A Gleam In His Eye. Terry Essig

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Название A Gleam In His Eye
Автор произведения Terry Essig
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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her eyes.

      Hunter scooped up his nephew and held him tightly against his chest. The pressure of the hard squeeze had Mikie upchucking once more, this time down Hunter’s back, but Hunter didn’t care, he just didn’t care. His inexperience and ineptitude hadn’t killed anyone. That was what counted.

      “Thank you, God,” he prayed.

      “Amen,” whispered Johanna.

      Hunter stood up, dripping water, shoes squishing. He had Mikie in his arms and Aaron very quickly attached himself to one leg like a little leech. Karen claimed the other leg and Robby grabbed him from behind. He stood there like an oak and let his heart settle back down into his chest.

      “Thank you,” he told Johanna gravely, very impressed with the way she’d handled the crisis. She was not just good with children, she was also an incredibly competent woman. Also sexy. Let’s not forget the sexy. He became more determined than ever to get to know her.

      “You’re welcome,” she said every bit as gravely.

      The coach of the eleven-and twelve-year-olds began to usher people away. “All right, everybody, excitement’s over. Let’s go finish up. I think tomorrow it might be a good idea if we did some pool safety stuff.”

      Johanna rose, patted Mikie on the back and turned to leave.

      “Wait,” Hunter said, grabbing her arm. There was no way he could follow her with the little limpets still attached. “I, uh, wanted to thank you one more time.”

      “I’m glad we were in time,” Johanna returned. Looking into his eyes, she was struck again by just how handsome he was. She shivered and didn’t know if it was the sodden clothing dripping down her legs or the sight of gorgeous Hunter covered in children. She took off her shirt and shorts while she thought about that and wrung them out.

      Hunter’s blood pressure skyrocketed as the woman unselfconsciously stripped. Damn, but he’d forgotten she wore a bathing suit under her clothes. These sudden adrenaline rushes couldn’t be good for a man. He was going to be dead long before his time at this rate.

      “I’m sorry this happened. It won’t again. I’m still getting used to them.”

      Johanna nodded. The crisis was over. She was suddenly exhausted. She also wished he’d touch her arm again. There’d been a connection then, almost like a circuit being completed. Maybe his electric blue eyes really were electric. Weird. But Johanna definitely wanted to feel that tingle again. “They move fast, don’t they?”

      He nodded. “You can say that again. I’m beginning to think they’re also at their creative best when they’re thinking up new ways to do themselves in.”

      Johanna laughed weakly. “Yeah. I could tell you some stories about my brothers and sisters that would turn your hair gray just listening.”

      “I’d like to hear them,” he said quietly, and looked directly into her wide eyes. Now he was in danger of drowning in them.

      Johanna swallowed. Hard. Oh, God. He wanted to hear her stories. Suddenly she couldn’t think of a one.

      “I’d also like to thank you properly, take you out for dinner or something, but I’m afraid it’s too soon to leave the unholy crew with a sitter just yet. They need to settle in a bit and feel more secure.” Did they ever. The kids still had nightmares sometimes. Hunter had yet to truly grieve his brother’s loss himself. He’d been too busy making it through one day at a time.

      “I understand,” Johanna said. And she did. Understanding didn’t prevent a feeling of disappointment, however.

      Someone who liked kids as well as the young swim coach obviously did surely wouldn’t mind their being underfoot, so Hunter plowed on. “I can see you’re ready for your own workout,” he said with a nod at her swimsuit. “But I could stop off somewhere on the way home, get some stuff for ice cream sundaes. I could give you the address—it’s not too far—and you could come by the house when you’re through.”

      “Oh, I don’t—”

      She was going to refuse and Hunter didn’t want that. In fact, he wouldn’t accept that. “Karen and your Aubrey seem to be hitting it off together. After swimming as hard as they did Aubrey could probably use a sugar infusion. I bet she’d like to come along.” He said it just loud enough for the little girl to hear. He hadn’t been raising children long, but he’d already learned the unbelievable pressure the little sweethearts could bring to bear when they wanted something. And what little kid wouldn’t want ice cream?

      Aubrey did not disappoint him.

      “Oh, please, Johanna. Can we please go, huh? Can we? Please?” Aubrey folded her hands together in front of her in a supplicating, prayerlike fashion and looked up at her older sister pleadingly. “Will and Steve didn’t even have to swim tonight ’cuz Chris got those tickets to the Silver Hawks game at Covaleski Stadium. They’re probably having tons of fun. They get to do everything and I hardly ever get to do nothing. Please?”

      Johanna rolled her eyes. It was a standard line that every one of her siblings used. Each and every one of them was surely the most abused child in the history of the world. “I hardly ever get to do anything,” Johanna corrected her. “If you’re going to whine, at least do it correctly.”

      “I hardly ever get to do anything,” Aubrey repeated dutifully. “Please?”

      She shouldn’t let her get away with it, but the truth was Johanna wanted to go herself.

      “It’s a school night,” she said, feeling duty-bound to point out.

      “I didn’t have any homework.” Aubrey quickly inserted the reply, sensing Johanna’s wavering as only a child can. “And you made me practice piano before we came. And ice cream’s pretty good for you. We made it at school one time. It has milk in it. I saw.”

      Johanna had to grin. What a little con artist. “Along with an equal amount of sugar, but what the heck, it’s been a traumatic day. We could all use a little comfort food.”

      “Yes,” chorused Aubrey and Karen together. Karen pumped her fist in the air.

      “When Charlie gets here, tell him to take Grace home and check homework for me,” Johanna directed her sister. “You can just wait for me to finish up here.”

      The two girls saluted and raced off with Robby in hot pursuit.

      Hunter stood there holding a now quietly sobbing, hiccuping Mikie, and feeling as if Aaron was a permanent attachment. It wouldn’t be much longer before he’d forget what life was like with free use of both legs. The three of them dripped water onto the concrete pool deck. His hair was hanging in his face and water rivulets ran down his neck in a decidedly uncomfortable fashion. It was not a setup he would have chosen for asking a woman on a first date. Unfortunately, he had a feeling of foreboding that this was about as good as it was going to get. Probably for years to come. Hunter gave Johanna clear, concise directions and squished his way out of the pool area, lugging Aaron with every step he took.

      So much for Mr. Suave Sophisticate.

      He sighed. How the mighty were fallen.

      He took the two small boys into the boys’ locker room, shifted the nozzle on the hand dryer to point down, punched the button and stood them underneath the blast of hot air in a fruitless attempt to dry them out a bit.

      Hunter borrowed some towels from the lost and found to spread along the leather seats of his pride and joy. He still cringed as he buckled in those sodden little bodies. His own soggy self wasn’t doing the car’s seats much good, either. He thought of Johanna’s sleek, wet body when she’d stepped out of her shorts and shirt. Now, a body like that, he’d let ruin his leather any day of the week.

      “Come on, kids, let’s get a move on here,” Hunter said, suddenly in a hurry. How had they left the kitchen? Were there dirty dishes in the sink? Damn, he couldn’t remember. He needed to shower, put some dry clothes