Christmas Wedding. Pamela Macaluso

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Название Christmas Wedding
Автор произведения Pamela Macaluso
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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sound surprised Holly, but she liked it. Liked it a lot.

      And even though she took her question seriously, she had to smile. “In case someone recognizes you.”

      He shrugged. “If it happens, it happens. We’ll just play it by ear.” He nodded toward the store. “Ready?”

      Half an hour later Holly and Jesse had looked at so many engagement rings, she suspected that if the salesclerk started bringing the same rings back, they wouldn’t even realize it.

      The salesclerk smiled, but Holly was sure he was as tired as she was. “I have one more tray, sir. If you’ll wait just one moment.”

      Once the man was out of earshot, Holly asked, “Just what is it you’re looking for?”

      “Something expensive and gaudy.”

      The description fit most of the rings they’d seen. “Don’t make it too awful. We’re going to have to look at it for a week.”

      The salesclerk returned. A ring in the upper left-hand corner caught Holly’s eye. It had a substantial-sized diamond, with a sprinkling of smaller diamonds, emeralds and rubies on either side. When it caught the light, it looked like a snowflake sitting on a bed of holly.

      Holly picked it up and slipped it on. It fit perfectly. She held it out for Jesse to see. “It looks like holly.”

      The clerk perked up. “A lovely ring, miss. And so appropriate with your name being Holly and your getting engaged so close to Christmas.”

      But Jesse didn’t seem impressed. He looked at the tray. Reaching out, he picked up another ring. “Try this one.”

      Holly reluctantly took off the ring she was wearing and returned it to its spot. She took the one Jesse held. It also slid smoothly into place as if it belonged there. Although it sparkled and shone, she didn’t feel connected to it the way she had the holly ring.

       Holly ring? Get a grip, Holly, dear. This is a pretend engagement ring for a pretend engagement....

      She held her hand toward Jesse. “What do you think? Do you like this one?”

      “It works for me. How about you?”

      It was too ostentatious for her taste, but she could live with it for a week. “If you’re happy, I am.”

      “All right.” Jesse turned to the clerk. “We’ll take this one.”

      “Will that be cash or charge, sir?”

      Jesse pulled out his wallet and handed the clerk a credit card. “Charge.”

      The clerk locked the ring tray into the glass display case, then headed for the cash register.

      Holly leaned forward and took another look at the holly ring.

      “I’ll buy it for you if you’d like. You can tuck it away in your hope chest until you meet the man you’re really going to marry.”

      Holly straightened, turning her back on the case. She’d watched her friends go through painful relationships and wasn’t interested...thank you very much. Maybe once she had her career on track, she would look for an equally established and settled man. Someone kind and considerate....

      Her gaze drifted to the display window where a ceramic Santa stood—his burlap sack stuffed to overflowing with glittering jewelry.

      Kind, considerate, established and settled—yes, that’s what she wanted in a man.

      “No, thanks.” She looked at Jesse. “That’s a generous offer, but since the only guy I’d even consider marrying would be Santa Claus, save your money.”

      Jesse laughed, again. That was twice in one day. Holly wondered if they were setting any records. Sarcasm aside, she felt a thrill of power knowing she’d been the one to make him laugh...and smile.

      He was still smiling at her. And she’d been right, he had a killer smile.

      A lady-killer smile!

      * * *

      Once the required ring shopping was out of the way, they strolled slowly through the mall. Christmas carols played over the loudspeakers, and the smell of pine-scented potpourri beckoned to them from every shop they passed.

      With all the seasonal enticements, it was hard for Holly not to slip into the Christmas shopping mode. But she deliberately focused herself on the task at hand—for the two of them to share more information about themselves with each other.

      “Do you live with your father?” Jesse asked.

      “I have my own apartment, but we live on the same street. I’ll bet you have a big oceanfront house with floor-to-ceiling picture windows across the back.” It was where she would live if she had the money for it—plus enough for hurricane insurance.

      “No, I have a town house near the Yankee plant on the west side of Daytona Beach. Another in Tucson and an apartment in New York City.”

      “Why Tucson and New York?”

      “We have another plant in Tucson and our headquarters is in New York. I split my time over the three places.”

      “Do you like all the traveling?”

      “I don’t mind it.”

      “That doesn’t mean you like it.”

      He chuckled. “Quite the stickler for details, aren’t you, Ms. Bryant?”

      She held her left hand up, wiggling her fingers. The diamonds on the “engagement” ring sparkled. “Holly,” she reminded him.

      “As I said. A stickler for details.” He took hold of her hand, weaving their fingers together.

      Holly’s first instinct was to pull away, but as he’d pointed out earlier, she needed to get over her reticence to touching him. They were supposedly engaged to be married, people would expect them to touch—would think it odd if they didn’t. Besides, it wasn’t like she’d never held hands with a guy before.

      She had...but it had never felt like this!

      Jesse’s hand was large and warm around hers. She was surprised by how much larger, since he was only four inches taller than her own five-nine.

      “Now, where were we?” Jesse asked.

      In paradise. The words popped so quickly into her mind, Holly was afraid for a moment that she would say them out loud. “I—I asked whether you liked all the traveling you did for work.”

      He was quiet before answering. “At the moment, yes, I do. But sooner or later I think I’ll settle down in one spot.”

      “When you get married and start a family?”

      His brows pulled together and his eyes narrowed.

      Holly had the feeling she’d wandered into territory he considered off limits and decided to change the subject. “So, where did you grow up? Lake Wyndham?”

      “We came to Florida off and on during the winter months. The rest of the year, home was in Kentucky.”

      “What about your favorite colors, books, movies, music, ice-cream flavors, pizza toppings?”

      “My family wouldn’t know the answers to those questions. So, if the subjects should arise, make something up. They’ll never know the difference.”

      “Make something up?”

      “That or twist the conversation around and get them talking about themselves.”

      “I get the feeling you don’t like your family very much.”

      His grip on her hand tightened, as did the muscles along his jawline. Holly didn’t think he was aware of either.

      “It’s none of your business how I feel about my family. You’re being