First Mates. Cecelia Dowdy

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Название First Mates
Автор произведения Cecelia Dowdy
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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about focusing so much on her own pain when he could be hurting just as much. “Did you just end a relationship, too?”

      He shook his head. “No, it’s nothing like that. I’ll tell you about it soon,” he repeated. “It’s such a beautiful day that I don’t want to ruin it by talking about something so sad.” He looked away, and she thought she saw his hazel eyes glisten with tears. However, it was so quick that she wondered if she imagined it.

      “I’m so sorry you’re hurting.” Her heart went out to him. “I just wish I could lift our pain and make it disappear.” She sighed. “Only God could perform such acts. Maybe we should pray together. Nothing works as good as prayer when you’re hurting.” He nodded and took both of her hands.

      His deep voice was calm and soothing as he prayed to their Heavenly Father. He prayed for guidance during their difficult time. He prayed that they could be lifted from their sorrows, if only for one day. Her soul felt cleansed as she squeezed his hand and said “Amen.”

      “Are you ready to have a wonderful day?” she asked as they stood and he left money on the table for the bill. He nodded and grinned as they walked out the door. She spotted the beautiful woman he’d been speaking to the previous day. She was giggling and flirting with an older man. When Rainy stopped walking, Winston gave her a questioning look.

      “What’s wrong?”

      She stepped away from him. “I have something else that was on my mind.” They stood on the sidewalk enshrouded among throngs of people. “I saw you on the deck yesterday talking to that pretty lady.”

      He looked puzzled as he gave her his undivided attention. “What pretty lady?” She again wondered if he was just putting on an act.

      “You know, that lady on the deck.”

      Chuckling, he continued walking down the street. “What’s so funny?” She planted her feet, refusing to walk any farther.

      “You’re funny. That woman was flirting with me. If you had stuck around long enough, you would have seen me leave her after a few minutes of small talk. Her name is Carol, and I think she came on this cruise to find a man.”

      “So, this Carol woman was flirting with you?”

      He chuckled again. “Of course. Listen, whenever I travel alone I always have at least one woman proposition me for a date. Hey, I’m a good-looking man, so it’s something you have to get used to,” he said with a smile. But she couldn’t get accustomed to women flirting with Winston. “I’m sure you have the same problem.”

      “No, I don’t.”

      He continued to smile as she gazed at him. “Yes, you do. Haven’t you noticed the men ogling you since we’ve been on this cruise?”

      “They have?” She furrowed her forehead as they continued to walk. “No, I guess I haven’t noticed.”

      “Well, I have. Do you know what I was worried about when you said you needed a break for the day?” They turned a corner. She barely noticed the throngs of people as they passed by. She was in a secluded world with Winston.


      “Well, I was worried that you would find another companion. I thought you wouldn’t want to see me anymore during the entire trip.” He stopped walking and gave her an intense look. She breathed the humid summer air, trying to calm her thudding heart.

      “I don’t think you realize just how beautiful you are. We’ve been on this sidewalk for close to fifteen minutes and two men have already taken a second look at you. I am very glad to hear that you were jealous to see me with Carol.”

      Her lips curved into a smile. “Why?”

      “Well, since you were jealous, it at least shows that you care about me and about our friendship.”

      He continued, “And when we dock in Miami, I plan to continue seeing you, that is, if you have no objections.”

      She smiled, gripping the handle of her purse. “I definitely have no objections.”

      “Let’s just have a good time today, okay?”

      She nodded eagerly, looking forward to the day.

      A cab escorted them to the beach and she enjoyed the warm sand swishing through her toes as they walked the shoreline. Being with Winston wrapped her with warm wonderful feelings. Feelings she hoped and prayed would develop into something beautiful. She opened her camera and caught Winston’s essence on film.

      All too soon, evening arrived. He unzipped his backpack, producing two tickets to a sunset buffet. “Do you want to go?” He waved the slips of paper in the air.

      “Are you sure we’ll be back in time to board the boat?”

      Grinning widely, he tilted his head toward the ticket booth. “I’ve already checked things out while you were laying on the beach. We’ll be back in plenty of time to get back on our boat. I’ve already made all of the arrangements.”

      Hours later, they entered the restaurant with several couples. An open bar graced the reception area and mouthwatering Cayman foods were arranged in elaborate crystal bowls. Her stomach growled, reminding her she had not eaten since breakfast. She piled her plate with fresh crabmeat, lobster, rice and potatoes. Luscious fruit-filled desserts topped their meal. Rainy was about to enjoy her first bite of strawberry pie when Winston placed his hand over hers. “No, don’t eat that yet.”

      “Why?” As she held her fork in midair, she wondered if he’d lost his mind.

      “Because I’ve been wanting to do something since I first met you, but I’ve been too embarrassed to ask.”

      “Well, what did you want to do?” Her mouth watered for her strawberry pie. Layers of fresh berries and cream cheese were encased in the piecrust.

      “I want to feed you.”

      Her eyes widened as she gazed at the other people sitting on the boat, enjoying their meal. “Feed me? Why?”

      He shrugged. “I know how much you want that pie, and feeding it to you will make me so happy.”

      He removed the fork from her fingers before feeding her the first bite of luscious pie. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sweet, tangy flavor. Winston relished the next bite. Back and forth they enjoyed the sweet treat until the fork scraped the crumbs from the plate. With a large ivory napkin, he brushed the crumbs from her lips. They then strolled to an outdoor deck.

      The glowing sun dipped in the sky, turning the luminescent day into fading twilight. He placed his arm around her waist as they watched the horizon.

      As the golden globe finally dipped over the horizon, she closed her eyes, basking in the happiness of being with Winston.

      Soon, they walked back to the beach. Rainy’s footsteps were weary as they managed to find the last ferry to the cruise ship.

      Passengers’ voices chimed with delight as they talked about their day, the velvet blackness of the sky a testimony to the late hour. Rainy and Winston’s silence was filled with peace and comfort.

      After they entered the deck of the cruise ship, Rainy walked around, suddenly full of energy. “I guess I shouldn’t have had all that coffee during dinner. You know there’s no midnight buffet this evening.”

      “Did you want to spend the rest of the evening together? We could sit on deck and have something to drink.”

      “That sounds like a good idea.”

      “Why don’t we go back to our rooms and drop our stuff off,” he suggested. “I’ll walk you to your room first.” She nodded. They walked to her room, and she dropped her beach bag into her room and then she accompanied Winston to his room. She followed him into the cabin, anxious to see his private quarters. As soon as she entered she saw the empty bottle and she stopped, shocked.
