The Forest Ranger's Return. Leigh Bale

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Название The Forest Ranger's Return
Автор произведения Leigh Bale
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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door several quick raps with her knuckles. A cute girl, about twelve years old with an adorable button nose, answered her call.

      “Good afternoon. Is your mother home?” Julie asked.

      “Yeah, come on in.” The girl stood back to let Julie step inside.

      Julie’s gaze lowered to the girl’s legs. Dressed in a pair of knee-length shorts, the child also wore a prosthetic leg. Like Dal, she walked without a hint of a limp.

      “Mom! The new ranger’s here,” the girl yelled over her shoulder.

      “Oh, my goodness. Is it that time already?” a woman’s voice called from the kitchen.

      The house smelled of cinnamon and warmth. Something nice must be baking in the oven.

      “You must be Kristen,” Julie said to the girl. She knew Lyn and Cade Baldwin also had a new baby.

      “Yes, and you’re Dal’s old girlfriend,” Kristen said. A statement, not a question.

      Julie’s jaw dropped. Her mind churned, wondering what Dal might have told these people about their past. “We were good friends once.”

      “I love Dal, too. He’s one of my best friends in the whole world.”

      Too? The girl must think Julie still loved him. And Julie didn’t know how to disabuse the child of that notion without offending her.

      “Dal saved my dad’s life,” Kristen said. “They were in the war together. Of course, Cade’s not my real dad, but I love him like he is anyway. Cade was a prisoner of war, and Dal went in to get him free. Dal pushed him out of the way during an explosion. That’s how Dal lost his leg. The bomb hurt him real bad. I lost my leg in a car crash that killed my real dad.”

      “Ah, I see. It’s a good thing Dal was there to save Cade.” Julie blinked at this detailed information. Kids were so guileless, open and honest. Julie knew Dal had lost his leg in the war, but hadn’t known he’d done it while saving another man’s life. No wonder he and Cade Baldwin were such good friends. Hearing about Dal’s heroics made Julie feel emotional and patriotic. She had no doubt God had sent Dal to rescue Cade. But now she wondered if Dal needed rescuing.

      “Have a seat. Mom will be right here.” Kristen walked back into the kitchen.

      Resting her briefcase on the floor, Julie sat on the edge of the closest chair to wait. A soft baby blanket had been tossed over the armrest, and she pushed it to one side as she looked around.

      Braided rag rugs covered the shiny hardwood floors. A large stone fireplace dominated one wall of the tidy living room. Woven baskets with colorful, intricate designs decorated the tabletops, along with vases of dried field flowers. A striking Native American headdress made of ermine and rabbit fur rested atop a tall armoire. Beautiful pictures of wild mustangs and modern cowboys adorned the walls. A playpen and a basket of toys sat in the middle of the room.

      Obviously the Baldwins favored a Western motif. Julie had been told by her office manager that Cade Baldwin was part Shoshone Indian and ran a medical practice three days a week in town. Julie could find no fault with this comfortable home and had great respect for the work Dr. Baldwin and his wife did for amputee kids.

      A scuffling sound came from the kitchen, and then an attractive woman with long blond hair and warm brown eyes appeared in the doorway. With a flustered sigh, she used a damp cloth to scrub an orange splotch of what looked to be baby squash off her shirtfront. Tossing the dishcloth onto the kitchen table, she came forward with a bright smile. “I’m so sorry. I lost track of time. I just finished feeding the baby.”

      “Is this a bad time to talk?” Julie asked as she stood.

      “No, of course not. It’s always crazy around here. I’m Lyn Baldwin, and you must be Julie Granger.” She extended her arm.

      Julie returned the woman’s smile as they shook hands. “Yes, I’m glad to finally meet you. I’ve got so many questions I’d like to ask.”

      “Sure. I’ll help any way I can. Please sit down and relax.” Lyn indicated the chair.

      “Thank you.” Julie sat. “ you need to get your baby?”

      “No, Kristen’s with her.”

      At that moment, Kristen came into the room carrying a chubby infant wearing a pink sundress and a full head of dark, curly hair.

      Julie fell in love immediately.

      Lyn pointed at the girl. “You’ve already met my daughter, Kristen. She’s twelve. And the little one is Clarisse, my other daughter. She’s seven months old now and getting her first teeth.”

      Kristen jostled the baby on her hip. “Do you want to hold her?”

      No! Julie knew nothing about holding a baby, but the invitation caught her off guard. “I, um, sure.”

      Kristen handed the infant over, and Julie clutched the little girl around the middle with both hands. Little Clarisse hung suspended in the air, sucking on her fist. She gazed at Julie with wide blue eyes. And then the baby laughed. An exuberant chortle that made Julie blink in surprise.

      “Hey! She likes you,” Kristen said.

      “She sure does.” Lyn curled her bare feet beneath her and sat on the leather sofa.

      Julie didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know what to do. Prickles of panic rushed up her throat. She hadn’t held a baby since...since she couldn’t remember when. But as she looked into the eyes of this innocent little being, so vulnerable and trusting, Julie’s insides dissolved into mush.

      “Do you have kids?” Lyn asked.

      “No, I’ve never married.”

      “Well, you’re a natural mom. Anyone can see that.”

      A creeping heat stole its way over Julie’s face. She’d given up on marriage and kids long ago, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want them. Life just hadn’t provided them. Not with her aversion to most men. So she’d learned to settle for what she did have.

      As Clarisse kicked her bare legs, Julie couldn’t help cuddling the little girl close within the crook of her arm. A domestic feeling of tenderness flooded Julie’s heart with regret. How she wished she could have...

      No! She couldn’t think that way. It wasn’t fair to torture herself over something she didn’t have. Instead, she focused on the good in her life. Like right now, sitting in this comfy home with a baby in her arms.

      Clarisse waved her tiny hands and made several happy panting sounds, shredding the rest of Julie’s resistance. She snuggled Clarisse close, catching the clean scent of her skin. Before she could think to stop herself, Julie brushed her lips against the baby’s soft forehead in a spontaneous kiss.

      Dallin Savatch chose that precise moment to walk through the front door. Another tall, dark-haired man accompanied him.

      Julie flinched and sat up straight, feeling startled and exposed.

      “Howdy.” The stranger flashed a smile.

      “Hello.” Julie tensed, trying not to let Dal’s intense gaze snag hers as she focused on the other man.

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