Dangerous Alliance. HELEN BIANCHIN

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Название Dangerous Alliance
Автор произведения HELEN BIANCHIN
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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      ‘Dear God,’ she whispered shakily at the explosive sound of shattering glass. It was enough to wake the dead. The last thing she needed was to have to face Dimitri at this hour of the night.

      Yet he appeared in the doorway within seconds, his features dark and forbidding.

      She could visualise the scene through his eyes. A slight figure attired in a long cotton nightshirt, dishevelled hair, and pale features overshadowed by large eyes darkened with pain.

      ‘I’m sorry the noise woke you.’ Her eyes felt heavy and impossibly bruised. She lifted a hand, then let it fall helplessly down to her side. ‘I’ll pick up the glass.’

      ‘Leave it,’ Dimitri instructed brusquely. ‘Eleni can attend to it in the morning.’ His eyes swept to the foil strip of tablets, then to her pale features. ‘Headache worse?’

      ‘Yes.’ She winced painfully, closing her eyes against his forceful image and the degree of sexual magnetism he exuded. The white towelling robe he’d hastily donned merely enhanced his height and breadth, and she was in no fit state to arm a mental defence against him. ‘I’ll just take these, then go back to bed.’

      Without a word he leaned forward, extracted another tumbler, half filled it with water, then placed it in her hand.

      When she’d swallowed the tablets, she replaced the tumbler, then made to move past him only to give a gasp of surprise as he leaned forward and lifted her into his arms.

      ‘Put me down.’ The protest was adamant, for the shift in gravity had caused her nightshirt to ride dangerously up her thighs, and she was acutely conscious of a loss of modesty.

      His strength was palpable, and this close she could smell the faint muskiness of his skin mingling with a trace of aftershave. She had only to turn her head fractionally for her lips to come in contact with the edge of his neck.

      ‘I can walk. There’s nothing wrong with my legs.’ Even a severe headache couldn’t diminish the heightened degree of sensual awareness she felt at being held so close against him. ‘Put me down!’

      ‘Why so nervous?’ Dimitri queried lazily as he gained the hallway and headed towards her suite.

      ‘You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’ Leanne accused, choosing to emphasise her point by balling a fist and aiming it at his shoulder. A totally ineffectual gesture that reminded her of a butterfly senselessly batting its wings against a tiger.

      ‘You possess an over-active imagination.’

      He sounded amused, darn him, and she aimed a more forceful punch. ‘Put me down, damn you!’

      They reached her room, and he crossed to the bed and settled her carefully between the covers. ‘I’ll fetch the tablets in case you need them through the night.’ Leanne closed her eyes against the sight of him, and prayed she might be asleep by the time he returned.

      A hopeless appeal, for she was acutely aware of the moment he re-entered the room.

      Her eyes flew open at the touch of his fingers as they brushed idly down her cheek.

      ‘Sleep well,’ he bade with teasing amusement, then he turned and left the room before she was able to summon a stinging response.


      LEANNE woke feeling refreshed and without any lingering trace of a headache. Quickly tossing aside the sheet, she crossed to the large expanse of panelled glass and drew back the drapes.

      It was a beautiful day, the sun bright, the sky clear of any clouds. Without pausing for thought she caught up a swimsuit and made for the en suite, emerging five minutes later to pull on shorts and a T-shirt before making her way down to the kitchen.

      ‘Morning, Eleni.’ She greeted the older woman who was busily occupied scouring a skillet at the sink.

      An affectionate smile creased Eleni’s features as she dried her hands and turned to give Leanne her undivided attention. ‘Ah, how is the headache this morning?’

      ‘Gone, thank goodness,’ Leanne said with relief, and, crossing to the large refrigerator, she extracted fresh orange juice and filled a glass, then sipped from it with undisguised appreciation.

      ‘Dimitri has already left for the city.’

      Thank heavens for small mercies, Leanne said silently. Facing Dimitri at the start of her day would have been too much.

      ‘He intends calling into the hospital this morning,’ Eleni continued, relaying the message she’d been requested to convey. ‘And he’ll be home at six, so you can both go and visit Paige together.’ Her dark eyes filled with expressive warmth. ‘The news you are to marry gives me much joy.’

      It was on the tip of Leanne’s tongue to take Eleni into her confidence and reveal that the engagement was a sham conceived entirely for Paige’s benefit. Except that something held her back, and she accepted the housekeeper’s af-fectionate hug with equal warmth.

      ‘Thanks, Eleni.’ It was difficult to look suitably starry-eyed, but she managed a credible smile.

      ‘What can I get you for breakfast? Eggs? French toast?’

      Eleni adored making a fuss, and Leanne’s smile widened as she wrinkled her nose in silent negation. ‘We play this game every time I come home,’ she responded musingly. ‘A banana, toast and coffee will be fine, and I’ll get it after I’ve had a swim.’

      It was almost ten when she slid behind the wheel of the Mercedes and drove to the hospital. Frequent short visits would prove less tiring for Paige, and Leanne divided up the day accordingly.

      If anything, her mother seemed a little brighter, and, although pale, her features no longer looked quite so drawn.

      ‘Darling, let me have a look at your ring,’ Paige requested within minutes of Leanne’s entering the suite, and Leanne dutifully extended her hand. ‘It’s simply beautiful, and a perfect fit.’

      She managed a suitable rejoinder, and endeavoured to display a degree of fascinated pleasure in the diamond’s multi-faceted brilliance.

      Paige’s eyes assumed a faint, dreamy expression. ‘I saw the announcement in this morning’s papers.’

      Leanne hadn’t thought to look. She’d spent ages in the pool, enjoyed a late breakfast, then rushed upstairs to shower and change.

      ‘A small, private ceremony held at home next week,’ her mother relayed wistfully. ‘In the gardens. Isn’t that wonderful?’

      ‘Yes, wonderful.’ What else could she do but agree?

      ‘Have you decided what you’ll choose to wear?’

      ‘Not yet.’ There was a rack of gowns in her wardrobe, any one of which would be eminently suitable for an informal engagement party.

      ‘Dimitri has already conferred with my doctor, and, with a nurse in attendance, there’s no reason why I can’t be at the house for a few hours. A wedding-gown is so special,’ Paige enthused gently. ‘You’ll look stunning in white.’

      Wedding. Who said anything about a wedding? The feeling of panic momentarily robbed the breath from Leanne’s body. ‘Paige—’

      ‘I wish I was able to go shopping with you,’ her mother continued wistfully. ‘There’s that lovely boutique in Toorak, and you must ring Vivienne. She’ll put everything aside and give you her undivided attention.’

      A sense of disbelief washed over Leanne’s body, and she felt stunned...but not for long. A slow-burning anger ignited and began to flare, coursing through her veins until she was consumed with it.

      ‘Paige,’ Leanne began, making every effort to maintain control. ‘Dimitri and I—’

      ‘Have known