The Lord’s Persuasion of Lady Lydia. Raven McAllan

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Название The Lord’s Persuasion of Lady Lydia
Автор произведения Raven McAllan
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008196981

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danced down her spine. The man had enough charisma for three men and it was oh so dangerous. How simple it would have been to bask in his admiration and go with the flow. And how easily that could lead to the destruction of her carefully constructed world. Even so… ‘It makes a difference to be with someone who wasn’t forced to ask you to…’ She broke off. Her unruly tongue would be the social death of her. Lydia might want to leave, but preferably not in disgrace. ‘I, er…’

      Harry glared. ‘You infuriating woman. Are you intimating I was coerced into dancing with you? No such thing. I was not forced to ask you, and you know it.’

      It was interesting, she thought, how he could convey such annoyance and still speak in a level tone.

      ‘I danced with you for my enjoyment and, I hope, yours,’ he continued. ‘I look forward to our next dance and would not relinquish you if I didn’t have to. Now, to where would you like me to escort you? Your mama?’

      Lydia shuddered. ‘Heaven forbid. I’m fine here. I will go and get some lemonade and sit and watch the dancers.’

      He shook his head. ‘I will escort you to get some lemonade and we will watch the dancers.’

      That was surely a recipe for disaster? ‘People will talk.’

      Harry looked around. ‘People are talking anyway. It’s to be expected. I don’t dance normally, you only do when coerced, and I’m certain we appeared as if we were enjoying ourselves. Look on the bright side. If they are talking about us, they are not upsetting anyone else.’

      He had a point. ‘I hate being the centre of attention,’ she grumbled as he took her arm once more and carved a way though the throng towards the anteroom where an assortment of drinks waited. ‘It’s all right for you. You can do the lordly bit and ignore anyone you don’t want to talk to. I, however, have to grit my teeth and bear it all.’

      Harry handed her a glass of lemonade, and took a goblet of wine for himself. She eyed it mulishly as he led her to a low, soft chaise and waited while she settled down on the dark-green, velvet cushions. Why should she have to have lemonade while he had wine? She hadn’t heard of that in those damned unwritten rules for debs.

      ‘Here.’ He smiled in amusement, handed her the wine, and put the lemonade on a nearby table. ‘I have never know someone who can convey so much annoyance without saying a word. I’ll get another one for myself.’

      Lydia smiled back. ‘Thank you, my lord.’

      Harry laughed. ‘You keep me on my toes.’

      She sipped the rich, ruby red and robust wine. ‘Good.’

      ‘Wait there.’ He took the few steps needed to reach out and accept another glass of wine and returned to sit in an armchair next to her, then shook his head. ‘Why people think you are sweet and effacing, I cannot fathom. You are anything but, aren’t you?’

      Lydia glanced around to make sure no one else was in earshot. As most people were either on the dance floor, gossiping in groups, or at the card tables in another salon, the room was almost empty. Perhaps it was time to put her cards on the table and be open about her intentions. ‘I want to be seen to be all of those things. I do not want to be part of all this.’ She waved her hand towards the ballroom. ‘I can’t do much else for my parents other than be seen as a disappointment to them, and therefore intend to cause no, or only a small, scandal when I retire in a week or so. It will be “Those poor Fields, but it’s all for the better. Lydia was never going to catch the eye of a gentleman, so she’s in the best place for her. Now the Fields can enjoy life without worrying what to do with her”. No one will actually enquire where I am. Or if they do will be told something innocuous.’ She took another sip of wine and looked at Harry over the rim of the heavy crystal goblet. He sat back in the chair next to her, his long legs encased in immaculate evening trousers and stretched out in front of him, and eyed her closely. She, however, didn’t dare eye him too closely, for her eyes strayed downward to where his torso ended and his legs began.

      His lips twitched.

      ‘What?’ Lydia asked suspiciously. ‘Do I have wine on my gown or a spider in my hair?’

      He shook his head. ‘I cannot believe how well you have deceived everyone, including me. Life will be interesting from now on.’

      Why? Lydia decided not to ask him. She put her glass down and stood up. ‘I best go back to the ballroom before my mama realises I’m gone.’

      ‘Oh, she’ll have realised,’ Harry said. ‘But also seen you were with me and accepted it,’ he finished shrewdly. ‘But by all means run away. Although I never thought you a coward.’

      Lydia glowered at him and curtsied. ‘Thank you, my lord, for your oh so charming assessment of my character. There is no need for me to run. A brisk walk with be sufficient.’ His shout of laughter made her sit down again with a thump.

      Damned infuriating man.

       Chapter Five

      Harry wondered just what his companion was thinking. When she relaxed she seemed to forget herself and her emotions chased across her face, easy to translate. That wasn’t often enough for him. What had started out as a whim to save her from Jeremy and his lack of true interest in her, and then to see if the blasted woman ever did animated, had changed into a determination to discover what made her tick. Lydia Field was a dark horse and intrigued him more than he would have thought possible. Not that he would let things go too far, too fast, but if he made her last few weeks in London more enjoyable, surely that was a good thing? If he made her body tingle and sated his, that would be even better.

      If he made her change her mind about leaving? Then what? He decided to shelve that thought for a later date.

      He exchanged her empty glass for one filled with another deep-red wine. Lydia looked at it dubiously, but thanked him prettily.

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