A Brevia Beginning. Michelle Major

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Название A Brevia Beginning
Автор произведения Michelle Major
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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hours and Sam was already starting another referendum on how messed up he was. He couldn’t afford to debate whether it was true. Not yet.

      “Get out.” He spoke the words slowly, without any of the emotion swirling through his gut.

      “Scott, listen—”

      “No, Sam, you listen.” Scott began straightening chairs around the various tables, needing something—anything—to do with his hands. Needing to take some action. “The incident didn’t mess with my head. It killed a good man. Maybe I use alcohol to dull the memories of that more than I should. But I’m not out of control. I walked away when it was clear that part of the internal investigation meant me smearing my dead partner’s reputation. I don’t know right now if I’ll go back. So I bought this place. It’s an investment. Not one that you would make, but it’s my money and my life. Back off. Go home to Julia and Charlie. I don’t need you here.”

      The sound of the chairs scraping against the wood floor gave welcome relief to the silence that stretched between the brothers. Finally, Scott stopped and looked over. “I mean it. I’m fine.”

      Sam gave a curt nod. “I’m here, Scott. When you do need me, I’m here.” He turned and walked out of the bar into the bright morning.

      As the door swung shut behind him, Scott turned a chair around and sank into it, massaging his forehead with two fingers.

      What the hell was he going to do now?

      * * *

      Lexi tried to ignore the pounding on the apartment door. As she stared, arms folded tightly across her chest, the noise grew. Had her father had a change of heart already, prepared to forgive her supposed lapse in judgment if she came home and continued to do his bidding? It was late morning and she’d already unpacked her few belongings and made a run to the local grocery for essential supplies. As silly as it seemed, she’d just gotten a taste of freedom and didn’t want to give it up so soon.

      She also didn’t want her neighbors to worry or, worse, call Julia or Sam. Taking a fortifying gulp of air, she turned the knob and opened the door.


      Oh, dear.

      Scott Callahan loomed in the doorway, irritation and a healthy five-o’clock shadow etched on his handsome face. He was still wearing the same casual sweater and wrinkled jeans from the night before. She looked for the resemblance to Julia’s husband, Sam, figuring it was too much of a coincidence to have two Callahans in the same small town.

      She’d been shocked when he’d told her his name as she was putting together the contract for sale last night. Although Scott’s hair was dark, the two men shared the same brilliant blue eyes, strong jaw and towering height that made them both intimidating and undeniably male.

      She took an involuntary step back, hating the blush creeping up her cheeks. Why did this man rattle her so much?

      That was easy enough to answer. Just the sight of him made her long-dormant imagination kick into high gear. His hair just grazed his collar, his blue eyes made brighter by the contrast to long lashes that any woman would envy. He was beautiful, the kind of handsome that would attract female attention wherever he went.

      Men who looked like Scott Callahan didn’t notice Lexi, and last night he’d certainly noticed her. At least it had felt that way. He’d leaned in and his eyes had caught on her mouth as if he wanted to kiss her. She’d imagined what that kiss would feel like as she lay in her bed in the wee morning hours, watching dawn through the curtains in her bedroom. She could almost taste his lips on hers even now.


      She blinked and cleared her throat. “What are you doing here?”

      He lifted one long arm to rest on the door frame, muscles bunching under his sweater. A smile played at the corner of his mouth. He seemed a lot less irritated than he had a few moments earlier. “What’s your story, Lexi Preston? You look shy and talk like an academic, but you’ve got a wild side. I can tell.”

      She hugged her arms more tightly around herself. “You can tell no such thing.”

      “I can tell you want me to kiss you.”

      She sputtered, “I do not.”

      “Liar.” He took a lazy step toward her. “But that’s not going to happen. Yet.”

      Lexi was shocked by the ripple of disappointment that rolled through her. “What do you want?” she repeated. “I’m guessing this isn’t an official employee meeting.”

      He pulled a sheet of paper out of his back pocket. “I want to know why you let me sign this damn contract.”

      “You told me to write it up. I didn’t let you do anything. In fact, I advised you not to sign it.”

      “I was drunk.”

      She cocked her head to one side and studied him. The rumpled clothes, the hint of bruising under his eyes. “You said you weren’t.”

      “I hide it well.”

      No wonder he’d been flirting with her. It was the alcohol, not attraction. Of course. A guy as hot as Scott would definitely need beer goggles to flirt with her. “I warned you about due consideration. You assured me you were in full control of your faculties and able to make a rational decision.”

      “I want out.” He came all the way into the apartment, filling it with his large, muscular body and...sheesh, she had a one-track mind.

      “The bank has to draw up the final contract. Maybe you won’t be approved for the loan.”

      “I can guarantee I’ll be approved, so I want out now.”

      A whistle sounded from behind her. “It’s not that easy.” She turned on her heel and padded to the kitchen, pulling two cups from the cabinet. She dropped a tea bag in each and poured the hot water. Turning back, she handed one to Scott. He eyed it suspiciously. “What’s this?”

      “Green tea. It helps me think.” She took a small sip. “Explain to Luke Trujillo that you were inebriated last night. The contract won’t hold up if you signed it under the influence. I’m sure Tina will vouch for how many drinks you had over a normal limit.”

      “That’s the problem. No one can know I was drunk.”

      “Why not?”

      He brought the mug to his mouth, sniffed and made a face. “You’re kidding with this, right? Where’s the coffee?”

      “I don’t drink coffee. Green tea is full of antioxidants.”

      “You’re an attorney and a health nut? That’s some combination.”

      “My father says... Never mind.” She took another drink. “Don’t be a baby. It’s just tea.” She studied him intently. “Why do you want to hide that you were drunk?”

      “I’m not a baby,” he said and took a huge gulp of tea. “That’s disgusting.”

      “You’re avoiding my question.”

      “You’re such a lawyer.” He shook his head and reached around her to place the mug on the counter. “My brother’s already given me grief about last night. I don’t need him on my back for anything else.”

      “Are the two of you close?”

      “Not a bit.”

      She raised the cup to her lips again, then lowered it as her mind raced. “If you’re not close, why do you—”

      “It’s complicated.”

      Lexi could just imagine. She’d known him for less than twenty-four hours, but Scott Callahan was already the most intriguing man she’d ever met. At first glance he was all alpha-male bravado, but she sensed something more. His eyes had a haunted look that wasn’t related to a hangover, but might have everything to do with a bone-deep loneliness.