A Most Determined Bachelor. Miriam Macgregor

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Название A Most Determined Bachelor
Автор произведения Miriam Macgregor
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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shrill voice piped up, ‘What are cousins? Have I got any cousins?’

      Judy smiled at him. ‘I’ll leave Uncle Ryan to explain while I shower and dress. He’s known your mother for a long time—so he should be able to tell you all sorts of things.’ The glance she flicked at Ryan was full of significance.

      Ryan turned to regard her with a penetrating stare. She knew he was about to ask what sort of things she had in mind, but before he could do so she hurried away to her room.

      A few minutes later, as she stood beneath the soothing waters of the en suite shower, she recalled Ryan’s care and attention to Robin at the breakfast table. Fatherly was the word that sprang into her mind, and then the boy’s own words leapt to join it. ‘Uncle Ryan says if I eat porridge every morning I’ll grow up to be just like him.’

      ‘Is that a fact?’ Judy murmured her thoughts aloud. ‘So how does Uncle Ryan know you’ll be just like him? Surely the answer is clear. It’s because he’s your father, m’lad. That’s why your grandmother has sent you here to await your mother’s arrival...and then...?’

      Judy turned off the taps and began to towel herself vigorously. Again she warned herself that there was too much guesswork going on in her mind, and if she had any sense she’d just take each day as it came. She’d enjoy Ryan’s company while she could, and when Verna arrived she’d leave, with the hope that Robin had found his father.

      When she returned to the kitchen she discovered that Ryan had cleared the table and tidied the worktop. And, although she waited for him to pursue the subject of why she expected him to have knowledge of Robin’s relatives, he failed to do so. Instead she became aware of his interest focusing upon her own appearance, his eyes resting on her blonde hair before lowering to gaze at the rounded mounds of breasts beneath her dark red jumper.

      ‘I suppose you know you’re looking most attractive,’ he remarked in a low voice. ‘The men will be goggle-eyed.’

      ‘Thank you.’ She savoured the compliment while hoping her inner pleasure didn’t show too much. ‘They’ll be here for a meeting?’

      ‘No. They’re pruning apple trees at one of the orchards. It happens during winter between leaf-fall and bud-burst. I’m taking Robin with me while I check their progress. You’ll come with us to keep an eye on him,’ he stated firmly. ‘I hope you won’t be too bored.’

      The request to accompany them had come as an order rather than as an invitation, and for one mad moment she thought of refusing him. However, she decided to let the niggle pass. As for boring her-he must be joking. And to hide her eagerness to see part of his domain she spoke with quiet dignity. ‘Of course I’ll come...if you want me.’

      If she’d expected a response to her last words she was to be disappointed, because he merely regarded her in silence, his frown indicating that something about her disturbed his peace of mind. But before she could utter a query Robin, who was hopping impatiently from one foot to the other, tugged at his sleeve.

      ‘When are we going, Uncle Ryan? Can we go now?’

      Judy spoke to the boy. ‘Have you cleaned your teeth? Have you been to the toilet...?’

      Robin shook his head. ‘Aw, Judy... Uncle Ryan and me...we gotta go out in the Range Rover right now.’

      She spoke with gentle firmness. ‘You’re not going anywhere until you’ve done those things—and don’t forget to wash your hands.’ Then, as the little boy ran towards the bathroom, she turned to Ryan with an apologetic smile. ‘I’m sorry to cause this delay, but these things are important.’

      ‘Yes, of course they are. Don’t worry, your efforts are not wasted. I’m really most impressed.’ His mouth twisted slightly and the words came mockingly.

      Their tone jarred on her, causing her eyes to widen into a glare of sudden anger. ‘Are you suggesting I’m deliberately trying to impress you?’ she almost hissed. ‘If so, you’re very much mistaken. I’ll leave that to Verna—’ She stopped abruptly, appalled by what she’d said.

      He eyed her narrowly. ‘Vema, huh? She’s coming here to impress me, rather than to just collect Robin? Well, now...that’s most interesting.’

      Judy shook her head in a helpless manner. ‘Please forget what I said, because I really don’t know—’

      ‘You must know something to have made that remark,’ he cut in, his tone like granite. ‘Why do I get a strong smell of the dragon’s breath? Is this some of her scheming?’

      Her slim shoulders lifted slightly. ‘I suppose it’s to do with why she sent Robin to you. I don’t think he’ll be long,’ she added, hoping to get off a subject that was making him scowl.

      ‘There’s no hurry; I’m not yet ready to leave. Last evening Kate was in such a tizz she forgot to take her wages. I thought I’d drop them in to her in case she needs it. I’ll probably stop and chat for a few minutes.’

      Watching his athletic form descend the back stairs, she decided he had an unusually kind nature, and that few men would be so thoughtful. There was also a controlled strength about him, and suddenly she began to look upon his dominance as a gift of clear thinking, which enabled him to make the right decisions. But he was not meant for her. He was meant for Vema, she felt sure, and sooner or later they’d make up their differences. And then Robin would have a father.

      Sighing, she closed the back door, and at that moment the phone rang. She went into the living room, lifted the receiver and gave Ryan’s number. Her answer was greeted by a momentary silence before a female voice from the other end said, ‘Is Ryan there, please?’

      ‘No—I’m afraid he’s out for a short time.’

      The voice said, ‘Is that you, Kate? It doesn’t sound like you.’

      ‘It’s not Miss Coster. It’s Judy Arledge speaking.’

      ‘Judy Arledge?’ The caller’s voice sharpened. ‘May I ask who you are and what you’re doing in Ryan’s house while he’s absent from it? I don’t recall him ever mentioning a Judy Arledge.’

      ‘I’ve come to stay with him for the rest of the school holidays,’ Judy explained rather inadequately, while feeling there was no need to go into details for this unknown person.

      ‘The rest of the school holidays—but there’s over a week to go.’ The words came faintly, yet held a hint of agitation. ‘Are you a school teacher? Am I right in assuming you’re Miss Arledge?’

      ‘Yes, you’re quite right. May I ask who’s speaking so that I can tell him you rang?’

      ‘Indeed you may.’ The caller’s tone sharpened again. ‘It’s Cynthia Birch speaking. Ryan and I are very close friends—and I can hardly believe he has a...a single woman staying in the house with him. He’s always been adamant in his refusal to do so—so how did you manage it, Miss Arledge?’

      Something in her tone jarred upon Judy. Or was it the fact that Cynthia Birch had claimed to be very close to Ryan? ‘I’m sure Ryan will fill you in with any details you wish to know—’ she began.

      Cynthia’s voice rang with determination. ‘If you don’t mind, I’d like to know a few of them now. Where have you come from?’

      Judy answered politely, ‘From Christchurch.’ And before more questions could come she added quickly, ‘I’ll tell Ryan you rang. Goodbye.’ She replaced the receiver.

      She hadn’t actually hung up on Cynthia, but it had been near enough to make her feel guilty. After all, why should she care if this woman and Ryan were close? It shouldn’t concern someone like herself...someone who was finished with men...and in an effort to convince herself she almost muttered the last thought aloud.

      The question was still niggling at her mind when Ryan returned. She was in the living room when he walked in the back door, and for several long moments they just stood and