Desert Wedding. Alexandra Scott

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Название Desert Wedding
Автор произведения Alexandra Scott
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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who was trying to gain entry to her flat. ‘What on earth...?’ She strode forward. ‘Do you mind telling me exactly what you think—?’

      But from just a step behind she heard Nathan Trehearn. ‘Hello, Pete.’

      ‘Nat.’ The stranger removed an envelope from between his teeth and grinned. ‘Good to see you again. How are things?’ But as he spoke his eyes moved curiously to Georgia, obviously wondering where she fitted in.

      ‘Much as usual, but...’ Nathan Trehearn. seemed at a loss—curious in a man of such confidence. ‘But I don’t know that you’re expected back so soon.’ He sent a glance to Georgia, who was trying to deny the suspicion beginning to nudge at her. ‘ Pete Taylor.’

      Still her brain was unwilling to accept the truth. ‘ aren’t Lew Taylor’s nephew?’

      ‘Yes. But—’

      ‘But you aren’t due back.’ It was a clear accusation—anything to force aside the reality which she refused to admit. ‘Not for at least two more weeks.’

      ‘My goodness!’

      He struck his forehead with the heel of his palm. ‘Don’t tell me...’ He took the envelope from the pocket where he had pushed it and glanced at the handwriting. ‘For heaven’s sake... Yes, this is from Lew’s ten to one they got the dates mixed up and...’

      Hastily he ripped open the envelope, frowned over the single sheet of paper, then groaned deeply as he stabbed a finger at the date at the top of the page. ‘Typical. This must have arrived just after we left for Canada. I’m so sorry.’

      Pushing open the door, he gestured for Georgia and Nathan to go ahead, and he followed, dropping his various packages onto the hall floor before going into the main room of the tiny flat. ‘I don’t know quite what to suggest.’ A hand was rasped over a chin much in need of a shave. ‘I’ve been travelling for thirty-six hours and my brain isn’t functioning that well. The main problem is that Angie is due in a day or so. We split up so she could have an extra day with an elderly aunt and—’

      ‘Look—’ Nathan Trehearn was clearly used to taking control, even, it seemed, where he had no immediate interest ‘—above all you need to grab some sleep. Why don’t you—’ he turned to Georgia ‘—collect your things and take them upstairs while we try to think of a plan? I can ring around one or two people—’

      ‘But...’ Her whole inclination was to argue, to protest that she had paid four weeks’ fairly high rent for the flat, but the sight of Pete trying to keep his eyes open, trying to stifle his yawns made her understand the futility of doing so. ‘Well... I’m not sure I want to—’

      ‘No one wants to.’ His tone was impatient, certainly; the glitter in his eyes was saying, I don’t want to be involved in other people’s problems. ‘But it is a situation which presents certain difficulties, don’t you agree? I doubt if you’d like to spend the night here.’ He indicated the four-foot-wide settee. ‘And I’m sure Pete fancies it even less after travelling halfway round the world. So, go on...pack up your things and we’ll work something out.’

      She glared. Anyone would think that she was the cause of the misunderstanding rather than its victim, but on the other hand...there was no way her five-foot-ten frame would fit into that sofa. So she had little choice but to go along with his suggestion. It was becoming a habit—one she didn’t like!

      ‘Oh...very well.’ She knew that she was sounding ungracious, but as she pulled shirts and dresses from hangers, folded them carelessly into cases, she simmered with quiet rage.

      Going back and forward to the bathroom to pick up her toiletries, she could catch the murmur of voices, one rather dominant—well, of course—and then, her packing completed, she began to pull the largest case into the hall, only to find that that was taken out of her hands as well. And a moment later, with the sound of Pete’s apologies and the sight of his undisguised relief fresh in her mind, she and Nathan were heading back upstairs.

      ‘Damn. Damn. Damn.’ Inside the penthouse, Georgia could control her fury no longer, and didn’t even try. ‘That’s right. Get it off your chest. You’ve every right to be angry.’

      ‘You surprise me. Downstairs it seemed I was the one without rights. He was the one with all the cards though why should I be surprised?’ She was allowing her anger full rein. ‘In a country like this only men have rights. Even the car is solely for the benefit of the male!’

      ‘Oh, I don’t know.’ His mildness was an affront. ‘I did bring you home this afternoon.’

      ‘No, you didn’t.’ She raked a distracted hand through her hair. ‘You came home, I...’ Her voice wobbled. ‘I just...’

      ‘Don’t get upset.’ Frowning, he came a step closer. ‘Don’t worry. There’s no great problem. You can stay here as long as you like.’

      ‘Here?’ Her eyes flew wide; she stared up and backed away. ‘But... I’ve no intention of staying here. You said you would ring round some friends.’

      ‘You’re right. I did have something else in mind, but on reflection... There’s masses of room; you noticed that for yourself. Why, just behind you is a self-contained suite.’

      ‘No, I don’t want to. can I?’ Humiliation tore at her; twice in as many hours this man had seen her humbled. ‘I would have been better staying down there.’

      ‘Hardly. As you’ve already worked out for yourself, four of the lower apartments would fit into this one.’

      ‘I’ll try for a hotel; there must be plenty of places.’

      ‘Raqat isn’t Riyadh or Amman. There are only a few western-style hotels in the sheikhdom-most of them booked up in advance and very expensive.’

      ‘Then I’ll fly home!’ An idle threat, for it was the last thing she wanted to do.

      ‘That would be a pity.’ He smiled, so persuasively that Georgia was diverted and began to revise her earlier idea that Nathan wasn’t particularly good-looking. He had the most entrancing smile! The unusual eyes sparkled mischievously. ‘As well as being difficult. Flights are usually booked well in advance too.’

      She spoke through gritted teeth. ‘I’m beginning to wonder what on earth I’m doing here, and if I’ll ever escape!’

      ‘As far as the first goes, you might remember it was a question I asked you earlier and which made you head for the door.’

      ‘Really.’ A totally inadequate reply, and, to compensate, her tone was heavy with sarcasm.

      ‘And secondly,’ Nathan went on, as if she hadn’t interrupted, ‘Stay. Then you might find you’ve no desire to.’ Then, taking pity on her puzzled expression, he added, ‘To escape.’

      ‘That I very much doubt.’

      ‘Well, in the meantime, why not take up my earlier proposition?’

      ‘Proposition?’ Georgia was twitchy, nervous as a faun.

      ‘I suggested we go out to dinner so you could continue your life story. I’m repeating the suggestion.’

      Staring up at him suspiciously, she had to subdue an infantile inclination to giggle. ‘Do I have a choice?’

      ‘Right now, I’d say not much, but as far as it goes it doesn’t seem an unreasonable suggestion. Look.’ He took a step past her and opened a door which she could see led into another hallway, and she followed him into a spacious bedroom, infinitely more glamorous than the one she had been using downstairs. ‘You can use this—bathroom over there, by the way—for...well, as long as you care to stay.’

      ‘As long as that, eh? You sound just like the devil: tempting.’

      ‘No strings.’ Again grinning, he opened his hands.
