The Earl and the Pickpocket. Helen Dickson

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Название The Earl and the Pickpocket
Автор произведения Helen Dickson
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0

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right, but that does not mean that I have to submit to their will. My own strength was my only weapon when I defied Jack Pierce and ran away, and that will is still as strong as it ever was.’

      ‘Nevertheless, the places I intend searching are no place for a respectable young woman.’

      ‘I am not a respectable young woman,’ she argued heatedly, firmly, ‘who needs cosseting—to be treated like some fragile sugar confection. I can handle myself.’

      ‘As you did last night? If you could handle yourself you wouldn’t be here now,’ he pointed out. ‘I will not take you with me and that is my final word on the subject.’

      These words were delivered in a cold, lethal voice, and Edwina grew pale beneath her own anger. ‘If I have a mind I shall return to the streets, and there’s not a thing you can do about it.’ She was adamant and not to be put off by his anger. He was standing not three feet away from her, looming over her, his blue eyes gleaming with deadly purpose, and the uncompromising lines at the sides of his mouth had not been there before. She could see that same cold rage as when she’d stolen his watch, and also a cynicism and ruthless set of his jaw—things she’d obviously been too blinded by her predicament to see before. ‘You can’t stop me. I’ll disguise myself as a boy again,’ Edwina persisted.

      ‘And then Jack would be sure to recognise you—and if he’s as angry as you say he is, he’ll be looking for you. No, Ed. You must abandon your disguise for good.’

      ‘I will do as I please,’ she persisted crossly.

      ‘I’m sure you will, you stubborn, wilful little fool,’ Adam retorted, combing his fingers through his hair in exasperation. ‘I have been in your company twice and each time you’ve been in some scrape or other. Little did I realise when I rescued you from that animal’s clutches that I was committing myself to certain disaster.’

      ‘My, a proper knight in shining armour, aren’t you, Adam? I didn’t ask you to interfere,’ Edwina snapped.

      ‘Why, you—damn you for an ingrate.’ He stood in front of her, looking down at her upturned face. It had whitened with her anger, revealing the pale freckles across her nose. The sunlight lancing through the window brightened her hair to a living flame, making an aureole of light around her small, proud head. He looked at her thoughtfully, touched by her vulnerability. He felt himself dwelling with a good deal of pleasure on what it would be like to get to know her better. But as he looked at her, a kind of rage welled up in him against Jack Pierce, and also against the person or persons who had abandoned her to a life of crime, alone on the streets, through no fault of her own.

      ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so brutal. But can’t you see that I am concerned about your present distress and offer my assistance only with the kindest intent?’ he said on a softer note.

      The faintest of smiles curved his lips, so slight it was scarcely discernible. Edwina felt a poignant emotion welling up inside her, a tenderness she never believed she could feel for any human being. Immediately the fight went out of her. She moved closer to him.

      ‘If I offended you, then I beg your pardon. I’ve been on my own and had to look out for myself for too long. It’s such a long time since anyone showed any concern about me, about what I do, that it takes some getting used to. I’m sorry I made you angry. Please don’t be. I’d rather we were friends than enemies.’ She offered him her hand as was proper.

      The gesture made Adam smile suddenly, a slow, startlingly lazy smile as he took her hand in his firm grasp. His gaze scanned her face, and when he raised her hand to his lips the pressure of his mouth lingered longer than was customary.

      ‘Friends we are, Ed, or may I call you Edwina?’

      ‘As you please.’

      ‘Then Edwina it is. So, now that is established, what am I supposed to do with you? You’ve made it plain that you will feel uncomfortable living here. And you can forget any notion you have of donning your boy’s clothes and taking to the streets. You’ve done with that.’

      ‘Then what am I to do? I must earn some money. How else am I to live?’

      Adam’s eyes narrowed, studying her with unnerving intensity for a moment as he considered her situation carefully. Ever since their first meeting the lad ‘Ed’ had haunted him. And now he’d been transformed into female form, he couldn’t let this young woman with the most remarkable face he’d ever seen simply walk out of his life.

      Aware that his fascination was rapidly winning out over his common sense, he said to his own utter astonishment, ‘You could come and live with me for the time being.’ She looked so surprised and so hesitant for a moment that he wished he had not made the extraordinary, impulsive suggestion, but when he saw a little smile tug at the corners of her lips, he knew she was not as shocked as he at first thought.

      ‘Live with you?’ she murmured, seeing his blue eyes darken to indigo. ‘Do—do you want me to work for you?’

      ‘In a manner of speaking.’

      ‘I—I’m not very good at woman’s work. I—I can’t cook.’

      ‘I don’t need a cook,’ he said, mentally shaking his head at the naïvety of her. ‘That position is already taken—and I have servants enough to administer to my personal needs.’

      ‘Then what would you require of me?’

      ‘Oh—this and that.’ His smile was lazy and infuriatingly secretive.

      Misinterpreting his meaning, Edwina flushed scarlet. ‘Kindly explain what you mean by “this and that”?’ she asked tentatively in an attempt to clarify matters. ‘Do you mean to establish me as your paramour? If so, I must tell you that I will be no man’s property. I intend standing on my own feet.’

      Adam’s eyes took on a humorous glint. He placed a finger over her lips. ‘Heaven forbid I would dare suggest anything so bold. You would never be my property, Edwina. What I will ask of you will take very little effort on your part, I can promise you that,’ he said softly, ‘but I think you will enjoy the work. I’ll pay you generously, if that’s what’s worrying you, but I must warn you that I’m a hard taskmaster. Shortly, I have to go away for a while. Since I shall be absent for quite some time you are welcome to make use of my house. Now, I have to go. I have pressing matters to attend to.’

      He took her hand, and when he would have raised it once more to his lips she pulled it away and stepped back with an arch smile.

      ‘You take a liberty. Do you make a habit of kissing the hands of all your employees?’

      ‘It’s not usual.’

      ‘Then as my employer you’ll not kiss mine.’ Edwina raised a brow and regarded him with the same amusement he had earlier directed at her.

      Adam was clearly at pains to control his laughter as he playfully chucked her under the chin. ‘Cheeky as ever! You are a most uncommon, intractable wench, Edwina.’

      ‘I merely protect my honour,’ she countered. ‘But isn’t what you are proposing to do rather shocking and likely to be frowned upon by polite society?’

      ‘Being an unconventional man, I care nothing for polite society.’

      She cocked her head to one side, giving him an enquiring look. ‘Forgive me, but I can’t help noticing that you’re on familiar terms with Mrs Drinkwater. Do you often visit her establishment?’

      He grinned. ‘It’s not my habit to visit bordellos. I’ve known Dolly since I was a small boy. She used to work for my family as housekeeper. When she left she decided to settle for something less respectable, but far more remunerative.’

      ‘And is there a Mr Drinkwater?’

      ‘Once. He was laid to rest many years ago. Dolly and I always keep in touch. I’ll have a word with her on my way out and tell her what we’ve decided.’