The Tolkien Quiz Book. Andrew Murray

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Название The Tolkien Quiz Book
Автор произведения Andrew Murray
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007492060

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took Frodo to be a long-lost cousin at ‘The Prancing Pony’?

      5 Who was Frodo delighted to find in the Hall of Fire?

      6 How was Frodo protected from the Orc-spear in the Chamber of Mazarbul?

      7 What was the last vision that Frodo saw in the Mirror of Galadriel?

      8 What present did Galadriel give to Frodo?

      9 How did Sam locate Frodo in the Tower of Cirith Ungol?

      10 What anniversary from the War of the Ring troubled Frodo?

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      Who left a whip-weal in Frodo’s side?

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      16 Image Missing IF THE SCABBARD FITS

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      When Sting shone with a blue light, what did Bilbo know?

      Match each weapon below with the character associated with it:

1 Glamdring A. Bilbo
2 Andúril B. Morgoth
3 Grond C. Gandalf
4 Belthronding D. Beleg
5 Sting E. Théoden
6 Gurthang F. Éomer
7 Herugrim G. Aragorn
8 Gúthwinë H. Túrin Turambar
9Angrist I. Gil-galad
10 Aeglos J. Beren

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      Who gave Túrin the name Mormegil (Black-sword)?

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       17 Image Missing GANDALF

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      What was special about the diamond studs that Gandaif gave the Old Took?

      1 What was Gandaif most famous for in the Shire?

      2 Which of the three Elven-rings did Gandaif wield?

      3 By what name was Gandaif known in his youth in Valinor?

      4 What sword did Gandaif take from the Trolls’ cave?

      5 How did Gandalf finally confirm that Frodo’s ring was indeed the One Ring?

      6 How did Gandalf escape from the Tower of Orthanc?

      7 What was the name of Gandaif’s steed during the War of the Ring?

      8 After the duel with the Balrog of Moria, how did Gandalf’s appearance change?

      9 Who did Gandalf lead to aid the defenders of Helm’s Deep?

      10 What were Gandalf’s last words to Sam, Merry and Pippin at the Grey Havens?

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      In TA 2063, where was Gandalf sent, and what was he unable to discover?

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       18 Image Missing ARCHITECTURE

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      How many corners did Bilbo’s front door have?

      1 What underground halls were known as the Thousand Caves?

      2 What was most distinctive about the town of Esgaroth?

      3 In what chamber did the Fellowship find Balin’s tomb?

      4 Where did Strider and the hobbits sleep in ‘The Prancing Pony’?

      5 What colour was the front door of Bag End?

      6 What name did the Elves give to the wooden tree platforms in Lothlórien?

      7 Who built the West-gate of Khazad-dûm?

      8 What wall encircled the Pelennor Fields?

      9 In what hall was there a carven image of a tree, inset with gems?

      10 What and where were the Sammath Naur?

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      What was the name of Manwe and Varda’s halls on Taniquetil?