Tender Love. Irene Brand

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Название Tender Love
Автор произведения Irene Brand
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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      “I can count up to twenty. Kristin taught me.”

      “Then, as long as there aren’t more than twenty in any field, you have it made.”

      Alice fished a small notebook out of her purse. “I’ll keep score.”

      Mark entered into the spirit of the game, and since Eddie was too short to see what they were approaching, he would call out, “Coming up on the left—look quickly.”

      “Hey!” Alice protested in mock reproof after a few miles. “Two against one isn’t fair.”

      “Oh, stop complaining,” Mark said. “Coming up on the right—a large herd of cattle. Start counting.”

      Laughing, Alice counted, “One, two, three…” By the time they reached the camp, she and Eddie were neck and neck in total points. As he drove into the parking lot, Mark said, “I don’t know why I haven’t thought of something like that. Eddie has never been a good traveler.”

      “Most children aren’t, I understand,” she answered. “He didn’t enjoy his trip to the camp on Monday.”

      “No, Ethel said he was listless.”

      Well, thanks, Ethel. Apparently she’d reported everything to Mark. Alice wasn’t aware that she contacted him in the evening, so she must have telephoned him at the bank.

      Kristin and Susie raced to meet them when they approached the council circle where the closing program was to be held. One look at Kristin’s tanned face and the delight that flamed from her blue eyes repaid Alice for the money she’d spent on the child. If only she had the right to give this family everything they needed!

      Mark knelt and took Kristin in his arms. “Well, honey, have you had a good time?”

      “Yes, Daddy, and I want to come back next year. We’ve been horseback riding, swimming and hiking. But the food hasn’t been very good.” She turned to Alice. “I’ve missed your good meals. If it hadn’t been for the snacks I bought, I’d have gone to bed hungry every night.” Worry crossed her face. “I’ve spent almost all of that twenty dollars you gave me.”

      From his kneeling position, Mark flashed a quick look toward Alice, and in spite of herself, her face grew warm.

      “I want to ride horses, too,” Eddie said. “Why can’t I come to camp?”

      “You’re too little, Eddie,” his sister said bossily. “But there is a family camp—we could come as a family sometime,” she said hopefully.

      “We’ll plan on that for next year,” Mark said, as he stood up.

      “Hey, Brother Tanner,” a man’s voice sounded, and soon Mark was surrounded by several men—some embraced him, others thumped him on the shoulder. “We’ve missed seeing you at our ministerial meetings.”

      It occurred to Alice that these men had known Mark when he was serving at Tyler Memorial Church. As they continued toward the campfire burning in the distance, one older man, whom Mark had introduced as “Reverend Astor, my friend and mentor,” walked beside Mark, who was leading Eddie. Alice moved forward to join Susie and Kristin, as both of them talked at the same time about the incidents they’d enjoyed during the week. Although she didn’t intend to eavesdrop, she couldn’t avoid hearing the conversation behind her.

      “Brother Mark,” the man said, “it’s a great disappointment to me that you’ve forsaken the ministry. Have you forgotten the promise you made to serve our Lord with your life? Surely you aren’t happy rejecting your divine calling.”

      Mark didn’t answer at first, and Alice envisioned wrinkles creasing his brow, the bleak look in his eyes and a rigid cast on his lips—expressions she’d noticed a few times when he didn’t think anyone was looking.

      “You know why I had to resign from the pastorate. My wife was dying, and at that point, I believed my priority was my family, rather than my church.”

      “I agree with that, and it was noble of you to sacrifice your career for your family. But what about now? I’ve had several churches inquire about you and would willingly call you to become their leader.”

      “I’ve had churches contact me, but not one of them can come close to paying me the salary I’m receiving at the bank. And I’m not being mercenary—I’ve never demanded anything from a church—but my debts have accumulated to such an extent that if I don’t pay them, I’ll have to declare bankruptcy and end up losing our home.”

      “It’s obvious to me, Mark, that you’re placing your trust in the wrong security. You’ve been a pastor long enough to know that God meets the needs of His people. Trust Him for the future, not the security of a large salary.”

      Bitterly, Mark said, “I trusted Him for everything, but when He forgot Mark Tanner and his family, I had to turn elsewhere.”

      Over the girls’ chatter, Alice heard an audible moan from Reverend Astor. “If I hadn’t heard it from your own mouth, I wouldn’t believe you made that statement. Don’t let your troubles overwhelm you.”

      “I’m sorry,” Mark said, “I don’t know why I said such a thing—I really don’t believe it. It’s just that I’m having trouble coping with my own life right now, and I don’t believe I’m capable of dealing with the needs of a church congregation.”

      Reverend Astor put his arms around Mark’s shoulders. “I know you’ve had a difficult time, Mark, but you’ll come out of it a better man. Remember Job’s example. He had a lot of trouble, but he kept his faith in God’s goodness through it all.”

      “My friend, I’ve read the book of Job so much in the last two years that those pages in my Bible are almost threadbare. There’s hardly a day, I haven’t voiced Job’s words, “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

      “God bless you, Mark,” Reverend Astor said. “I’ll continue to keep you in my prayers.”

      When Mark again walked by Alice’s side, in a low voice, he said, “I suppose you heard the raking over the coals I just had.”

      Alice nodded. “I couldn’t keep from hearing. I’m sorry, Mark—try to forget it. Be happy for Kristin tonight.”

      “I can’t forget it. I know I’m not fulfilling God’s will for my life, and it’s making me miserable.”

      His eyes mirrored the anguish reflected in his words, and in spite of herself, Alice lifted a hand and touched his cheek. “One of my grandfather’s favorite sayings was, ‘The sky is the darkest just before the dawn.’ Dawn will come for you before long.”

      He reached out and squeezed her hand as she lowered it from his face. “The darkness has lifted a lot in the past three weeks,” he said meaningfully.

      On their way home from the camp, Mark was unusually quiet. Alice chose to sit in the back seat to give Kristin an opportunity to talk to her father, but eventually both Eddie and Kristin went to sleep. Alice made no effort to engage Mark in conversation, for she suspected he was wrestling with God much as Jacob in the Old Testament had done when he ran away from his brother’s wrath. If Mark Tanner had been the powerful voice for God that so many people believed he was, then God wasn’t going to release this man from the vows of service he’d taken without a mighty struggle. While Mark struggled, Alice prayed that God would once again bring peace to Mark’s heart, inspire him to accept a renewed call to ministry, and that his financial burden would be eased.

      Alice believed that God often expected an individual to put wings to her own prayers. Only God could help Mark with his spiritual needs, but she had the means to alleviate Mark’s financial burden. Was it the right thing to do? She couldn’t decide.

      When Mark turned into his driveway, Kristin stirred as the garage door lifted and the light came on, but Eddie still slept soundly. Mark cast a fond look at his son. “Don’t waken