didn’t want to explain, and that she needed time to regroup.

      Her story would come out in time.

      “No need to explain.” When Meghan looked at him questioningly, he shrugged. “God sent you to us. I imagine He knows why you’re here, and if you want to talk later, my mom or I will be willing to listen.”

      “You don’t really know me, though,” Meghan whispered.

      “We don’t have to know you, Meghan. God only tells us to love you.”

      Fresh tears filled her eyes.

      His mom nodded and then turned to Meghan. “Let’s go upstairs. I’ll see if I can find you some fresh clothes.” She had maneuvered Meghan to a standing position and together they turned and started toward the stairs. His mother continued, “We’ll run a bath and afterward we’ll have some breakfast. I’m sure you’ll feel much better by then.”

      As their voices faded, Cody smiled.

      That was his mom.


      She knew the right thing to say and do and wasn’t above bullying if the need arose—but in her own gentle way.

      He glanced at his watch.

      He wouldn’t be too late if he left now.

      He could meet with Chandler’s, get done what he needed to get done and be back after his new guest had time to bathe and gather herself.

      Thank you, Father. His prayer was short and simple, then he stood. Take care of her, he added and headed for the door, wondering just what tale his guest was going to have to share and wondering just why God had brought her back to Shenandoah and into his life.

      Chapter Five

      “I can’t believe this town hasn’t changed in twenty years.” Chase walked down the sidewalk next to Jerry Duffy, sheriff of Shenandoah.

      Jerry was on the older side, approaching sixty, and he smiled at Chase’s comment. “Well, now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

      He adjusted his cowboy hat, bobbing it slightly as a young woman hurried past, entering the dime store.

      “Murphey still own this store?” Chase asked the balding sheriff.

      “His son runs it now.”

      Chase nodded. Murphey’s son, Jackson, was a year older than he was. He’d known him in school.

      “New stores in the places of old ones. Not as many people, but not much crime either.”

      “That’s why I’m here.”

      Jerry nodded. “I have to say, son, I’m glad to see you back. Always thought your family was good and hated to see your parents move away.”

      Chase had enjoyed moving away, getting to see the world, or so he’d thought.

      It was funny how his world had come full circle. He’d only wanted to escape to the big city, and now, because of his daughter, he was trying to escape back to the small town.

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