Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection. Josephine Cox

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Название Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection
Автор произведения Josephine Cox
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007577262

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police car until it stopped beside them. Flinging open the doors, both officers got out. While one of them stood guard on Dougie, the other confronted Lilian.

      ‘Are you Lilian Catherine Scott?’ he asked.

      Calmer now, and knowing she must be punished, Lilian made no attempt to run. Instead, she verified her name and was quietly placed in the car.

      Seeing how frightened she was, Dougie declared that he was coming with her. ‘She’s told me things you should know!’

      ‘All right, sir,’ they agreed, and he, too, was bundled into the car.

      Ensconced in the interview room with Inspector Lawson, William Aitken was visibly nervous. ‘I dunno what yer talkin’ about! How many times do I ’ave to tell yer? I don’t know nuthin’ about no hidden car.’

      Inspector Lawson was in no mood to be lied to. ‘Don’t give me that! We already know you were paid to conceal the car. What I want is a description of the driver: was he tall, short, nervous, arrogant …? I want to know every word he said, every move he made. You must remember how he left … was it on foot or by taxi? Was the driver on his own, or was there somebody else there, and if so, what can you tell me about the other person? Have you seen him since? Or maybe it was a woman. Was it a woman, eh, Aitken?’

      His questioning was relentless.

      The more Aitken claimed ignorance of the event, the more nervous he got and the more Inspector Lawson knew that it would only be a matter of time before he cracked.

      Having arrived in reception, Tom was told, ‘I’m sorry, sir, but you’ll have to wait. Inspector Lawson is not to be disturbed.’

      Tom asked again about Aitken but was given the same runaround. ‘If you’ll just be patient, I’m sure the inspector will be out soon.’

      So he waited, pacing the floor and willing the time to pass so that he could know what was happening. The big clock on the wall ticked the minutes away; with every passing second, he thought of Kathy.

      Why hadn’t he been able to get hold of her? Why hadn’t she rung the hotel? What was she doing? His mind was alive with her, his heart overflowing with love.

      It was an odd thing, he thought, that the nearer they got to finding out who had murdered his family, the more distant he seemed from it all; as though he was a stranger looking on.

      The love for his family was still there, but it was moving away, to that corner of his heart where he could put down the shutters and keep it safe for all time, without allowing it to overwhelm his life.

      The realisation made him feel guilty, yet strangely relieved.

      Suddenly his thoughts were shattered when he heard the outer doors swing open. Into the reception area came two officers. With them, and obviously in custody, was Lilian, accompanied by his brother, Dougie.

      Dougie saw Tom there and nodded. Lilian, however, glanced once and afterwards kept her gaze averted.

       The shame of what she had done to him was unbearable.

      Taken to the desk, she was duly charged in connection with the murder of Sheila Arnold and her children.

      When she heard the charge, she was riveted with shock. ‘No!’ Shouting and struggling, with both officers holding her still, she vehemently protested her innocence. ‘You’ve got it all wrong. I wouldn’t murder them … they were my friends!’

      Appealing to Tom, she screamed, ‘Tell them! Tell them I would never hurt them. I’m innocent. Tom, please … tell them!’

      Torn by powerful emotions, Tom was out of his depth. ‘If you’re innocent, you have nothing to fear,’ he said quietly.

      His gentle voice and quiet manner seemed to calm her, for suddenly the fight was gone from her and she was sobbing. ‘I wouldn’t hurt them, I wouldn’t.’

      Dougie spoke to her. For a moment she looked at him, then, as they took her away, she told him, ‘You believe me, don’t you, Dougie?’

      He nodded.

      She smiled. ‘You understand me, don’t you?’

      Again, he nodded.

      Now, as the officer urged her away down the corridor, she shocked both Tom and Dougie to their roots: addressing Dougie, she revealed, ‘I didn’t tell you before, but now I want you to know … I’m having your child.’

      As they took her away, Dougie stood stock still, eyes wide with amazement and something else: a look of horror on his face that Tom had never seen before. ‘Dougie, are you all right?’ What Lilian had said was a complete and utter shock. Not for one minute had Tom imagined anything was going on between his brother and Lilian.

      And it wasn’t only that, because there was something here he could not understand; some dark business he could not quite get to grips with.

      Behind them, Inspector Lawson flung open the door of the interview room. ‘Charge him!’ Having got the information he wanted, the interview was over.

      ‘Bastard!’ William Aitken had not taken kindly to being interviewed.

      As he looked up at the inspector, standing there in the open doorway, his attention was caught by Tom and Dougie quietly talking beyond: one calm and reassuring, the other seeming to be upset and agitated.

      Without warning, Aitken was out of his chair and running across the room. ‘THAT’S HIM!’ Surging forward, he was swiftly intercepted by the officer, who fought hard to hold him. ‘THAT’S THE GEEZER WHO PAID ME TO HIDE THE CAR!’ Pointing and yelling, he struggled to escape.

      All eyes turned to Dougie, who by now was edging towards the door.

       To his horror, he had recognised the young man who had been at the breaker’s yard. The very same young man who had taken his money and hidden the car so well that it had never been found. Until now!

      Disbelieving, Tom looked at the young man, then he turned his gaze to Dougie. ‘YOU?’ Unable to comprehend what was happening, he stared at his brother for what seemed an age, his brain echoing with what Aitken had said. It was too much to take in. He shook his head, a half smile creeping over his features, now grey with shock. ‘No!’ The word was soft, almost gentle, then stronger as he asked, ‘Was it you who killed my family?’

      When he saw the guilt in his brother’s eyes, the truth hit him like the blow of a hammer. ‘Oh, God!’ Lurching forward, he grabbed hold of Dougie, his voice escalating to a scream, his eyes swimming with tears. ‘NO … o … o … oo!’ Tom’s heart-wrenching scream sent a chill through everyone there.

      In that split second, everything erupted: Dougie made a dash for the door, and Tom went after him, leaving chaos in his wake.

      Yelling for somebody to help, and taking along the only free officer, Inspector Lawson sped after Tom and his brother, but they had a head start, and with the smog closing in all over London they could be lost to sight in minutes.

      Outside, the fall of night mingled with the choking smog, lying like a dark blanket over everything: a real ‘peasouper’, the officer called it.

      They scanned the road ahead. ‘THERE!’ The officer caught sight of Tom, relentlessly pursuing his brother along the narrow streets.

      ‘Quick! Get after them!’

      Sending the younger, fitter officer to try and head them off, Inspector Lawson stayed with Tom; through the railings on the far side of the street, then on, across the park, and towards the railway embankment. One minute he was there, the next he was gone from sight, dodging in and out; hidden where the fog was thickening, and visible again where it wasn’t quite settled. He could see Tom going like a crazy thing. ‘Leave it, Tom. We’re onto it!’

      His heart went out to Tom and, though he wouldn’t blame him if he closed his bare hands round his brother’s neck and squeezed till his eyes popped