The Guy Next Door. Missy Tippens

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Название The Guy Next Door
Автор произведения Missy Tippens
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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figured it’s the least I can do to honor my mom. And I have some ideas. Wanted to see if you’d like to have lunch to discuss them.”

      Still hesitant to spend too much time with him, yet certain she could handle it, she gave a firm nod. “It’s a great way to honor your mom. I was just about to take my lunch break.”

      He held up a bag from the local sub sandwich shop. “Brought your favorite.”

      “You don’t know my favorite anymore.”

      He widened his eyes at her, looking quite pleased with himself. “Really? You don’t give me enough credit.”

      “I no longer order ham and cheddar.”

      “No ham and cheddar with mayo, mustard and tomato?” he asked with a cocky grin.

      She shook her head, admittedly pleased he at least remembered her old favorite. “See? You’ve been gone too long. Things have changed.”

      “Then I’m glad I ordered you the turkey and Swiss instead. With light mayo, honey mustard, spinach and green peppers.”

      “How on earth?”

      He shrugged and glanced across the room awkwardly. “I care enough to find out what you like.”

      Her stomach swooped up and around, doing a few curlicues in the region of her heart. She opened her mouth but, unable to find words, she snapped it shut.

      The fact that he knew her new favorite sandwich really should not make her so happy. She was acting ridiculous.

      Luke suddenly gave her a big flirty wink—a Luke Jordan trademark, as if the whole embarrassment thing had been for show. “I also had to promise Mike a place to stay when he comes up for a concert in Nashville.”

      Of course. Mike. The owner of the sub shop where she’d eaten regularly for the past year.

      She snatched the bag out of his hand with a laugh. “You’re incorrigible.”

      “The weather is perfect. Let’s go outside.”

      She joined him as they headed outside to a picnic table near a walking path for employees.

      As he set out the sandwiches and chips, she realized she hadn’t been on a picnic since their college days. They’d frequently eaten together while studying, sometimes in the quad on a blanket. Of course, their last picnic had been a disaster.

      “The last picnic I had was when we ate pizza outside the dorm during finals senior year,” he said.

      Why did he always seem to know what she was thinking as if their brains were somehow connected? “Me, too. And you ruined that one by bringing along what’s her name.” Which had hurt Darcy’s feelings. Before that day, they’d always kept their friendship separate from dating relationships, had protected their time together.

      He grinned and held his hand over his heart. “You wound me. You don’t even remember her name.”

      Snorting a laugh, she reached for the can of Coke he’d sat in front of her and popped the tab. “You probably don’t, either.”

      He belted a hearty laugh as he pulled Grace’s notebook out of the bag and flipped it open. Then he attacked the wrapping on his ham sandwich. “I think an auction is a great idea for a fund-raiser, but I wonder if maybe we should do more this year. Maybe host a dinner or even a formal dance to coincide.”

      She threw her hand up. “Whoa. I only signed on for the auction, which has always included a covered-dish dinner right after church. What you’re suggesting sounds like a ton more work. As it is, I barely have time to breathe.”

      “I figured we might as well give attendees other opportunities to contribute. No matter what we end up doing, I’d like to have a special time to honor my mother.”

      She envisioned table decorations, caterers, a band. “All great ideas. Honoring Joan would be fantastic. But I can’t let this project eat into my part-time hours at the mall. If you want to do a dinner or dance, maybe I could talk Chloe into taking over for me. She has a lot of business contacts in town.”

      His nose scrunched. “That might not go well.”

      No, he and her sister hadn’t gotten along since he’d pursued her one summer in college. Luke finally captured Chloe’s heart—breaking Darcy’s—but the big breakup later that fall ruined his and Chloe’s friendship.

      “You’re both adults now,” Darcy said. “Surely you could work together for charity.” Yes, they were all adults. So how could the mere suggestion that he work with Chloe still hurt?

      “I’d rather work with you.” He looked into her eyes, and like some kind of terrible magnet, his gaze tugged at her heart.

      Losing herself in those amazing brown eyes was an all-too-familiar feeling. Even at twenty-five, she was still vulnerable to his charm.

      She couldn’t allow it. He would distract her. Hurt her. She had to stay focused on her goals.

      “We’ll have to work around my two schedules.” Darcy forced her attention to her sandwich. She needed to work the two jobs to pay off student loans early so she didn’t have to rely on her mother. Noreen was finally acting happy again, and Darcy suspected she’d been seeing someone. She needed to give her mom some space, and despite what Grace said, Prince Charming wouldn’t just show up to sweep her off her feet.

      Darcy glanced across the table. Luke with his flirty winks and his flattering words would only set her heart down the wrong path.

      “Let’s just stick to doing the auction and lunch. We can manage.” He slapped his hand on the notebook. “So, have you looked at the list of tentative donors?”

      “I helped compile it. Now we need to call each one to confirm and arrange a time to pick up the items. We can split the names.”

      “I can do the calling. I’ll be around the house helping Dad, so my schedule will be flexible.”

      “Sounds good. I’ve already arranged to pick up an unassembled portable basketball hoop from Mr. Lipscomb at the sporting goods store. Can you help with that on Sunday after church?”

      “Sure. I’ll see if I can arrange some other donation pickups for Sunday afternoon since we’ll already be out.”

      Oh, goodness. She thought of all the hours she, Grace and Joan had spent together on this project over the years. “We need to meet soon to approve the quarter-page newspaper ad, and to try to land some radio spots. Also we have to set up the fellowship hall. We’ll have quite a few late evenings.”

      “No problem.” He smiled, then, distracted by his food, he took a big bite of his sandwich.

      As they finished their lunch, she told him a little something about each of the donors, and about the Colorado ski trip that had been donated, their big-ticket item. By the time he walked her back inside the hospital, they had a basic game plan.

      With the notebook in one hand and the other shoved in his pocket, Luke studied her. “I know how hard you work, Darcy. You give a hundred percent to everything you do. I’ll try my best to make the auction work easier on you, to keep it from eating away all your free time.”

      He looked so serious. So earnest. From flirty charmer to sweet, caring best friend in the span of a lunch break. Both equally appealing, neither safe for her heart.

      But Food4Kids needed her. Needed them as a team.

      For the kids, and against her instinct for self-preservation, she would spend time with her friend. She could do this. “Thanks, Luke. I look forward to working with you.”

       Chapter Three

      Fifteen minutes to closing time. Darcy glanced around Glitzy Glenda’s, empty of customers, hoping to make