Penny Jordan Tribute Collection. PENNY JORDAN

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Название Penny Jordan Tribute Collection
Автор произведения PENNY JORDAN
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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recognised in a daze of pleasure as, without even knowing what she was doing, she rubbed her body provocatively against Brad’s, opening her eyes to gaze drowsily into his, her pupils so dilated that Brad caught his breath in an instantaneous and intense surge of sexual urgency.

      She didn’t know what she was doing, he suspected as he fought to control his own searingly intense desire. Not to herself and certainly not to him. Oh, she knew that he was aroused but she didn’t know, had no way of knowing, just how out of character it was for him to be so vulnerable to sexual desire or just how fiercely intense that desire was.

      She was still looking up at him, her mouth open over his, her teeth tugging sensually at his bottom lip, and he wondered what she would say if he told her how damned close he was to making the most primitive and urgent sensual use of the table only inches behind them.

      And somehow he knew that the way he was feeling right now, the way she was unconsciously telling him what she was feeling… satisfying each other once wasn’t going to be enough. No way was it going to be enough.

      As he tried to stifle the groan of longing that her teasingly erotic movements against his body were causing, he caught sight of the kitchen clock and cursed under his breath as he saw the time.

      The office was twenty minutes’ drive away and he had an appointment in exactly half an hour with a potential customer.

      ‘Claire…’ He whispered her name into her mouth, watching in aching regret as he saw her eyes start to cloud. ‘Claire… I’ve got to go,’ he murmured softly.

      He’d got to go… But he couldn’t go… She needed him, wanted him.

      ‘No…’ Claire started to protest huskily, and then abruptly she realised what she was doing, what she was saying, the enormity of her own behaviour. Scarlet-faced with mortification, she pulled away from him, unable even to look at him, never mind actually meet his eyes as she heard him explaining that he had an appointment but that he would get back just as soon as he could.

      ‘There was no need for you to… to do what you just did,’ she told him in a suffocated voice. ‘I know you feel sorry for me and that…’

      Brad cursed silently, realising what she was thinking and what she was probably feeling. She thought that he had made love to her out of pity.


      ‘I suppose it must be quite a change for a man like you. I suppose I’ve got a certain curiosity value, if nothing else. After all, there can’t be many women of thirty-four in this day and age who don’t… who’ve never…’

      ‘Claire, don’t,’ he begged her. ‘You’re wrong. It wasn’t—’

      ‘They used to be good music-hall fodder, didn’t they—middle-aged virgins, repressed, dried up, fossilized…?’

      He could hear in her voice the tears she wouldn’t let fall and he ached to reach out and take hold of her, but she was already stepping back from him, her eyes wild and angry, warning him not to come any closer.

      ‘This is all my own fault,’ Claire told him bitterly. ‘I should never have given in to Irene and agreed to let you stay here. I never wanted—’ She stopped but Brad knew what she had been going to say.

      ‘You never wanted me here in the first place,’ he guessed wryly.

      ‘Why can’t you all leave me alone to live my life the way I want to?’ she demanded fiercely. ‘You… Irene… even Sally with that ridiculous trick to force us to catch her bouquet. As though anyone gives any credence to that ridiculous superstition these days…’

      ‘What superstition?’ Brad asked her curiously.

      ‘The one that says the girl who catches the bride’s bouquet will be the next to marry,’ Claire told him angrily. ‘Sally arranged it so that both of her bridesmaids and I were tricked into catching it. She even put something about it on her postcard.’

      The postcard… Suddenly Brad understood. So that was what the reference to Claire having a part-share in a man had meant.

      Claire glowered at him furiously as she saw the way he had started to grin.

      ‘Look, I’ve got to go,’ he reiterated, ‘but I am coming back, and when I do don’t even bother to think about running away, Claire,’ he warned her firmly.

      ‘This,’ he told her softly, reaching out and touching her lips lightly with his fingertips before she could stop him, ‘is just the beginning…’

      Claire stared at him, transfixed by the sheer intensity of the jolt of sensation that had run through her at his touch.

      She wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that she didn’t want whatever it was that he thought they had started to continue, but somehow the words just wouldn’t come and she had to watch in tongue-tied silence as he headed for the door.

      The plaintive mewing of the kitten broke the heavy silence of the kitchen. Claire went automatically to pick her up, stroking the soft baby fur and marvelling at the little creature’s capacity to trust and survive as she started to purr noisily.

      She was still semi-dazed by disbelief at everything that had happened—not just the intimate physical sensuality she had shared with Brad and her unexpected response to him but, even more unbelievably, the fact that she had actually told him about her past, revealed to him the secret shame and shock she had felt and the way it had affected her whole life and her feelings about herself and her sexuality.

      Not even to John had she confided her fear that she somehow had been responsible, had invited in some way that young man’s assault on her, but somehow it had almost been as though Brad had known what she was thinking, what she was feeling… had known just how to encourage her to reveal that hidden fear to him.

      And as for what had happened afterwards… Could it have been the result of the release of all the emotions she had repressed by locking away her fears about what had happened and her dread that she had somehow been responsible for it?

      It was a well-known fact that emotional trauma could have an extremely odd effect on human behaviour.

      But what about the fact that the night before last she had been dreaming about Brad in the most erotic way?

      The kitten gave a sharp howl of protest, making Claire realise that the eye-dropper was empty of milk.

      Apologising to her, Claire refilled it, smiling at the way the little creature clung to the dropper with her front paws as she sucked on the teat.

      Sally had already told her that she intended to wait until she was at least thirty before she and Chris started their family. She was twenty-five now, which meant that she was going to have a long wait before she became a grandmother, Claire acknowledged.

      A grandmother… A rueful, slightly sad smile touched her mouth as she admitted to herself how much she would secretly have liked to have children, a family of which Sally would always have remained her eldest and most specially loved daughter.

      It was not too late, of course. Women of her age and even older were having babies every day, many of them without the support of a husband or partner, but, having been brought up solely by her great-aunt, Claire had very ambivalent feelings about having a child on her own. Of course, if she were ever to find herself in a situation where for some reason she’d conceived accidentally, then there would be no question but that she would have her child and love him or her.

      She bent her head protectively over the kitten as she realised the direction her thoughts were taking and just why the thought of an accidental pregnancy should have crossed her mind.

      It wasn’t going to happen, of course. She must make sure that it did not happen, she told herself sternly.

      Outside it had started to rain, the wind gusting fiercely against the window.

      The weather forecast had warned that they were in for a stormy evening with heavy rain and gale-force winds. As