An Amish Christmas. Patricia Davids

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Название An Amish Christmas
Автор произведения Patricia Davids
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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exactly nine o’clock the singing began. Bishop Zook and the two ministers escorted the bride and groom to a separate room. While they were given instructions on the duties of marriage in the Council room, the congregation sang the wedding hymns.

      When the bridal couple returned, the bishop began his sermon. He spoke with simple eloquence about the marriages in the Old Testament. He spoke about Adam and Eve and proceeded to the Great Flood and the virtuousness of Noah’s household. He recounted the story of Isaac and Rebekah and talked about the way God works through events to bring marriage partners together.

      Bishop Zook looked at the couple and said, “God had a plan for you. You found each other because you were willing to submit to His will and to His choice.”

      His words brought tears to Karen’s eyes. She knew the struggles Katie had endured in her life away from the Amish. It was through those circumstances that God led her and her baby daughter back to the faith and into the life of Elam Sutter.

      Karen couldn’t help wondering how God was using John in her life. What plan did He have for each of them? Whatever it was, it could not be marriage.

      It was nearly noon before the lengthy sermon was concluded and the bishop asked Katie and Elam to step forward. They clasped hands with gentle smiles at each other. The bishop placed his hand over theirs. He pronounced a blessing upon them and asked, “Are you willing to enter together into wedlock as God in the beginning ordained and commanded?”

      “Yes,” they both answered in firm, solemn voices.

      As he asked each of them if they were confident God had chosen the person beside them to be their husband or wife, Karen’s thoughts turned again to John.

      Had he made a similar vow? Had he pledged to cherish and care for a woman as a Christian husband until the Lord separated them by death? Was there someone waiting and praying to see him again?

      Was there a woman whose heart skipped a beat at the sight of his smile the way hers did?

      * * *

      John was happy for the company of the gruff doctor when they arrived at the Sutter farm. Buggies filled every free space between the house and barn and extended down the lane. The corral overflowed with horses munching hay as they waited patiently to take families home. Everywhere, groups of women in long dresses and men in dark suits with black hats stood talking in animated conversations or were working together.

      One group of adults was busy washing dishes in large red plastic tubs as a trio of young women carried out trays of dirty plates and hurried back inside with the clean ones.

      The doctor had been right. There had to be over two hundred people John could speak with. He worked to temper his expectations. He’d been disappointed too many times already.

      When Dr. White got out of the car the men and women standing nearby greeted him cheerfully. One, a small gnomelike man with a long white beard said, “The goot doktor is here. If you want free advice, step right up.”

      Harold clapped a hand on the old man’s shoulder. “Good to see you, too, Reuben Beachy. Tell me, why did they invite an old rascal like you to this wedding?”

      Reuben chuckled. “Who better to invite than a harness maker when you are getting hitched for life?”

      Everyone laughed at his joke including Dr. White. Harold raised one hand and said to the group, “I will have time to hear what ails you and repeat all the gossip, but I must see the bride and groom and eat before the food is gone.”

      They all chuckled as Harold led the way to the house. As John entered the Sutter home, he was stunned by the transformation that had taken place inside. Wall partitions had been removed to open up all the downstairs rooms. The kitchen itself was a crush of women working.

      From the front door he could see trestle tables had been lined along the kitchen walls, around three sides of the living room and even into an adjoining bedroom.

      The bride and groom sat in one corner of the living room in view of everyone. Katie sat at Elam’s left hand. Young women filled the tables around the couple and sat with their backs to the walls while the young men sat on the opposite side of the table facing the girls.

      The tables didn’t contain flowers. Rather, stalks of celery had been placed in glass jars as decoration. Candy dishes, beautiful cakes and large bowls of fruit completed the simple but festive array. John searched for Karen in the rooms but didn’t see her anywhere.

      Doctor White glanced at John. “Shall we start by asking the women in the kitchen if they know you?”

      John’s eyes were drawn to the bride and groom and the loving looks they exchanged as they visited with their friends.

      He nodded toward them. “No. This is their day. I don’t want to take anything away from them. We can speak to people outside after the meal is done.”

      The doctor gave John a smile of approval. “All right.”

      A strapping Amish man with a clean-shaven face approached them. He introduced himself as Adam Troyer and asked them to follow him. He seated them at one of the bedroom tables where Amber and a tall, handsome man already faced each other.

      The man with Amber rose and held out his hand. His resemblance to Harold was unmistakable. He said, “You must be John. I’m Dr. Phillip White and this old rascal is my grandfather.” He clapped Harold on the shoulder.

      “Who you calling old?” Harold grumbled.

      “Behave,” Amber warned them both with a hard look.

      The men grinned at each other, but took their seats. Amber and Phillip already had their food. John and Harold didn’t have to wait long. In another minute, a petite woman came in with a plate loaded with roast chicken and duck, mashed potatoes, dressing and creamed celery. She set the dish in front of Harold. John recognized her as the woman who ran the inn. She set down a second plate loaded with cookies and slices of cake.

      Harold said, “Thank you, Emma. I hear the wedding was held in your home.”

      “Ja, Katie has no family here so we are her family now.” She smiled at John. “Your plate is coming.”

      “I have it here.”

      John looked over his shoulder to see Karen bearing a pair of plates for him. When she set them down, his eyes grew round. “You don’t expect me to eat all that, do you?”

      “I do, and you will have more later. No one leaves an Amish wedding hungry.”

      He pushed the dessert plate toward her. “At least help me with this.”

      She patted her slender waist. “I ate before the wedding party arrived so that I could help serve today. I must get back to work. More guests will begin arriving shortly.”

      Emma said, “Why don’t you take a short break? Ruby and I can handle serving for a little while. I’m sure Mr.Doe has questions about our customs. I will bring you a cup of tea.”

      Karen grinned. “Then I will happily cover for your break when I am done here. You may tell Adam Troyer I won’t be long. I’m sure he is ready for a break, too.”

      Emma’s flushed cheeks turned an even brighter red. She left the table without another word.

      “So that’s the way the wind is blowing,” Harold said with a chuckle. “I wondered why Adam was always at the inn. I thought surely there couldn’t be that much work for a handyman to do around the place.”

      Emma returned with a cup of hot tea for Karen but didn’t linger. Karen took a sip, then filched a cookie from John’s plate. John leaned toward her. “Should I go wish the bride and groom happy before I eat?”

      Karen shook her head. “No congratulations are given at an Amish wedding. It is taken for granted that Elam and Katie have found the partner chosen by God for them. We have no divorce so marriage is forever. Today is a happy but serious day.”
