Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection. Josephine Cox

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Название Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection
Автор произведения Josephine Cox
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007577262

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been waiting for ages. My backside’s numb, and I’m starving hungry.’ She was not altogether pleased to see how lean and pretty Kathy was, nor how her face glowed with health. Her hair, which was longer now, shone with a deep gloss, and her light-brown eyes had a definite sparkle. ‘Hmh!’ She looked her up and down. ‘Looks like the sea air suits you.’

      Kathy hardly noticed what Samantha was saying. Instead she was open-mouthed at seeing her sister here in West Bay. ‘What are you doing here?’

      Samantha laughed. ‘I’ve come to see you. Why? Can’t a sister visit without being quizzed as to her intentions? Anybody would think I was after something!’ Though she said it teasingly, there was a hardness underlying the words that warned Kathy to exercise caution.

      ‘Why didn’t you write and tell me you were coming?’ Forgetting all her manners, Kathy was concerned as to what might have brought Samantha to her doorstep. ‘Roughing it’ at the seaside had never been her idea of fun. ‘Is it Mother? Is she ill?’

      Samantha greeted her question with gales of laughter. ‘Mother … ill? I don’t think so. She’s positively bursting with health; though she might not be as rich or content as she was.’

      ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

      Samantha refused to reply until she was inside. ‘Are we going to stand out here all night, or am I being invited in?’

      Kathy felt ashamed. ‘Sorry. You’d best come in. I’ll get you something to eat.’

      ‘I’m gasping for a drink.’ That was Samantha’s first thought. ‘I wouldn’t mind a gin and tonic.’ Collecting her suitcase, she followed Kathy up the path.

      ‘If you want a gin and tonic you’ll have to go to the pub.’ Kathy stepped aside to let her in. ‘You know I’m not a gin and tonic person.’ She hated herself for it, but she couldn’t help the jibe. ‘I never got the taste for it. I’ve never moved in the same exclusive circles as you and Mother.’

      ‘Hmh! I should have thought you’d keep some by for your guests, though of course I don’t suppose you get many of those, out here in the back of beyond.’

      ‘Sorry’ – the biting comment rolled off Kathy’s back – ‘no gin and tonic.’ Closing the door behind her, she led Samantha into the sitting room. ‘I’ve got half a bottle of whisky, which I keep for an old friend. You’re welcome to a tot of that or I’ve tea or soft drinks …’

      Dropping her case on the carpet, Samantha ignored her offer. She made a face. ‘You don’t seem too pleased to see me!’

      ‘I’m not!’ Kathy saw no point in beating about the bush. ‘I’ve not heard a word from you or Mother since I left, and this is the last place on earth you would want to visit.’ She took note of Samantha’s meticulously groomed long, dark hair, the brown high-heeled shoes and that shockingly expensive suit that clung to her like a second skin. ‘So, tell me … why are you really here?’

      Samantha’s green eyes narrowed in a sly little smile. ‘I could be missing you, have you thought of that?’

      ‘Oh, please. Credit me with some sense! You haven’t just turned up here because you’re “missing” me,’ Kathy pointed out with brutal honesty. ‘There’s something going on. What are you up to?’

      ‘My! My!’ Dropping into the armchair, Samantha lolled back, looking for all the world as if she was here to stay. ‘What a suspicious mind you’ve got.’

      Kathy’s back was up now. She knew her sister too well, and she knew something was not right. ‘I’ve had reason too many times to be suspicious,’ she replied curtly. ‘Or have you forgotten how deceitful and mean you and Mother have been … or how you shut me out of your lives whenever you felt like it?’

      ‘Ah, well, that was Mother’s fault. Not mine.’


      Realising she had better not be too arrogant, or her plan wouldn’t work, Samantha smiled sweetly. ‘I don’t want to put you to any trouble, but my stomach’s rumbling hungry.’

      ‘I’ll see what I can rustle up.’ Kathy went into the kitchen and peered into the cupboard. ‘I’ve got ham and tomatoes, or beans on toast.’

      ‘What!’ Samantha came running in, her face wreathed in disgust. ‘Is that all you’ve got?’

      ‘I wasn’t expecting visitors.’ Kathy paused. ‘I think you’d better settle for fish and chips,’ she said finally.

      ‘Hmh!’ Samantha gave a shiver of disapproval. ‘If you ask me, the place is uncivilised!’

      Kathy laughed. ‘Not your usual scene, is it?’

      ‘I dare say I’ll get used to it.’ Samantha was determined to get what she came for, however grim it was here. ‘If you’ll just show me my room, I’ll unpack while you go for the fish and chips … a large cod for me, and just a small portion of chips.’ She patted her thighs. ‘I don’t want to lose my figure.’

      ‘They’re not open until six.’

      Kathy wished her sister could be the genuine article. It would have been so nice to have someone she could sit and talk with. And she did so want it all to be pleasant. ‘Look, Samantha, get your case and I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping. Then we’ll have a cup of tea and a proper chat. If you’re that hungry, I can make you some toast if you like, while we’re waiting for the chip shop to open.’

      Throwing out her arms in frustration, Samantha refused the offer. ‘I don’t fancy any of your bloody toast.’ She had seen the primitive kitchen, and wasn’t even sure it was hygienic. ‘Don’t bother. A cup of tea will keep me going until the fish shop opens.’

      Leading the way into the sitting room, she left Kathy shaking her head and muttering, ‘Keep on like that, and you’ll be leaving sooner than you think!’

      In the sitting room, Samantha took closer note of the furnishings: the newly made curtains and the plain, well-worn furniture, which she wouldn’t have accepted if it was given to her. As Kathy came back in, Samantha gave a grunt of disapproval. ‘Don’t tell me this is the same furniture he had?’

      ‘The very same.’ Kathy’s back was beginning to bristle. ‘Why?’

      Again, that haughty look of disapproval. ‘Well, look at it! It’s absolutely disgusting … I’d have thrown it out by now and got myself something decent.’

      ‘Well, I like it. But then, I’m not you, am I?’

      ‘But it belonged to them!

      ‘If you mean Father and the woman he loved – yes, it did. Father left it to me, and that makes it mine now. So, it really doesn’t matter whether you like it or not.’

      ‘Hmh!’ Samantha was amazed at Kathy’s new-found self-confidence. There was a time, not so long back, when she could intimidate her sister and get away with it. ‘There’s no need to get on your high horse.’

      ‘And there’s no need for you to be so insulting.’

      Kathy was taken aback when Samantha put a very personal question. ‘You’ve found yourself a man-friend, haven’t you?’

      ‘What makes you think that?’ Kathy didn’t know whether to be pleased or wary.

      ‘Well, just look at you!’ Samantha had never seen her sister so attractive. ‘You’re positively blooming. Your eyes have that secret little sparkle and you appear to have lost weight. There must be a man involved!’

      ‘Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t.’ Still cautious, Kathy gave nothing away.

      ‘Well, if there is, you want to be careful.’

      ‘What d’you mean?’
