Taming The Tabloid Heiress. Michele Dunaway

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Название Taming The Tabloid Heiress
Автор произведения Michele Dunaway
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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You can admit your weaknesses to me, Kit. After flying with you, I’m discovering that perhaps you hide behind that bad attitude you wear like armor. In truth, you’re probably a very sensitive person beneath all those outrageous antics you do for charity.”

      “Excuse me? Not only do you read about me, you follow me out here to psychoanalyze me?” She drew herself up to her full five-foot-eight-inch height. “Look, Freud, go find someone else to torture with your psychobabble.”

      The light breeze caressed through his long, sexy hair and he clucked his tongue slightly. “Ah, good old Freud. We studied him in college, but let’s not bring him into the moonlight with us, shall we?”

      Kit simply rolled her eyes in exasperation. The man was impossible. First he was pushing her away, and then he was following her and teasing her in the moonlight.

      “By the way, my name is Joshua.” Joshua reached up and pushed his hair away from his face. “We never really did introduce ourselves.”

      Kit wondered if it was the wind caressing her hair that sent the quiver down her spine, or if it was the deep, meaningful look that accompanied Joshua’s dare to use his name. “Look, Joshua—” Kit emphasized his name “—I’m not getting involved with you.”

      “Ah, she speaks my name.” He grinned, ignoring her statement as he stepped towards her.

      When his body invaded her space she made motion to step backward, out from under the force of his magnetism, but her feet stalled. Her body lodged itself against the deck rail, the steel oddly warming the bare skin of her back.

      “After holding you close and realizing I liked it, I promised myself that you would dance with me again. Finally a lady that needs nothing from me, and I nothing from her. Only the pleasure of two consenting adults.” Joshua’s brown eyes glittered dangerously as he dangled the bait.

      “Look, you don’t know me or why I’m here.”

      “I know all I need to know.”

      The breeze raised the hairs on her bare arms, causing her to shiver. The spaghetti-strap dress that had seemed appropriate earlier now was proving otherwise. Kit rubbed her biceps. “Sorry to disappoint you. My dance card’s full. Seems I have a bum foot, and one dance is all it could handle. I guess you’ll just have to get yourself another girl. I’m sure someone else will oblige, you being such a big celebrity and all.”

      “But what if I don’t want anyone else?” His voice was liquid velvet, and Kit felt it caress her like a feather. “What if I want you?”

      Ooh-la-la! Her body shouted. Control! Her conscience shouted. It won.

      “Then I guess you have a problem, don’t you?”

      “What about your problem? Shouldn’t you give in to your own wants?”

      Was she that readable? “You can go to—” She paused before she spit out the unladylike curse words. “I have principles!”

      “I was beginning to wonder.” A small, pleased smile teased the edges of his lips, erasing his cynical look. The result was sensual. “It’s nice to hear.”

      “Yeah, right. You’re changing your tune. Are pigs flying?” Kit’s voice let him know how much she believed his statement. She shivered and rubbed her arms again.

      Joshua moved even closer, and Kit’s heart began to flutter. “You’ve intrigued me, Kit O’Brien. I want to dig beneath your surface and discover what makes you tick.”

      “Now who’s bringing Freud into it? What gives you the right to analyze me?” The wind teased at the black chiffon hem, and she angrily pushed it down.

      “Ah, you worry. Your hidden secrets wouldn’t be for public consumption. Just mine. Every single delicious and decadent thing would remain just between us.”

      Kit could have sworn his brown eyes twinkled in the moonlight. At that moment she felt the strangest longing wash over her. The power Joshua Parker held over her froze her, enticed her. All he had to do was stand near her and she lost the control she was trying so hard to keep. Her heart raced, her legs weakened and her resistance melted. Desire flowed through her, sending another chill of wanton anticipation down her spine.

      “Cold? Let’s get you warmed up.” Strong fingers found her upper arms and he rubbed his palms across her skin. The friction he created did more than simply warm. At his touch Kit felt an inferno burn through her. Her body acted on its own volition. Her back arched, and her knees folded as he pulled her to him. He crushed her to his warm, broad chest, and Kit’s body fused to it as if preordained to fit. He stood only four inches taller, and with her heels it was shortened to two. Her chin lifted as the last bit of her stubborn pride shattered.

      “You’re a dangerous man, Joshua Parker.”

      Joshua’s comeback failed him, and with a groan he lowered his mouth and claimed hers. The sensation of his touch sent a current through her, setting off bells of pleasure resounding in her head. His grip tightened, and he pulled her even deeper into his arms. His full lips seared hers, branding her.

      “I’ve been wanting to do this all day,” he murmured, his mouth again descending to possess hers. Kit yielded to his delightful plunder, all conscious and rationale thought fleeing at his simple caress. He pressed his tongue against her teeth, inviting himself in, and Kit’s knees wobbled as her body ceded all resistance.

      The call of his tongue caressing the roof of her mouth robbed her of any remaining sanity. With an ardor she didn’t know she possessed, Kit responded to his kiss as she had to no other. Her arms snaked around his neck and into the long, silky locks that tantalized her fingers. Her tongue ventured forth to mate and dance with his in the ritual as old as time.

      Joshua’s right hand slid under her chin as he deepened their kiss, and a wanton moan escaped her as he slid his left forefinger under the spaghetti strap of her dress and playfully stroked her shoulder. Kit now understood what someone meant when she said the earth shook and the world exploded.

      Fireworks detonated inside her head, and lights flashed around her as Joshua’s kiss deepened even further.

      “Well, well, well. I’d say you’re certainly working on fan relations.”

      The high-pitched voice shattered the beauty of the moment, and Kit pulled away, the back of her hand automatically wiping her swollen lips.

      Joshua’s grip tightened on her arm, and she jerked free. One woman Kit recognized as being a cast member of Last Frontier, but the other woman discreetly slipping a digital camera into her cavernous bag caused Kit to worry. Press. Instinctively she knew it. Her father was going to kill her if that photo was published.

      “You’ll pay for this, Marilyn.”

      “I,” Kit began, but the words escaped her so she simply snatched her purse and walked off in the direction of the stairs.

      Joshua’s fury knew no bounds as he watched Kit disappear down the outside stairs, her black scarf trailing like a kite. Neck muscles bulged as he checked his rage.

      Marilyn gave Joshua a wry smile as she lit up a cigarette and handed the lighter to Tatiana. “I just needed a smoke and the sun deck is just a little too popular. I mean, it’s just out the Topsider’s doors. And, of course, you know how fans follow Tatiana everywhere.”

      Marilyn exhaled slowly and deliberately as she sized up Joshua. “Besides, Bill’s been looking for you.” With absolutely no concern or fear of Joshua’s anger at her intrusion, Marilyn flipped cigarette ashes over the rail.

      “I told him that last I knew you were working the room. I would say that you were working it pretty fast. Looking for a better offer? Well, she’s an easy little thing.”

      Joshua refused to dignify Marilyn with an answer. Defending Kit would be unwise. Anything he said to Marilyn would be twisted to her advantage. He shoved two fists into his pants pockets and scowled as Marilyn inhaled again.
