A Marriage In The Making. Natalie Fox

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Название A Marriage In The Making
Автор произведения Natalie Fox
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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murmured, surprised and relieved all at the same time. ‘Yes, I think you’re wise.’ She turned her head and smiled, hoping to lesson the sting of the truth. ‘It’s going to be bad enough with just you.’

      Daniel smiled ruefully without looking at her and nodded his good-humoured agreement.

      ‘Josh feels more secure in his own environment,’ she went on, feeling braver knowing that Daniel was warming to her suggestions. ‘He has a routine that gives him confidence.’ Daniel nodded again. ‘I think it would upset him terribly to have that routine broken. I think we need a softly, softly approach. Firstly, of course, you must win his confidence, which is what all this is about really. I mean, the fact that you are taking him away won’t matter in the end; when you have won his love he’ll go off and…and…’ Oh, God, her throat was drying up with emotion. Josh would go off with his father and forget she and Tara had ever existed in his life.

      She cleared her throat ‘Yes, softly, softly. You should see him every day, at our cottage, not the house, and…and…and then when…well…when things are…Well, really what I think would be a…a good idea…’

      Karis had stopped walking. She’d floundered to a stop as her words had dried and died. Daniel stopped too and turned to look at her oddly. He stepped closer and took her shoulders lightly.

      ‘What are you trying to say, Karis?’

      And she knew what she was struggling with. The idea she had for Josh’s rehabilitation with his father was the only sensible course, but would Daniel Kennedy see it the way she did? He might take it all the wrong way, think she was being pushy and taking on too many decisions. But it was only for Josh’s sake, and he would see that because he wanted the same as she did—Josh’s happiness.

      She took a deep breath and met his concerned gaze. ‘I think that after a few days, when you have familiarised yourself with Josh’s routine, it would be a…a good idea to move into the cottage with us.’ There, it was out and it was the only way. ‘You want your son’s love and you want to give yours too and it’s the only way you’re going to get it together with him. Daily visits aren’t going to be enough. Josh needs the whole commitment, everything. He wants to feel that in future you are always going to be there for him. Day and night and night and day,’ she finished breathlessly.

      Karis stood nervously waiting for his reaction, fiddling with the seam of her sarong at her side because another thought had suddenly struck her. Suppose he thought her suggestion was personal? After all that business with the pulse point of her wrist he might think he had turned her on!

      Daniel stood studying the ripples in the sand at his feet, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Eventually, after what seemed like an age to Karis, he looked up and nodded. But no smile accompanied the acknowledgement, just the nod.

      ‘You agree, then,’ Karis managed, adding deliberately, ‘For Josh’s sake.’

      His eyes locked with hers and held them unremittingly. ‘Yes, I agree,’ he conceded at last. ‘With reservations,’ he added mysteriously. Then, with a very small frown of concern, he turned away. Thoughtfully, broodily, head bowed, he walked back towards the plantation house.

      ‘What reservations?’ Karis called out before he got very far.

      He stopped and turned slowly and the look he gave her was darkly meaningful. ‘If you don’t know that, Karis, I shall wonder at your level of intelligence.’

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