Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection. Josephine Cox

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Название Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection
Автор произведения Josephine Cox
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007577262

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      ‘Oh no, Lizzie,’ Aggie breathed. She was heartbroken for her poor daughter. ‘You should never have done that. You should have let them talk.’

      ‘I know that now.’ As she spoke, the tears poured down Lizzie’s face. ‘I didn’t want him saddled with another man’s bairn. I was trying to protect him, you see? I was so angry with Emily. I thought she’d waited till his back was turned and let another man bed her. I thought she was little more than a trollop. Oh Aggie! What an old fool I am! It’s too late now. All too late.’

      Seeing her distressed like that, was deeply upsetting to Aggie.

      ‘No, Lizzie.’ She went and put her arms round the other woman’s shoulders. ‘You did right under the circumstances. Any other mother would have done the same. All you knew was what you could see with your own eyes, and John the same. Emily had a child and it was not John’s responsibility. What else could you think of her, but that she had cheated on him?’

      She could see now, how Lizzie might have sent John away with a lie. ‘Yes, you did right to send him away. I would have done the very same.’

      Lizzie brightened at Aggie’s brave words. ‘Would you, lass? Would you honestly?’

      ‘Yes. If it had been the other way round, I wouldn’t have thought twice.’ She gave Lizzie a hug. ‘Now then, stop your worriting. Let’s go through it all again, and we’ll see what we can come up with, eh?’

       At the back of her mind was the other thing.

       After what Lizzie had just told her, it tormented her now, like never before.

      Thankful for Aggie’s comforting words, Lizzie asked her to make another brew. ‘The tea’s gone cold, lass.’

      Later, they went through the story again, comparing notes.

      And the more she learned about Emily’s predicament, the stronger grew Aggie’s terrible suspicions.

       Chapter 16

      ‘I’D BEST GIVE you a hand before we set off for the cottage.’ Having come into the barn to give Emily a kiss, Danny was concerned to see her lifting the heavy crates of vegetables. ‘You and Cathleen sort the cabbages while I stack these up against the wall.’

      Emily was grateful for the help, but said, ‘I thought you were in a hurry to get to the cottage?’

      ‘And so I am, but Lizzie’s in good hands with your mam.’ While he stacked the crates, he carried on talking. ‘This job won’t take but a few minutes. Besides, I wouldn’t be much of a man if I left my wife to stack these heavy crates.’

      ‘All right.’ Emily knew him well enough by now to realise that once Danny made up his mind, there was no changing it. ‘I suppose you’re right – two pairs of hands are better than one. Between us we’ll soon have it done.’

      And so they did.

      When the last crate was stacked, Danny grabbed Emily into his arms and looking into her brown eyes, whispered of how much he loved her.

      ‘You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,’ he said. ‘I know we got off to a shaky start, but now I can never imagine being without you.’

      When Emily gave no reply, he kissed her tenderly and holding her at arm’s length, told her how pretty she was.

      Emily smiled at that. ‘What? Covered in muck and looking like a scarecrow?’

      ‘All of that,’ he laughed, kissing her again. ‘Look, sweetheart, I’d best be off. Cathleen and I will be there in minutes. Though I’m sure, with your mam in charge, everything is fine and dandy up at the cottage.’

      ‘I hope so.’ Emily had never forgotten the time she had gone to Lizzie with the truth about John not being the father of her child. She hoped Lizzie would keep her promise and not say anything, because if her mam ever found out – well, she just didn’t dare think about the consequences.

      A moment later, Danny was walking across the fields towards the cottage, with Cathleen dancing along beside him, while Emily stood at the barn door watching them go. You’re a good man, Danny Williams, she thought. I don’t deserve you.

      Having passed the barn on his way to the bull-field, where he loved to admire the great beasts, Clem Jackson had seen Danny take Emily into his arms, and he was greatly excited by it. He still had fond memories of that day in the barn, when he had possessed the girl against her will.

      Now, leaning on the gate, his huge dog sitting obediently at his feet, he watched Danny leave. There seemed to be a lot happening this morning, he thought, with all this coming and going.

      ‘I expect it’s that damned old woman again!’ he said to the dog, which instinctively curved its back in fear. ‘You should have finished her off while you had the chance.’

      Prodding the cur with his cane, he snapped, ‘I’m going to find out what all the fuss is about. You just stay where you are!’ When he took a step away and the dog seemed about to follow him, he held the cane to its nose. ‘Badger – Stay!’ The animal immediately whined and skulked to the ground, its big frightened eyes uplifted to him.

      Grinning triumphantly, he stomped off and left it there.

      With Danny and Cathleen gone, Emily got on with her chores. She had swept the floor of the barn and was bagging the last of the cabbages when Clem’s hands gripped her shoulders. With a cry, she tried to turn but he held her there, one fist clutching both her hands behind her back, and the other squeezing her neck from the front, holding her in such a way that she couldn’t move. She couldn’t even kick out, because his legs were tight against hers, effectively pinning her to the wall.

      ‘Well, here we are again, my beauty,’ he growled. It was so good to touch her soft skin. ‘Been missing me, ’ave yer?’

      ‘Get your filthy hands off me!’ Momentarily frozen with shock, Emily hadn’t been sure who had taken hold of her. But she was sure now, and she was terrified.

      Clem swung her round and smacked the back of his hand hard across her mouth. ‘Careful how yer talk to me, lady,’ he warned, ‘unless you want a taste o’ my fist.’ As the blood trickled from the corners of her mouth, he leaned forward and licked at it with the tip of his tongue. Forcibly restraining her, he pushed his face close to hers, his mouth lolling open in a sinister kind of grin. ‘I’m sorry to have neglected yer, lass, only I’ve been that busy with my other women, I ain’t had much time for you. This past week or so, they seem to have deserted me – fickle creatures, women, don’t yer think? But I’m ’ere now, so you’ll be glad to know we can tek up where we left off.’

      Emily began desperately struggling. ‘ENOUGH, YOU BITCH!’ He raised his hand and slapped her round the head; chuckling when she fell at his feet, dazed and bleeding. ‘That’s better.’ Getting to his knees, he straddled her and began undoing his trouser-buttons. ‘Don’t go unconscious on me,’ he told her, breathing heavily, ‘I like my women to have a bit of life in ’em.’

      It was when she felt her skirt being lifted and his whole weight bearing down on her, that Emily seized her chance. Taking him by surprise, she kicked out and managed to clamber free from under him. By the time he realised what was happening and chased after her, drawing up his trousers as he went, Emily had got hold of the pitchfork and was ready for him. ‘Come on then!’ She was like a wild thing. ‘I’m ready for you now. Come on!’ Pointing the sturdy steel-pronged fork at his stomach, Emily would not have hesitated to use it.

      Unfortunately she did not allow for his cunning. In a swift movement, Clem stooped to grab a handful of dust from the heap she had swept on the barn floor and threw it into Emily’s face. As she reeled away, he darted forward.
