Bride of the Solway. Joanna Maitland

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Название Bride of the Solway
Автор произведения Joanna Maitland
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0

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but it’s been precious little use after the mauling Elliott and his men gave to my belongings. Do your best to restore what you can. For the rest, we’ll have to buy new.’

      Fraser was not mollified. ‘And yer boots, too, sir. Surely the colonel’s man knows how to black boots?’

      ‘Indeed he does, but not boots that have been squelching through Solway mud and then spent days in a sodden and stinking gaol. I’m surprised they haven’t rotted through. I doubt even you would be able to rescue them, Fraser.’ Ross quirked an eyebrow at his batman and long-time companion.

      ‘Aye, well, they may not be a total loss, sir. I’ll see what I can do.’

      Ross smiled. The challenge had provoked exactly the response he had expected.

      ‘And in the meantime, you won’t go barefoot. There’s another pair in the bags I brought with me, and a supply of linen, too. I must have you respectable to dine with Mrs Anstruther. I can’t imagine how you looked when you were wearing the colonel’s coat. Disgraceful, no doubt.’

      ‘Perhaps, but it was a great deal better than how I looked when the colonel first found me, I can tell you, Fraser. I had neither hat nor gloves, my coat and breeches were damp and filthy, and everything about me reeked of the gaol. It was a wonder the poor colonel did not put a handkerchief to his nose.’ He laughed softly at the memory. ‘To his credit, he did not, though he did soon learn not to stand downwind of me.’

      Fraser tried in vain to hide his smile.

      ‘So be grateful that this is the worst you see of me. Or smell!’

      Fraser gathered up Ross’s scattered clothing and made for the door. ‘If you won’t be needing anything else this evening, sir, I’d best get on with salvaging what I can.’

      ‘Thank you, Fraser. I know you’ll do your best.’ He waited until the valet was halfway through the door before adding softly, ‘And when you have a moment free, I have a special task for you. One that you will enjoy, I fancy.’

      Fraser turned. One look at Ross’s face was enough to tell him what was in store for him. He grinned widely. ‘That’s more like it, Captain. Sounds just like old times. What was it you was wanting me to find out for you?’

      Ross beckoned him back into the room. Once the door was safely closed, he said, ‘I need you to discover some information for me, Fraser, about a young lady and her family. She—’

      ‘That would be the young lady you rescued down by the Solway, would it, sir?’

      Ross groaned and struck his forehead in mock despair. ‘By Jove, Fraser, is there anything you don’t find out? The colonel and I have gone to considerable lengths not to have that tale bandied about, and yet you know about it before you have been here five minutes. I suppose there’s no point in asking how you know, is there?’

      ‘No, sir,’ Fraser said flatly.

      Ross knew there was nothing to be gained by pressing the man any further. He sighed theatrically, shaking his head. ‘Very well. I shall not ask. Now, just in case you do not already know, the lady in question is Miss Cassandra Elliott and she lives with her half-brother, James, at Langrigg House, between Dumfries and Annan. I want to know what James Elliott is about and what was so terrible that his sister was prepared to take the risk of fleeing across the Solway. I need to—’

      ‘You need to know everything there is to know about the Elliott family. Very good, sir. Leave it to me.’

      Ross wondered how Fraser, a stranger newly arrived in Dumfries, could possibly hope to get the information Ross needed. But he knew better than to ask. ‘Thank you, Fraser. I know I can rely on you,’ he said simply, and meant it. ‘Oh, and forget about the ruined boots. Better use your time for the Elliotts.’

      Fraser drew himself up to his full height, which was considerably shorter than Ross. ‘I shall do my duty, sir,’ he said formally, ‘and that, sir, includes your boots.’

      ‘Make sure you take your most becoming gowns. God knows I’ve paid enough for them, over the years, just to make sure you look the part of a fine lady. I want my investment to be repaid, Cassie. Mark that. You must ensure that the gentlemen are suitably impressed.’

      ‘You have changed your mind all of a sudden, have you not, James? When we visited the Anstruthers, you made quite sure that I would not accept the invitation.’

      ‘That was before Colonel Anstruther himself became involved. Now that he is to act as our host, it is a splendid opportunity for you to display your…er…womanly attributes.’

      Cassie felt herself blushing. Again! Why did her brother have to be so crass? And why was it that she always showed her embarrassment?

      ‘Be ready to leave first thing tomorrow morning. The carriage will be at the door by nine. Do not be late. Morag will accompany you in the carriage and I shall ride alongside. We should arrive well before noon.’

      ‘But I had intended to ride there myself. I hate being cooped up in the carriage. In summer weather like this, there is no reason why I should not ride.’

      ‘There is every reason. I do not wish you to ride.’

      Cassie bit back the angry ‘Why not?’ that rose to her lips. Instead, she said, ‘Colonel Anstruther is a military man. He would expect his wife to ride. And ride well. Would this not be an opportunity to demonstrate my attributes in that area of a lady’s accomplishments?’ Good tactics, Cassie thought to herself. That had stopped James in his tracks. Captain Graham would be proud of her.

      James started to speak, but Cassie heard barely a word. Why on earth was she thinking it mattered what Captain Graham thought of her?

      ‘Cassie! Pay attention! This is no time for your eternal daydreaming. It is your marriage we are planning here.’

      Cassie swallowed hard, but said nothing.

      ‘Remember, the aim of your visit is to impress the gentlemen. Your first object must be Colonel Anstruther. He is by far the better catch. Captain Graham may not be a catch at all. So far we know nothing more of him than that he is an officer, and a gentleman, and brought up in England. For all we know, he may be simply subsisting on half-pay. That most certainly would not do.’

      ‘Have your spies uncovered no more information, then?’ Cassie said sweetly.

      ‘No. The captain’s man is remarkably close-mouthed. Even when he has been well plied with ale. At my expense.’

      ‘Oh. Who did you send?’

      ‘Not Tam or Ned, if that’s what you were thinking. The captain’s man would be bound to have learned that they were the ones who threw his master into gaol. No, I sent Malcolm.’

      ‘Ah,’ Cassie nodded. Malcolm was James’s man through and through, part valet, part steward, and utterly devoted to James’s interests. ‘Well, if Malcolm could discover nothing, I imagine there is nothing to be learned by that route.’

      ‘No. That leaves only one avenue. The direct one. You, Cassie, must find out the truth about Captain Graham, either from the man himself or from Colonel Anstruther. You will have the whole of our visit to do that.’

      ‘But it is only two days and one night! Such questions require a degree of intimacy which could never be achieved in so short a time.’

      James smiled nastily. ‘I’m sure you will find a way, Cassie. And to give you every opportunity, I shall have your horse tied on to the back of the carriage. Make sure you take your most becoming riding habit. Riding out with the gentlemen does give plenty of opportunity for intimate conversation. Make the most of it.’

      It was a beautiful, sunny summer’s day as Cassie’s carriage slowed for the approach to the great door to the Anstruther castle. Cassie had been gazing in awe as they drove up the long avenue. It was a huge—monstrous—edifice. She wondered that the Anstruther family had invested so much money in restoring it, for