The Rings that Bind. Michelle Smart

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Название The Rings that Bind
Автор произведения Michelle Smart
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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to her too.

      ‘I think not.’ His green eyes had darkened into an almost sinister gleam. ‘You see, Rosa, under no circumstances will I allow you to leave. I do not want a divorce. Go up to your room and unpack—you’re not going anywhere.’

      Rosa reared back and stared at him. Surely he hadn’t just said what she thought he had? ‘You won’t allow me to leave?’

      His mouth formed a thin, grim line. ‘You are my wife.’

      ‘Exactly. I am your wife—not your possession.’

      ‘In certain cultures that is one and the same thing.’

      ‘Well, luckily for me we’re in the UK, and not some backwards country where women have no voice.’

      ‘I will never agree to a divorce.’

      She studied him carefully, half expecting him to crack a smile and say he was joking. Surely he could not be serious? However, she did have one more ace up her sleeve—no one could ever accuse her of being anything but thorough. ‘If you won’t agree to a divorce I will apply for an annulment. This marriage was never consummated. Therefore it is void.’

      Not bothering to wait for a response, Rosa walked away. Determined to keep a cool head, she walked steadily up the stairs to her suite, placing a hand to her chest in a futile attempt to temper her thundering heart.

      Thankfully she’d had the foresight to pack earlier—a job that had taken less than an hour.

      Heavy footsteps neared her and mentally she braced herself.

      Nico crossed the threshold into her bedroom, his features so taut he might have been carved from ice. His eyes, though…His eyes shimmered with fury.

      ‘You do realise you can’t stop me?’ she said coldly.

      He folded his arms across his chest, accentuating the breadth of his physique. Nico really was a mountain of a man, filling the space around him, dwarfing everything in the vicinity. ‘I think you’ll find I can.’

      ‘By using force?’ She didn’t believe he would do that. Not for a second. He might be over a foot taller than her, and packed full of solid muscle, but she knew perfectly well he would never use that to his advantage.

      His lips curved into a cold smile. ‘I don’t need to use physical force, Rosa. I have other advantages to stop you leaving.’

      ‘Why are you being like this?’ She forced her voice to remain calm. ‘Why can’t you just accept I want out?’

      ‘I’ll tell you why,’ he said, stalking towards her, his eyes glittering. ‘You see, daragaya, I have just learned that not only have I been cuckolded but, to add insult to injury, you want to humiliate me too.’

      It was the casual, almost sneering way he called her his darling wife that did it. Something inside of her snapped. Gazing up at him, mere feet away, close enough for her to feel the heat emanating from his powerful body, she said, ‘Cuckolded? Humiliated? What planet are you on? How many women have you slept with since we married?’

      Oh, he had been discreet. She would give him that. But there was no way a man as overtly masculine as Nico would go eleven months without sex.

      ‘Do not try to twist the subject. We are not talking about me. We are talking about you and the fact you want to advertise to the world that we never have consummated our marriage.’

      ‘You know damn well I won’t be doing anything of the sort.’

      ‘You think the press won’t leap on a nugget like that? You think I want to be the butt of everyone’s gossip? To know friends and business acquaintances will speculate over the reasons you and I never had sex?’

      Rosa turned her face away, a slow burn crawling up her neck.

      Lord, she did not want to think of them having sex. It was bad enough dreaming about his hard, naked body taking her passionately and then waking up in the morning with a burning need deep inside her, knowing there was nothing she could do about it other than take as cold a shower as she could bear and push it from her mind. At least she could control her conscious thoughts.

      She took a step away from him—away from that citrusy, masculine scent that was starting to swirl around her senses. ‘I don’t relish that scenario any more than you, but if you refuse a divorce you will leave me no other option than to go down the annulment road.’

      ‘I will deny it,’ he said, staring at her unsmilingly. ‘I will tell the courts that you are a fantasist.’

      ‘You would lie under oath?’

      The ring of shock in Rosa’s eyes was all too apparent.

      In truth, Nico had shocked himself.

      Would he really go that far? Under ordinary circumstances the answer would be a resounding no. But these were far from ordinary circumstances.

      Her suitcases sat neatly by her bedroom door. A sign of her intent.

      Of her defiance.

      Without any pause for thought, he reached for the nearest, flicked the clips to spring it open and tipped the contents into a heap on the floor.

      ‘I will do whatever is necessary to uphold my reputation,’ he said, staring intently into her startled eyes. He clenched his hands into fists and held them tightly by his sides to prevent them doing the same to the other suitcase. He had made his point. ‘You are a Baranski and will remain a Baranski for as long as I deem necessary.’

      Rosa backed away from him like a wary cat, tugging at her ponytail, loathing written all over her pretty face. ‘I’ll be a Carty again before you can blink,’ she said, her chest rising up and down with rapid motion. ‘I’ll change my name back by deed poll if necessary. And if you think upending my possessions is going to make me stay, then you are delusional.’

      He would never have guessed his starchy wife was capable of anger. Irritation, yes. Mild annoyance on a bad day, maybe. But full-blown anger? No.

      She had not even raised her voice but he could feel it—those tiny ripples of fury kept under the tightest of reins.

      What would it be like to unleash that passion? A passion he had blithely ignored over the eleven months of their marriage, not even aware of its existence.

      It had been there all along. And another man had been the recipient of it.

      The knowledge lingered in his senses like a pungent smell.

      And it made him react in ways he had never believed himself capable of.

      ‘I have a proposition for you,’ he said, breaking the taut silence.

      Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

      ‘I do not want a divorce or an annulment. I like our marriage—it suits me very well.’ And he was damned if he was going to let it end on her terms. If they were going to divorce it would be on his terms and his terms only.

      ‘It doesn’t suit me.’

      Clamping down on the fresh flash of rage that followed this little declaration, he forced his voice to remain calm. ‘I realise that. However, as you have done so much research you must be aware that we cannot divorce until we have been married for a year—which in our case is a whole month away.’

      ‘That doesn’t mean we can’t start the ball rolling,’ she said, displaying the stubbornness he had always admired in her when she had worked for him, working regular twelve hour days in an effort to ensure everything was in perfect order.

      It was the same stubbornness she had displayed when she’d refused his every overture to work with him permanently.

      With a flash of insight he realised the more he tried to force her to comply the more she would dig her heels in. Her obstinancy was liable to take the form of an immovable object.
