Crossroads. Irene Hannon

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Название Crossroads
Автор произведения Irene Hannon
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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the tremors that ran through her body. Please, Lord, help me! she prayed desperately as another wave of panic washed over her. She had no idea how to deal with this situation. But she knew she needed help. The counseling session Mitch had invited her to couldn’t come soon enough. Because Bruce was in way over his head.

      And so was she.

      “Morning, Tess. Have I got a story for you!”

      Tess glanced up at the managing editor and smiled. Caroline James was about the same age as Tess, but she was light years ahead of the paper’s newest reporter in terms of sophistication and polish. Why someone with Caroline’s experience, abilities and contacts was content to be the managing editor of a suburban newspaper was beyond Tess’s understanding. She was just grateful to have the chance to hone her skills under the guidance of a true pro.

      “Hi, Caroline. What’s up?”

      “A great coup for our little paper, that’s what.” Caroline sat on the single chair in Tess’s cube and crossed her legs, revealing their shapely length under her fashionably short skirt. As she leaned back, her silk blouse shimmered in the overhead light, as did her simple but classic gold necklace. Style. Class. Poise. Caroline had it all, Tess thought wistfully. In her tailored slacks and baggy sweater, Tess felt dowdy and plain by comparison. Not to mention awkward. Even on her best days, Tess didn’t move with the lithe grace that came so naturally to Caroline. Yet her boss was completely down-to-earth, without a pretentious bone in her body, and she had gone out of her way to make Tess feel at home on the paper. It was hard to be envious of someone so nice.

      “Sounds promising,” Tess replied.

      “More than promising. A sure thing. It seems we have a man of great distinction right here in our midst.”

      “Really? Who?”

      “One Mitch Jackson, local principal.”

      Tess stared at Caroline in shock. “Mitch Jackson?”

      “Yeah.” Caroline tilted her head and gazed at Tess. “You look funny. Do you know him?”

      Tess nodded and cleared her throat. “Yes. Sort of. That is, we’ve met. Briefly. He’s the principal at my son’s school.”

      “Great! A connection! That will make it even easier to scoop the daily. Hopefully he’ll give us first crack.”

      “At what?”

      “A feature profile. He’s just been chosen to receive the governor’s award for excellence in education. He’s introduced some really innovative programs at the school. We’ve tried to do a story on him before, but apparently he prefers to stay out of the limelight.”

      Tess tried to calm the sudden pounding of her heart. “So what makes you think he’ll be any different this time?”

      “The school board,” Caroline informed Tess smugly. “My sources tell me they’ve been after him for quite a while to be more forthcoming with the press about his programs. Good publicity for the school district, which is handy when it comes time for funding. They aren’t going to let him get away with a ‘no comment’ this time, I guarantee it. Besides, if you know him, we already have an in.”

      “I don’t really know him, Caroline. We only met once.”

      “That’s okay. He’ll remember you.”

      Tess frowned. “Why do you say that?”

      “Because you are one attractive gal. You have terrific eyes, gorgeous hair, a great figure—even if you do hide it under oversize clothes—and you’re single. What guy wouldn’t notice?”

      Tess felt hot color creep onto her cheeks. “I think maybe you need to get your contacts changed,” she said with an embarrassed smile.

      “Trust me on this,” Carolyn said with a grin. “By the way, I understand he’s single. Not to mention handsome, if you can believe this picture that just came over the wire.” She tossed a clipping onto Tess’s desk. “Probably make a great catch.”

      “Maybe you should interview him,” Tess suggested. “I’m not in the market.”

      A shadow passed over Caroline’s eyes, so brief Tess almost missed it. “Me, neither. I already had my taste of heaven,” she said lightly, but Tess heard the whisper of sadness in her voice. “Anyway, personal stuff aside, you’re one of our best feature writers. You’ll be able to do this story justice. What do you say?”

      Tess frowned. She hadn’t counted on another opportunity to spend time one-on-one with Southfield High’s principal. In fact, she was still recovering from their last encounter. She’d lain awake far too many nights thinking about Mitch Jackson. And that was based purely on a meeting that had focused on Bruce. Now she was being asked to get “up close and personal” with him for a profile. The mere thought of it sent a delicious, anticipatory tingle down her spine. Which was silly, of course. She would be dealing with him in a purely professional capacity, much as he’d dealt with her the last time.

      Yet the yearning to see him again was inexplicably strong. For some reason, just being in his presence made her feel…tingly was the word that came to mind. For the first time in years she’d felt more like a desirable woman than a mom. And it was renewing, quenching a place in her heart that had long been parched and lifeless. Though she wasn’t in the market for romance, she was enough of a romantic to want to have that feeling again, if only for the duration of one more meeting.

      “Don’t think so hard, Tess,” Caroline advised her with an understanding smile. “I can see you’re interested in the story—and maybe in the man. Just go for it.” Before Tess could reply, Caroline stood and made her way to the door, pausing on the threshold. “In case I haven’t told you lately, we’re really glad to have you aboard here. Not only are you an excellent writer, you’re smart and intuitive, and you have a warmth that makes people open up. We’re lucky to have someone with your talent. So give this a shot, okay?”

      Tess watched Caroline walk away, then slowly reached for the clipping and studied the grainy picture of Mitch Jackson. Her boss was right—he was one handsome man. But he was also much more. She had seen and felt firsthand things that the picture didn’t reveal. The caring and compassion in his insightful eyes. His ability to make you feel that your problems were his problems. The innate strength and sense of honor that seemed to radiate from his very core. His total dedication and commitment to his students. None of those things could be captured by a picture.

      Nor could his almost tangible virility. It awakened yearnings in her that had long lain dormant, yearnings she thought had slowly withered up and blown away like a once-beautiful autumn leaf. It was frightening—and intimidating—to discover that those yearnings could so unexpectedly be brought back to life. Not that it mattered, of course. Despite what Caroline had said, someone like Mitch Jackson would never give her a second look. Even if she wanted him to. Which she didn’t, she told herself firmly. The last thing she needed in her already complicated life was another complication. Or distraction. And she knew instinctively that Southfield High’s principal could definitely be both.

      Tess deliberately shifted her attention to the sketchy text that accompanied the photo. There wasn’t much in it that she didn’t already know. He’d been a cop earlier in his career, had moved to St. Louis two years ago, was a hands-on principal who believed in getting involved in the lives of his students. The only new piece of information she gleaned from the write-up was that prior to coming to St. Louis he’d lived in Chicago.

      Tess’s face grew thoughtful. Clearly there was a whole lot more to Mitch’s story. Whether or not he’d reveal it, however, remained to be seen. But she did seem to have a knack for getting people to open up and reveal more about themselves than they’d planned to. And she liked challenges, especially intriguing ones.

      Tess glanced back at Mitch’s picture. Intriguing was a good word for Southfield High’s principal. Other words came to mind as well, but she chose to ignore them. She didn’t have the time or inclination for romance, she reminded herself.