Jared's Runaway Woman. Judith Stacy

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Название Jared's Runaway Woman
Автор произведения Judith Stacy
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0

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fought off the bitter memory and focused on getting control of this situation.

      Kinsey had decreed that he couldn’t talk to her until tonight after Sam went to bed. Well, he’d just see about that.

      The morning had started out badly, but the afternoon had been better, Kinsey decided as she left the White Dove Café, her handbag a little heavier from the extra coins inside.

      Mrs. Townsend had stopped her on the street and asked if she could help out during the midday meal service. Dixie, who hadn’t showed up for work this morning still wasn’t to be found it seemed. Kinsey had gratefully agreed, glad to have the extra money.

      She’d been unable to meet Sam after school, though. He would walk home with the Gleason boys and was perfectly fine; Lily or Nell were always at the boardinghouse when Sam got home. Kinsey just liked being there when school ended, chatting with Miss Peyton and the other mothers, then hearing about Sam’s day as the two of them walked home together.

      Of course, there was no way Kinsey could tellSam—or anyone—about her day. Caught red-handed inside Jared Mason’s hotel room. Accused of offering favors to get him to leave town. Then nearly kissing him—again.

      Kinsey cringed inwardly as she recalled the moment he’d touched her wrists, how the sight of his big hands had caused her heart to beat a little faster, how the feel of his lips caressing her skin had sent another wave of heat through her.

      As it did now. Kinsey glanced around the crowded street, making sure no one was watching, and picked up her pace.

      Jared had intended to kiss her again in the hotel room. She just knew it. They’d looked into each other’s eyes and Kinsey had done the unthinkable. She felt herself rising on her toes, ready to receive his kiss.

      Good gracious, what was wrong with her?

      Perhaps that was part of his plan, Kinsey suddenly thought. Maybe he had done that on purpose to keep her off balance, keep her from thinking about the reality of her situation.

      Jared Mason intended to take Sam away from her. He was smart. He’d do anything to get his way.

      As would she.

      Kinsey hardened her heart and pushed aside the memory of those moments in Jared’s hotel room. Worry and anxiety claimed her, swift and strong. She walked faster, anxious to get home to Sam.

      But her worry proved baseless when she arrived at the boardinghouse and found Sam in the Gleasons’ yard, playing with the brothers. He saw her and hurried over.

      “Hi, Mama.”

      “Hi, honey.” She knelt down and gave him a hug. “How was school today?”

      “We drew pictures,” he said.

      “I’ll bet Miss Peyton liked yours the best,” Kinsey said. Even at this young age, Sam showed signs of having his father’s gift for drawing.

      “Did you walk home with the Gleason boys?” Kinsey asked.

      “Huh-uh,” Sam said. “Uncle Jared walked me.”

      Kinsey’s blood ran cold. “Who—who walked with you?”

      “Uncle Jared.” Sam gestured toward the boardinghouse.

      Kinsey’s heart pounded into her throat and hung there. She got to her feet.

      “You run on and play for a while, Sam,” she said, urging him toward the Gleason brothers.

      Anger raged in Kinsey as she crossed the yard. Jared Mason, a man of power and privilege, so used to having everything he wanted, so accustomed to always getting his way. He’d deliberately ignored her wishes. He’d invaded her home. Turned her world upside down.

      And now he’d moved threateningly close to Sam.

      Kinsey yanked open the back door and stormed into the kitchen. There he stood, in the entrance to her bedroom. Kinsey’s anger doubled.

      “How dare you,” she demanded, her breath coming in short puffs.

      Jared stood still as a stone fortress, expressionless, unmoved by her anger, her outrage.

      She stepped closer. “Don’t you ever—ever—come around Sam again. Don’t you ever—”

      A smile tugged at the corner of Jared’s lips. Smug. Pleased with himself.


      Jared held up a leather-bound book.

      Kinsey’s breath left her in a single huff. Her world tilted.

      “I’m sure you recognize this. The Templeton family Bible.” He nodded toward her bedroom behind him. “I found it beside your bed.”

      Kinsey dug deep, hoping to muster anger. “You have no right…”

      Jared stepped closer and fanned the thin pages, stopping in the center of the Bible. “This is the section where the family records are kept. Births, marriages… deaths.”

      Run. Run now. The thought flashed in Kinsey’s mind. Yet a chill claimed her, holding her in place.

      Jared consulted the page, though it was obvious he didn’t need to. This was a show he reveled in.

      “Beth Templeton married to Clark Mason,” he read. “Clark Mason, dead. Beth Templeton Mason, dead.”

      Jared looked at Kinsey. “You want to explain to me how that’s possible? I mean, since you’re claiming to be Beth Templeton Mason, the woman I figured was using a different first name and her maiden name.”

      He was toying with her. Enjoying the power he had over her. He already knew the answer so Kinsey didn’t respond.

      “Funny thing,” Jared said, forcing a little laugh and shaking his head. “According to your family Bible, there really is a Kinsey Templeton. A whole separate person. Adopted by the Templeton family. Beth’s stepsister.”

      The weight of the past bore down on Kinsey, crushing not only the moment, but her future as well.

      “I—I can explain—”

      “You were never married to Clark. You were only his sister-in-law. You didn’t give birth to Sam.” Jared’s expression turned hard and cold. “Or did you?”

      Kinsey’s cheeks flamed and she found her anger now. “That’s a filthy thing to suggest. Clark and Beth were devoted to each other. Beth was Sam’s mother.”

      “So you’ve got no blood tie to Sam at all, have you,” Jared said.

      Kinsey gasped, realizing what he’d just maneuvered her into admitting.

      Jared stepped closer. “In fact, you’ve got no family relation to Beth either, do you? You’re her stepsister. A stranger to the family. Somebody they took in.”

      “It wasn’t like that,” Kinsey declared. “We were sisters—as close as any sisters could be. We—”

      “You’re nothing but an outsider.” Jared moved in, his words cutting worse than a sword. “You’re nobody. You’ve got no standing in Sam’s life. You stole him.”

      “I didn’t! Beth begged me to—”

      “You stole him and you hid him. You kept him from his real family.”

      Jared towered over her, battering her with his words, with his accusations…with the truth.

      Kinsey blinked back tears. “You don’t understand! You weren’t there! You didn’t— ”

      “I’m taking him.”

      Kinsey gasped and shook her head frantically. “No!”

      “I’ll get the sheriff if I have to,” Jared told her. He gave her one final hard look, and walked toward the door.

