Penny Jordan's Crighton Family Series. PENNY JORDAN

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Название Penny Jordan's Crighton Family Series
Автор произведения PENNY JORDAN
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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Stop following me.’

      ‘I am not following you,’ Luke contradicted her forcefully, ‘and neither did I make a “grab” for you as you term it.’

      ‘Oh yes, you did,’ Bobbie argued back insistently, the heat returning to her face as she realised that they were attracting the amused looks of people entering the hotel. Quickly she instinctively sought the protective cover of a nearby shadowy gap between the buildings. ‘You made a grab for me and you ... you assaulted me,’ Bobbie accused Luke furiously as he followed her into the shadows, ignoring the inner voice that warned her that the language she was using was dangerously close to being deliberately aggressive as well as not totally true.

      ‘Assaulted you...? I did no such thing,’ Luke denied grimly. ‘I kissed you, yes, but if the reaction you gave me was anything to go by...’

      ‘That was a fluke ... a mistake—I was thinking of someone else,’ Bobbie defended herself quickly. ‘It could never happen again.’

      ‘No?’ Luke challenged her softly.

      ‘No,’ Bobbie answered, but she knew her voice lacked conviction and she looked apprehensively past Luke, desperate to escape from him and the situation she herself had helped to create, before any further damage was done either to her ego or her credibility. ‘Look, I’ve got to go,’ she informed him. ‘The last bus for Haslewich leaves at ten and—’

      ‘The last bus.’

      Bobbie could see that he was frowning.

      ‘Surely Olivia offered you the use of a car...?’

      ‘Yes, she did,’ Bobbie agreed steadily, ‘but since I was coming into Chester on my own personal business and Olivia had to use the car this evening, I felt it was unfair of me to borrow it.’

      ‘Then you’re a fool,’ Luke scolded her roundly. ‘No woman should take the risk of having to wait for, or travel, on public transport on her own late at night these days unless she has to. I’ll drive you home.’

      Bobbie tried to protest but he refused to accept her claim that she was perfectly safe, telling her chillingly instead that he had seen far too many assault cases where the victim had been a young woman travelling on her own to take the risk of her swelling their numbers.

      ‘I’m over six foot and hardly vulnerable,’ Bobbie felt bound to point out.

      ‘You’re a woman,’ Luke told her flatly, ‘and as for not being vulnerable...height has nothing to do with it. Although, I suppose from your point of view, it’s only natural that you should feel defensive about it. For a woman to be so unusually tall must be—’

      ‘Must be what?’ Bobbie demanded furiously. ‘Must be a turn-off to men? Well, you might find it one, but I can promise you...’

      They were out in the square now, Luke having taken hold of her arm whilst they were arguing and cleverly outmanoeuvred her almost without her realising what he was doing.

      ‘I’m parked over here,’ he told her without letting go of her and then adding in the same, almost casual, tone, ‘I have no idea what it was you were about to promise me, but what I can promise you is that personally, while any woman with hang-ups about her body can be something of a turn-off, the thought of having to contort myself into a position suitable for making love with a woman more than several inches shorter than I am myself is even more of one and, in fact, there is something that is very much a turn-on being physically matched with a woman who fits neatly into my own body.’

      Bobbie could feel her face starting to burn even more hotly with a mixture of chagrin and a shocking sense of sensual excitement whose existence felt like it was choking her. ‘Joss told me you liked petite dumb blondes,’ she countered weakly.

      ‘Joss has made the same mistake that too many other people make,’ Luke informed her dryly. ‘It’s the petite dumb blondes who prefer me, not the other way round.’

      They had reached his car now, a large, roomy BMW, Bobbie was relieved to see. Olivia’s car, nippy though it was, had her hunching over the steering wheel, her back aching after she had driven it for any great distance.

      As he stood next to her, deactivating the alarm and preparing to open the passenger door for her, she heard Luke saying softly, ‘I’m a lawyer by training and by custom and it would be illogical of me to prefer a sexual partner with whom even the mildest form of sensual pleasure would be physically ungratifying.’

      When he saw the way Bobbie was frowning back at him in confusion, Luke closed the distance between them and, putting his hands on her waist, drew her firmly against his body so that they were standing thigh to thigh, torso to torso.

      Bobbie took a deep, protesting breath, about to launch herself into a furious verbal attack and then stopped as the very act of drawing breath brought her into sharp awareness of exactly what Luke meant.

      ‘See what I mean,’ he whispered as the grip of his hands tightened. ‘If I were to kiss you now, it wouldn’t just be our mouths that made matching and sensual physical contact, would it?’

      As she felt herself starting to tremble, Bobbie wasn’t sure if her reaction was caused by anger or ... or what? Not physical awareness of Luke, surely...not physical arousal, physical responsiveness to him.

      ‘If this is some kind of joke...’ she began warily as she tried to step back from him.

      ‘It’s no joke,’ Luke responded grimly. ‘No joke at all,’ he repeated in a much softer tone as he bent his head towards her and his hands started to slide caressingly down over the curves of her behind, pulling her even more intimately into his own body so that... Bobbie held her breath, the sensation of Luke’s body against her own somehow activating a dangerous physical transformation within her and an even more dangerous reaction without. She had experienced physical arousal before, physical attraction, and she knew perfectly well just how illusionary and charismatic it could be—and how meaninglessly empty—but this sensation, this feeling...this emotion that held her in such shocking and powerful thrall, was far too intense and overwhelming to be that. It was more, much more, than the provocative thrust of Luke’s body against hers and the fierce primal throb of desire quickening within her own, more than the sexually charged atmosphere of heat and need she could feel shimmering around them. So strong that she could almost reach out and touch it, taste it...just as she felt she wanted to reach out and touch and taste Luke himself.

      All of those feelings, no matter how strong, how shocking, how unwanted they were to her, were capable of analysis and explanation; a cause for them could be found and once found they themselves could be dismissed. But there was no cause, no means of analysing or understanding, never mind denying or dismissing that shock wave of emotional oneness and rightness she had experienced as Luke drew her close to him; that bewildering notion that somehow she had found that special wondrous place; that special wondrous person who was her real home, that knowledge that somehow or other Luke had reached out and touched the very core of her innermost being and that because of that ... because of him the whole of her life would be changed for ever.

      Bobbie had always assumed that one day she would fall in love deeply and permanently and she had hoped that when she did that love would be returned; that together she and her beloved would form a close-knit unit that would one day expand to include the children she hoped they would have, but it had never occurred to her that loving could ever be like this; that from one moment to the next, one heartbeat to the next, she would suddenly and irrevocably know the man she loved and know just as intensely her love for him could never be destroyed.

      ‘Luke...’ As she said his name on a shakily expelled breath, he covered her mouth with his, his hands coming up to cup her face and hold her still beneath his kiss. His thumb caressed the delicate curve of her cheek as his mouth moved equally caressingly on hers.

      To Bobbie it seemed the most natural thing in the world to respond openly to him, reaching out to hold him, opening her mouth to him and welcoming the demanding thrust of his tongue within it with a soft, throaty murmur of delight.
