The Heart Of A Hero. Judith Stacy

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Название The Heart Of A Hero
Автор произведения Judith Stacy
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0

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the Blue Jay Cafe. It looked crowded and that was a good sign, so he went in and took a seat in the corner.

      “Nice place,” he said to Jimmy as the boy climbed into the chair across from him. Jess looked around at the clean, orderly restaurant. “Don’t recall the last time I ate on a tablecloth.”

      Jimmy squirmed onto his knees and said nothing.

      Jess laid his Stetson on the chair beside him as the serving girl headed his way. A pretty woman, he decided, though he wasn’t usually partial to blondes. He preferred dark-haired women, with equally dark eyes. Round, soft women. Women like Sarah Wakefield. Now, there was a woman who could—

      Jess plowed both hands through his hair. What was he doing, having such thoughts? About a teacher, no less. A prim and proper teacher.

      His belly warmed suddenly, reminding him of the weeks he’d spent on the trail getting to Walker. Weeks of hard riding, with no stops for taking care of life’s necessary pleasures. He wondered if Miss Flora still had her parlor house at the edge of town. He needed to pay her a call soon. Real soon.

      “What are you two gents wanting today?”

      The soft, feminine voice caused Jess to jump and he looked up at the blond woman standing over his table; for a moment he imagined she could look straight through him and see what he really wanted. She was shapely, maybe twenty-three, and had a pretty smile.

      “Jimmy likes the chicken.” She smiled down at him and tickled the boy’s chin. “You must be Cassie’s brother. I’m Kirby Sullivan. Welcome to Walker.”

      She was the first person to utter those three words to him, and they sounded good. Jess got to his feet and introduced himself; he accepted her condolences when she offered her sorrow over his sister’s death.

      “Jimmy used to stay with us while Cassie taught school. I live just down the road from the schoolhouse with my folks. We miss having Jimmy around.” Kirby fluffed the boy’s hair and he pulled away. “Nate told me you two used to be friends.”

      “You know Nate Tompkins?”

      “Sure. You ought to stop by and see him while you’re in town. He’s at the jail.”

      Jess chuckled. “Jail, huh? That figures.”

      Kirby smiled gently. “Nate’s the deputy sheriff.”

      “Nate? The deputy? Well, damn....” Jess shook his head. “I guess a lot of things really have changed in Walker.”

      “Yes, and no one more than my Nate.” An easy smile crossed her face. “So, what do you say? How about the chicken plate?”

      “Sounds good.” Jess eased into his chair and watched as Kirby disappeared into the kitchen. How could a worthless bastard like Nate Tompkins have gotten a fine-looking woman like her? His belly heated up again.

      Trying to distract his thoughts, Jess turned back to Jimmy. “So, you like chicken, huh?”

      Jimmy ignored him and fiddled with the silverware.

      “I’ll bet your mama used to make the best chicken in the state. Even when we were kids, she was a good cook.”

      Jimmy folded his hands on the table and laid his head down.

      Jess sighed. “Come on, Jimmy. Talk to me.”

      The boy looked up suddenly and stuck out his tongue.

      Stunned, he felt a laugh slip out. “Well, I guess that’s a start,” Jess said.

      A few minutes later when the food was served, Jess ate hungrily, satisfying at least one of his suddenly pressing needs. The food tasted delicious, a far sight better than his own cooking. He finished off his own plate and the remains of Jimmy’s, plus a thick wedge of apple pie and two cups of coffee.

      “You might want to bring Jimmy over to the church. My papa preaches there. We always have children’s Bible study on Thursday nights.” Kirby took away their plates. “Bring Maggie, too.”

      Jess rocked back in his chair and patted his belly. “I’ll see—Holy Jesus!”

      He surged from the chair, nearly knocking the dishes from Kirby’s tray. Maggie. He’d forgotten Maggie’s lunch pail this morning. He’d been in such a rush it had completely slipped his mind. And surely this time that Mrs. Wakefield would go straight to the school board.

      Kirby gasped. “What’s wrong?”

      “Nothing, nothing.” Jess pulled at his neck. “I just thought of something else I need. Could you box up some food? Chicken, bread, maybe?”

      “Of course. Anything else?”


      Jess drew in a deep breath. Yes, he needed something else, something that would appease a certain schoolmarm. And he knew exactly what it would be.

      Chapter Three



      Damn. He was too late.

      A few children still sat at the benches, but most played in the schoolyard. Girls jumped rope while several boys shot marbles in the dirt. Other children ran squealing around the schoolhouse while a few older ones huddled under the shade of the elms. Jess clutched the box lunch as he crossed the schoolyard looking for Maggie. Finally he spotted her standing beside Mrs. Wakefield. Of course.

      Jess pulled his Stetson lower and sucked in a deep breath. “Hi, honey. I brought you something special.”

      “Uncle Jess!”

      He gave her a hug and passed her the box. “I wanted to surprise you. Sorry I’m a little late. I didn’t think your teacher would have you eating so early.” He felt Sarah glare at him but he refused to look at her.

      “Thanks, Uncle Jess.”

      “I brought something for your teacher, too.” He pulled out a big, red apple and presented it to Sarah.

      “Come on, Jimmy. You can eat with me.”

      “There’s cookies in there. Enough for the both of you,” he called as Maggie headed for the tables at the side of the schoolhouse.

      He watched the two children, determined not to acknowledge Sarah Wakefield standing three feet from him. She could stare at him until her eyes crossed, if that’s what she wanted to do.

      The breeze shifted and a delicate scent tantalized his nose, winding its way inside him. His gaze came up quickly and settled on Sarah. Good God, was it her that smelled so sweet?

      But that expression of hers wasn’t sweet at all. She didn’t buy the special meal excuse, not for a minute. And the apple hadn’t helped at all.

      “Mr. Logan, Maggie was quite upset that she had nothing to eat.”

      “I know, I know.”

      “It’s extremely important that she have continuity in her life. Especially now with all the changes that have taken place.”

      “I know that, too.”

      “She’s at a very vulnerable point that could—”

      “Would it make you feel better if you just got out your ruler and busted my knuckles?”

      Sarah stiffened. “As appealing as that sounds, Mr. Logan, I sincerely doubt it would be effective.”

      “Is that right?”

      “That’s exactly right.” Sarah softened her voice. “You needn’t take this personally. I’m only thinking of what’s best for Maggie.”

      He hated it when other people were right. It seemed like a good time to change the subject.

      Jess gestured at the children in the schoolyard. The boy he’d had the confrontation