Mystery Man. Diana Palmer

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Название Mystery Man
Автор произведения Diana Palmer
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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they gained the top of the steps, a vivacious brunette about Janine’s age came up to them with a champagne glass in her hand. She beamed at Canton until she saw him holding hands with the other woman. Her smile became catty.

      “There you are, Canton. I don’t believe I know your friend, do I?” she asked pointedly, glancing at Janine.

      “Probably not. Janine Curtis, this is Missy Elliger. She’s the daughter of one of my oldest friends.”

      “You’re not that old, darling,” she drawled, moving closer to him. She glared at Janine. “Do you live here?”

      “Oh, no,” Janine said pleasantly. “I live in a commune in California with several men.”

      The other woman gaped at her.

      “Behave,” Canton said shortly, increasing the pressure of his fingers. “This is Janine Curtis. She’s here on vacation with her little brother. That’s him, over there with Karie. His name’s Kurt.”

      “Oh.” Missy cleared her throat. “What a very odd thing to say, Miss…Curtsy?”

      “Curtis.” Janine corrected her easily. “Why do you say it’s odd?”

      “Well, living in a commune. Really!”

      Janine shrugged. “Actually it wasn’t so much a commune as it was a sort of, well, labor camp. You know, where they send political prisoners? I voiced unpopular thoughts about the government…”

      “In America?!” Missy burst out.

      “Heavens, no! In one of the Balkan countries. I seem to forget which one. Anyway, there I was, with my trusty rifle, shooting snipers with my platoon when the lights went out…”


      “Not in this life, of course,” Janine went on, unabashed. “I believe it was when I was a private in the Czech army.”

      Missy swallowed her champagne in one gulp. “I must speak to Harvey Winthrop over there. Do excuse me.” She gave Canton a speaking look and escaped.

      Canton was trying not to laugh.

      Janine wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Not bad for a spur-of-the-moment story, huh?”

      “You idiot!”

      She smiled. He wasn’t bad at all. His eyes twinkled even when he didn’t smile back.

      “I’m sorry,” she said belatedly. “She’s really got a case on you, you know.”

      “Yes, I do,” he replied. He brought up their linked hands. “That’s why I’m doing this.”

      All her illusions fell, shattered, at her feet. “Oh.”

      “Surely you didn’t think there was any other reason?” he mused. “After all, we’re almost a generation apart. In fact, you’re only a year older than Missy is.”

      “So I’m a visual aid.”

      He chuckled, pressing her fingers. “In a sense. I didn’t think you’d mind. Enemies do help one another on occasion. I’ll do the same for you, one day.”

      “I’m not that much in demand,” she said, feeling stiff and uncomfortable now that she understood his odd behavior. “But you can have anyone you like. I read it in a magazine article.”

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