Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection. Josephine Cox

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Название Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection
Автор произведения Josephine Cox
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007577262

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all this good-natured bantering was going on, Danny thought how wonderful it was, to be in the midst of this family and feeling such contentment. Now, as he glanced at Emily, his heart was brimful of love for her.

      As for Emily, she gave him a quiet smile that said, ‘Don’t expect too much.’ And knowing how she felt, he merely nodded and looked away.

      Just then, Cathleen tugged at his hand. ‘Here’s a cake for you, Danny.’ She held up the fairy cake with its melting chocolate on top, and he took it graciously. Already he felt he belonged. All it needed now was for Emily to say she was willing to wed him, and he would be the happiest man on God’s earth.

      Inside the converted outhouse some distance away, Clem Jackson was blissfully unaware of the family gathering. Busy entertaining, he had his arms full of a woman, and his belly full of ale. Lying naked on the bed alongside her, he had been pleased and satisfied and now he was ready for more.

      Turning his head he saw that she was sleeping. She wasn’t bad for somebody who sold her body to any Tom, Dick and Harry, he thought, his eyes roving the ample curves. As his gaze fell to where the mass of dark hair curled in between her thighs, a thrill ran through him and he became aroused.

      In a minute he was on her, the force of his weight startling her awake. ‘For God’s sake, we’ve been at it all night,’ the woman complained. ‘Don’t tell me you’re still not satisfied.’

      He laughed – a rough, raw laugh that betrayed the animal in him. ‘It’ll tek more than you to satisfy the likes o’ me.’

      Trying her best to throw him off, she pleaded with him, ‘I never thought I’d say this to any man, but you’ve worn me out. I’m bone-tired.’

      Struggling to get from underneath him, she found herself trapped by the sheer mass of his body. ‘Get off!’ Punching at him with her fists, she continued to struggle, until he slapped her hard on the mouth.

      ‘Keep still, damn it! You should be used to men taking what they want, and why should you complain, eh? You get well paid at the end, don’t you?’

      The hard slap on the mouth sent her into a sulk. Knowing how he was strong and nasty enough to hurt her if he wanted to, she lay there while he satisfied himself. The fact that she didn’t respond to his amorous advances was of no concern to him at all. In fact, it excited him all the more.

      He was right in what he said, she told herself bitterly. She did sell her body to the highest bidder and in the past he had paid her well. But there was something about him that frightened her, and this time, she had come to loathe him more with every passing minute.

      Now as he finished and rolled away, she snatched the opportunity to scramble out from beneath him. ‘I’d best get dressed,’ she said, grabbing her clothes. ‘Me and my sister are travelling to Manchester tonight.’ It was a lie, but all she could think of. ‘Dad’s not been well, and we need to be there.’

      ‘Liar!’ She was halfway dressed with her blouse on and her skirt round her ankles, when he was on her again. ‘Wherever you’re off to, it can wait,’ he grunted. ‘I ain’t had my money’s worth yet.’ With that he pushed her against the wall and pinning her arms out wide, he took her again, this time more brutally, and with deliberate cruelty.

      Even now, in the middle of pleasuring himself, he couldn’t resist adding insult to injury.

      Wiping his wet lips over hers, he whispered spitefully, ‘You’re a bit jaded for my taste, so I won’t be after you again, you can be sure o’ that.’ He took her quick and afterwards threw her aside.

      Lying on the floor where he’d thrown her, she cried openly, while he continued to insult and degrade her. ‘Get dressed and get gone. I don’t want to see you again.’

      ‘I need my money.’ She had never been used like he’d used her, and she felt ashamed and angry. ‘I’m not leaving without my money.’

      ‘Oh, you’ll get your money all right. I won’t have it said that Clem Jackson doesn’t pay his doxies.’ Quickly dressing, he then flung open the door and stepped outside.

      ‘Where are you going?’ Frantic, she fell over herself trying to get dressed before he disappeared.

      ‘To check on my animals. They’re better company than you are.’ He spat on the ground. ‘Whore!’

      Now he was out of the door, she couldn’t get dressed fast enough. ‘Wait!’ She ran after him. ‘WAIT!’

      ‘Look, Grandad.’ Seeing the woman running towards the field, one shoe on and the other in her hand, the child was curious. ‘There’s a lady, and she’s only got one shoe on.’

      The old man turned his head to see. He had already noticed Clem striding away and suspected the woman wouldn’t be far behind. ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he told young Cathleen. ‘I dare say she’ll be gone soon.’

      As with all children her attention soon wavered. Looking to where Danny and Emily were working on the swing, she asked hopefully, ‘Do you think Danny’s finished my swing yet?’

      ‘Go and see, why don’t yer?’

      ‘I can’t – Danny told me not to go near until he called.’

      Welcoming the idea, he answered with a hug. ‘Quite right too, lass. You could likely get caught with one o’ them timbers and we wouldn’t want that now, would we, eh?’

      He glanced across to where Danny was putting the final touches to the swing. ‘I reckon it might be all right now, though,’ he observed. ‘Why don’t yer go and see? I’m sure it would be safe.’

      She slid her tiny hand in his and, tugging hard, entreated him to go with her.

      ‘No, lass. You go. I’ll just sit here and wait for your grandma to come back.’

      ‘Are you merry?’

      He laughed at that. ‘Why d’you ask?’

      ‘’Cause Grandma said when you drink that Ederber wine, you get too merry and then you fall over.’

      ‘It’s true enough,’ he admitted. ‘I might well fall over if only she’d give me a big enough measure to mek me merry, but there’s no fear o’ that. So no, I’m not all that merry at the minute.’ He winked. ‘It’s grand to be out in the fresh air though, and I’m very grateful for that.’

      ‘Did Danny carry you all the way down?’


      ‘Did it hurt?’

      ‘Only my dignity.’

      ‘He’s nice, isn’t he?’

      ‘Yer right, lass, he is.’

      ‘I’d like him for a daddy.’

      ‘Would you now?’

      ‘Will you ask him, Grandad? Will you ask him if he’ll be my daddy?’

      ‘No, lass. It’s not for me or you to interfere, sweetheart. It’s for your mammy and Danny to decide.’ Thomas gave her a knowing wink. ‘I’ve a feeling they’ll work it out, lass.’

      Leaping up, she threw her arms round his neck. ‘I love you, Grandad.’

      Tears filled his old eyes. ‘Oh, an’ I love you, child. You’re a joy to be with.’ With great difficulty he lifted her down. ‘Go on then. See if your swing’s ready.’

      ‘If it is, you can have a go on it, Grandad. It won’t break. Danny says it’ll be strong enough to take an elephant.’

      ‘Are you saying I’m heavy as an elephant?’

      ‘No, but you can have a swing if you like.’

      The old man chuckled aloud. ‘I’d best not, but thank you all the same. Now go on. Be off with yer.’
