Windflower Wedding. Elizabeth Elgin

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Название Windflower Wedding
Автор произведения Elizabeth Elgin
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007383191

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      ‘And is he –?’ There was no need to finish the sentence; no need to say the word.

      ‘Yes. Like all the others and in need of a kind word and a smile. Those smiles mean a lot, Joannie said. I’ll ring her back when we’ve had our cuppa and tell her you don’t mind taking one extra.’

      ‘No trouble at all, Sparrow.’

      ‘You’re sure, now, ’cos what I didn’t tell you is that he’s not only got burns – this lad got blinded as well.’

      ‘Hell!’ She shuddered, covering her face with her hands.

      ‘You don’t have to take him if it’s going to upset you.’

      ‘But of course I will. I want to. It was just that it doesn’t seem fair, does it?’

      ‘Life never is, girl.’

      ‘You don’t have to tell me. And I’ll manage all right. Sam will give me a hand, tell Joannie.’

      ‘You’re a good soul, Tatiana Sutton. You’ll get your reward in heaven.’

      ‘I’d rather have it here on earth. I’d swap all that heaven nonsense just to have ten minutes with Tim; say a proper goodbye.’

      ‘What do you mean – “heaven nonsense”? Blasphemous, that is!’

      ‘Well, I don’t believe in heaven and sometimes I don’t believe in God either – only in Jesus,’ she added hastily.

      ‘Well! I’m surprised at you! And what would your mother think to hear you say that?’

      ‘Nothing, because I wouldn’t say it in front of her.’

      ‘And you’d best not say it in front of me again either! Do I make myself plain?’

      ‘Yes, Sparrow, you do. And I won’t say it again if you’ll promise not to go on about it and try to convert me.’

      ‘Convert you? Now would I do that, and you so bitter inside that you can’t see the wood for the trees? Come here and let’s you and me have a cuddle because Sparrow understands. She really does.’

      ‘I know you do, and I’m sorry if I upset you,’ Tatiana whispered, hugging her close. ‘And I ought to be ashamed, shouldn’t I? At least I’m not injured, nor blind.’

      ‘No, girl, you aren’t.’ Sparrow shuddered even to think of that beautiful face burned and blistered and those big, brown eyes never to see again. ‘And that’s something to be thankful to God for, ’cos it’s all in His hands, and by the time you’re as old as I am you’ll have come to realize it, I hope.’

      ‘And how old are you, Sparrow?’ She didn’t want to talk about God.

      ‘As old as my tongue and a bit older than my teeth! So are you going to pour that tea before it’s stewed to ruination, and give me the news from Yorkshire?’ She had never been to Holdenby; probably never would, but that didn’t prevent her feeling a part of Rowangarth.

      And Tatiana said she was, then whispered again that she was sorry, because not for anything would she upset Sparrow, who must be at least seventy-five.

      Keth shook the hand of a colonel from Army Intelligence, who did not offer his name but asked him, pleasantly enough, to sit down and make himself comfortable.

      ‘So! The MO and the dental officer have given you the all clear; have you made a will?’

      ‘Yes.’ Talk of such things made him uneasy. Wills were for old people, he had always thought. ‘When I was first commissioned, I took care of that.’

      ‘And your next of kin is your mother?’

      ‘Yes.’ Mention of next of kin gave him the same feeling.

      ‘Just a precaution. Nothing sinister, but in view of the fact you’ll be under some slight risk …’

      ‘Slight!’ Keth jerked.

      ‘You’re having second thoughts? Because now’s the time to say so …’

      ‘No second thoughts. I was told there would be conditions and I accepted them. But don’t think I shall enjoy going, because I won’t! So does that make me a coward?’

      ‘No. I wouldn’t give much chance for the safety of any of our operatives who had no fear. Nor would I believe them if they said as much. And a man who admits fear, but still goes ahead with the job is far from being a coward.’

      ‘I’m a mathematician, sir. There’s not one iota of derring-do in my entire body.’

      ‘Then be glad of it. It’s the careful ones who make it home every time. But you aren’t a trained operator, as such. We’ve given you only enough knowledge to help you survive. The less you know, the better. We’ll put you ashore, you’ll be met and taken to a safe house. You’ll wait there until you hear that what you have gone to collect will be delivered to you.

      ‘Then you’ll hang on to it – study it all you can within the bounds of safety – and keep your head down until we can have you picked up. It will depend on weather conditions, and suchlike. Either the submarine that will take you out will bring you back, or we’ll send a Lysander in.’

      ‘And I’m definitely going in by submarine. No jumps?’

      ‘No parachuting. According to your records, you wouldn’t survive another jump!’

      ‘You could be right, sir.’ Keth managed a smile; one of relief rather than pleasure. ‘It’s an experience I’d rather not dwell on. The sea route sounds a lot safer.’

      ‘It is safe. There’s a submarine flotilla not five miles from here – the fifteenth. They’ve done a fair bit of toing and froing for us in the past. We’ve been in touch with their navigating officer about tides and things. We want a flowing tide; one that will wash away any evidence like footsteps – allow the dinghy to get as far inshore as possible. Provided the Met boys give us the okay weatherwise, you’ll be on your way within hours and back within a couple of weeks. Then you’ll completely forget your little errand to France.’

      Little errand? Typical, that was, when just to think of it made his teeth water, Keth brooded.

      ‘I’ll be happy to – forget it, I mean.’

      ‘You’ll be in all sorts of trouble if you don’t! Anyway, good luck, Purvis. Get yourself over to Room 22. Your papers are ready – and all you need to know about Gaston Martin. Read them over and over. Think yourself into his identity. He was born in a little place near Lyons, which is in unoccupied France. You won’t be going anywhere near there, so you’re unlikely to run into anyone who might have known him. His family probably have been told that he’s missing, believed killed in action.

      ‘If anything happens, though, make for the unoccupied sector. You’ll be safe enough there. This far, the Krauts have respected their boundaries and left them alone.’

      ‘Vichy France, you mean, sir? And what constitutes anything?’

      ‘Anything going wrong. You can get to the Pyrenees from unoccupied territory, and over into Spain. Or you’ll be told by Room 22 where you can get help. In one of the Marseilles brothels, for instance, the madam can be relied upon.’


      ‘Yes. Places where men can come and go without being noticed over much. Don’t look so holier-than-thou, man. There is a war on, don’t forget, but you can ask all the questions you want of the Room 22 people. They’ll be rigging you out with clothes and all you need. Ask a lot of questions. What may seem trivial might just stand you in good stead if anything were to go a bit wrong – which it shouldn’t.’

      ‘No, sir. A straightforward pick-up.’

      ‘Absolutely.’ The colonel rose to his feet, holding out his hand,