Forsaking All Others. Linda Hudson-Smith

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Название Forsaking All Others
Автор произведения Linda Hudson-Smith
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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agree. Thanks for always showing me the glass is half-full as opposed to half-empty.” Jessica gently nudged Jennifer’s arm. “Here come the guys. We should cool it.”

      “Yeah, wouldn’t want Wes to know you’re out of your mind over him.”

      Jessica frowned. “It’s not that bad. But the potential for such is great.”

      Both women laughed at that.

      All Jessica could do was sit and stare in utter amazement when Samuel sat down next to Jennifer. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her as if he’d been apart from her for weeks instead of twenty minutes or so. Their passion couldn’t be charted since it was off the scale. Those two couldn’t keep their hands and mouths off each other.

      Weston sat down next to Jessica. “Wow! Your sister and her husband are sure deep into each other. Their love is so strong,” he whispered.

      “Been that way forever,” Jessica whispered back to him. “Some people call it sickening. I call it incredible. If Jen weren’t my sister, I might envy her.”

      Weston raised an eyebrow at that statement. Jessica’s remarks made him think she wanted exactly what her sister had. Well, he thought, didn’t everyone want to be involved in a true-blue, passionate love affair? His eyes softened even more as he looked closer at Jessica. He had to wonder if they could ever have what their parents and Jennifer and Samuel had an overabundance of, together or separate. He had to admit he preferred together to separate.

      Chapter 3

      Entering the town house, Jessica was immediately drawn to the kitchen, overwhelmed by the delicious aromas. So much for ordering food in for the evening meal.

      Sahara had cooked and Jessica was sure her father had helped out her mother. Both were excellent chefs and they often worked side by side in preparing meals. Her parents loved to whip up delicious foods and Jessica hated everything to do with cooking, period. She liked cleaning up the kitchen even less than the meal preparations. No man in his right mind wanted a woman who couldn’t or wouldn’t cater to the needs of his stomach.

      Sahara walked up and lightly popped Jessica on the hand. “Stay out of my pots and pans, girl. All the food is for our little get-together this evening. Want me to fix you a sandwich?”

      Jessica looked at Sahara as if she had to be kidding. “You fixed all this delicious food—and you want to feed me a measly sandwich? That’s scandalous, Mom.”

      “Okay, you win, number-two daughter.” Sahara referred to her daughters’ order of birth, not to how they ranked in her sight. She loved her girls equally. “Get a plate from the cabinet and take some of whatever you want. You know I can’t stand here and deny my youngest child a meal.”

      “Thanks, Mom.” Jessica kissed Sahara on the cheek. “Where’s Dad?”

      “Off somewhere with Jacque. He left here right after he finished helping me out. They’re probably sitting somewhere talking shop. Those two eat and sleep real estate.”

      “And they both have their kids doing the same thing.” Jessica put small samples from each pot on her plate and then took a seat at the table.

      Sahara retrieved a cold drink from the refrigerator before joining Jessica at the table. “Speaking of our kids, how was the snowmobiling outing for you and Jen?”

      “Lots of fun. The guys were acting a little crazy while driving the snowmobiles, making sharp twists and turns all over the place, but they pretty much stuck to most of the safety rules. I liked it enough to want to do it again. I think I’d like to drive one the next time. It might take a minute or two to get the hang of it. Jen and I were whooping and hollering it up out there. The guys had a tremendous time, too.”

      Sahara pressed her lips together, choosing her next words carefully. “Having a good time with Wes?”

      Jessica looked down the length of her nose at her mother. “Why don’t you go right ahead and ask me what you really want to know? Your curiosity about us is written all over your face and you’re dying to get up in our business.”

      “Just asked a simple question. Why are you trying to make a federal case out of it? My goodness, you’re really sensitive on the subject.”

      “The only thing I’m sensitive about is you and Daddy trying to choose a husband for me. It’s not like that with Wes and me. But to answer your question, I’m having a grand time. On January third the vacation will be over with and so will Wes and I. All we’re doing is having some fun and trying to make the best of this situation our parents have thrown us into. Mom, it’s not going to happen for us. Please share that with Dad and the Chamberlains so you all don’t continue speculating.”

      “I think you are making way too much out of us wanting to share our holiday time with the Chamberlains. However, I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

      “Whatever, Mom. Okay for me to eat before the food gets cold?”

      Sahara knew that Jessica meant she wanted to be left in peace. “If you need anything, I’ll be in the bedroom.” Sahara got up from the chair, her head hung low.

      Jessica could tell by the look on her mother’s face that she had hurt her feelings. That hadn’t been her intent, but she needed everyone just to get off her and Weston’s backs. No one could choose a mate for another person, even though she knew there were many cultures in the world that still arranged marriages.

      “Sorry, Mom,” Jessica yelled out before Sahara could disappear. “I’ll try to be a little less sensitive, but please just let Wes and me be ourselves.”

      Jessica knew Sahara was a bit upset with her when she didn’t accept her apology or even bother to respond to her plea. Sahara wasn’t the type who stayed upset long, nor did she hold grudges, so Jessica wasn’t worried that their little tiff would ruin the rest of their stay in Aspen. Both she and her mother would soon forget this had ever happened.

      Keeping a covert eye on Weston was difficult to do, especially when Jessica kept catching herself staring at him outright. He looked so darn sexy, though he was only dressed in a neatly pressed burgundy shirt and heather-gray wool slacks, all of which appeared to be of excellent quality. It was how his athletic physique filled out the attire that turned Jessica on; it looked as if it all fit him to a T. His broad shoulders were more accentuated when they weren’t buried beneath a bulky sweater.

      Like the rest of the men, Weston was intent on seeing that the full Douglas fir Christmas tree was put up correctly. No one wanted to see it topple over at some point during the planned festivities. Jacque had suggested that the group purchase an artificial tree just before they had gone out to shop for a fresh one. His not-so-brilliant idea had met with clucking disapproval from the four women.

      Looking down at her own attire, comparing it to what the other females wore, Jessica was still pleased with the outfit she had chosen for herself. Tucked neatly into the waistband of slim, black wool crepe pants was a long-sleeved black-and-white striped Ralph Lauren shirt. Over the designer shirt she wore a stylish black quilted vest.

      Jessica’s long, light-brown layered hair had been blow-dried straight but curled slightly at the ends of each layer to allow her shiny tresses to flow softly about her shoulders. Just the right amount of makeup to her pretty face and hazel eyes gave a gently dramatic flair to her normally wholesome appearance.

      Weston thought Jessica looked cover-model perfect, though she hardly measured up in height. Her five-foot-even frame fell way short when compared to many statuesque, leggy models. But he liked how she carried herself. She was every bit as graceful and stylish as any top model in the country today. Jessica was a far cry from the preteen he’d once known, and he was still amazed by her unbelievable transformation. He loved how she was gently curvaceous in all the right spots, the ones his hands craved to tenderly caress. Though she had a small bustline, the twin mounds appeared to stand proud. The vest she wore over her shirt didn’t allow him nearly the exciting view of cleavage he had seen the first day.
